Updated: 03/17/13 -
Table of Content
- Rules - v0.2 (11 March 2013)
- Agreement
- Faq - v0.4 (11 March 2013)
Notice: The ladder is not in any way associated with
the official Wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or
the developers of Wesnoth. Please don't use the forum to start new ladder threads and don't ever contact
the Wesnoth staff or server admins about ladder related issues - they won't & can't help you.
Ladder Rating & Ranking
- To be rated you just need to play a game. The more games you
play against different opponents, the more accurate your rating becomes. All
players that have played one or more games always have a rating.
- To be ranked you must have played at least;
- 10 games and
- have played at least one game the recent 30 days. The rank orders
players by comparing their rating and also the amount of games they've
played. The more, the better, in both cases.
- To be listed in the ladder table you must;
- have a rating that's 1300 or above, and
- have played at least one game the recent 30 days and
- played at least 10 games in total. You can read the details here.
Game setup
- All games are 1 vs 1. You're allowed to play however many games you want,
with whoever that is participating in the ladder and that wants to compete
with you. To find an opponent for a ladder game you'd have to contact people
in the ladder and/or create (ladder) games on the official server. You can
find players by using the ladder Discord https://discord.gg/Ud3sKzf and also email challenge them via their profile.
- Game must be played on one of the Official Servers using the
original unmodified software.
- The name of the game must start with (Ladder). It should then be followed by your Elo score.
The ranking may be rounded to nearest hundredth (1545 becomes 1500).
It's recommended but not mandatory to add the ladder website as well http://wesnoth.gamingladder.info/.
This is to encourage new players to find the Ladder website.
An example of a ladder game name according to the above would be: Ladder http://wesnoth.gamingladder.info/ (eyerouge 1600) Another
When joining a game make sure your opponent is aware of your ELO.
- Only the current stable and development versions of Battle for Wesnoth
for your platform are legal for you. Always make sure both you and your
opponent use the same version before the game begins to avoid all kinds of
- You must have downloaded your copy of Wesnoth from a site that the
wesnoth.org download section links to.
- The loading of Saved Games isn't allowed unless you both explicitly agree
that it is or the rules suggest it.
- Currently you may use either the Ladder Era or the default era. No other eras are
accepted. Once the Ladder Era is out of its tasting phase it will be the only era allowed.
- Use map settings: On Shuffle Sides: On
- Time limits are not required, but if you do please set according to the
- Reservoir: 300
- Init. Limit: 300
- Turn Bonus: 300
- Action Bonus: 0
These are the lowest values allowed unless you agree on
another higher or lower setting with your opponent before the game
starts. (If you're an apprentice be warned: For many total newcomers to
the world of Wesnoth the recommended time setting can be harsh. You have
to eat many Wose roots before you can play the game skillfully under the
perils of time. Try to agree on more time before starting the game if you're
worried about this.)
- Settings within the game lobby: Be in different teams, have the map
default amount of gold and default income.
- Observers: It's strongly encouraged that you allow observers, but you
have the right to play ladder games with observers turned off. If at least
one player requests that observers are turned off then observers must be
turned off. A player who enters a game with observers on automatically
agrees on allowing observers. Notice: If you allow observers your
opponent or his friends can observe your moves with another instance of
Wesnoth. In general people don't cheat, and it's considered to be more polite
and friendly to allow observers.
- When playing a ladder game you must a) use the exact and same
nick in the game as you use on the ladder and b) also make sure that
the opponent also has his original ladder name when playing a ladder game
with you. If you fail you may get your game result deleted by admin without
any warning. It doesn't matter which one of you isn't using his/her real
ladder nickname - as long as one isn't doing it the game result is void, and
you're not even entitled to report the game in the first place. In cases
where you disconnect and can't get your real nickname back on a reconnect
then you should still use your exact real ladder nickname followed by an
extenstion marking that it's a temporary solution. Example: nickname_2 or
nickname_tmp. If using an extension make sure it's crystal clear you're doing
so, especially if you have hard to understand nickname. If somebody has hi-
jacked your nickname then don't play until you have resolved the situation.
It is also a good idea to register your nickname on the Wesnoth forums so
that it requires a password to log into the lobby. This will make sure no one
ever uses your nickname.
- If two players communicate the language used should be English
unless they both agree to use another language. If an observer speaks
openly in a game, so that the players can see the text, she/he is only
allowed to do so in the very same language the players use. Private chat
between the observers may occur in any language.
- The winner of the game is allowed to report the result to the
ladder after each finished game. The loser isn't.
- Except for the cases below the winner/loser is declared by Wesnoth.
- In cases where one of the players get disconnected and/or
disconnects the other player must a) wait 15 minutes for b) the disconnecter
to return to the game or server lobby and c) state his/her intention to
continue the game. If the disconnecter does all this then the game
must be loaded by the non-disconnecter and continued from the most recent
save. If the non-disconnector lacks the save game it may be created/loaded
by the disconnecter instead. If a player disconnects and fails to return to
the game or server lobby within 15 minutes he/she loses the game. If a player
disconnects and returns to the game or server lobby within time but doesn't
explicitly state that he/she wishes to continue the game he/she loses the
game. Everything in this paragraph can be handled in another way if
the players all agree on it.
- In cases where all players get disconnected due to official
server failure then a) all players must try to rejoin the server lobby within
10 minutes from the disconnect in order to resume the game by loading. b) If
the server is still officially unreachable after 15 minutes the game ends
as a draw and isn't reported to the ladder unless both players agree on
something else. c) If one player reconnects, waits 15 minutes for the other
player to show up and the other player doesn't, the player who re-connected
wins the game.
- If all parties at any time agree that they began playing the game using
the wrong settings they're allowed to disconnect and start a new game
instead. The correct settings are defined in this document.
- Always save a replay of your game - it might be of value in the future
and will also prevent the most common cheaters.
- If you manage to make a false report by mistake please send us a mail and
we'll correct it.
- As soon as an out of sync (OOS) message is shown to a player that player
must report it to the other. The game must then be loaded from the most
recent saved turn before the first OOS-message. OOS errors mean that
the game sends different types of info to the players, which in the end
will result you seeing all kinds of things that haven't isn't seen by your
opponent and vice versa. In essence you'll be playing two separate games
against nobody, which doesn't make any sense. If you ignore the OOS-error
messages and keep on playing the game is declared invalid unless it's re-
loaded according to the above.
- In cases where the OOS problem arise, the player requesting a re-load due
to the OSS error must be able to validate the error with a screenshot and a
save file if the opponent doesn't get the same error message and
the opponent actually demands the validation.
- It's strongly recommended that you always finish a game the same day it
was started because experience tells us that players you don't know can be
problematic to get hold of. If however both players explicitly agree that
they want to finish the game another time by saving and then reloading it in
the future they are allowed to do so. If one player must leave and cannot
finish a game they can request to save the game and continue later. If the
match is close with neither side having a real advantage then you must wait
to finish the match before it is allowed to be reported. However, if one side
is winning and the other side requests a save to continue later, and then
you are unable to reach that person for a match within a week you are then
allowed to go ahead and report the match as a win.
- By registering or using the ladder you agree to follow all rules and
- You swear that you won't ever cheat, report false results or fail to
report correct ones, abuse or exploit this system in any way.
- You are only allowed to have one account. If you want to create a new
account and deactivate your old please contact us. Contact info for the
current Ladder Admin can be found at the bottom of this page.
- If you suspect a player breaks the agreement you must contact us.
Don't fear - we treat all correspondence with discretion. Whatever you do,
don't start rumours or accusations in the open as it never leads to
anything productive.
- Using this ladder and our services isn't a right - it's a privilege that
we choose to give to you as long as we want and as long as it's possible.
- If there are breaches in the agreement and/or other for us apparent
reasons to do so the site administration has the right to ban users and/
or delete/modify results and other info, together with any other necessary
measures that a situation might require for us to secure the ladders
integrity and the intended functions of it as the admin envisions them.
- The rules are always a subject for change. If many players require a
modification, addition or deletion or if the admin sees fit the rules will be
revised. Revisions are marked with a version number and they're announced in
the news section as well as in here.
What is this site?
It's a site that helps you keep track of your skills in the excellent open
source game Battle for Wesnoth (wesnoth.org). By playing against others who
also use the site you can report the results of your games and get a rating.
You can also use the system to find players of similar skill. All you have to
do to start participating is to Join, play a game against another person that
uses the ladder, and then let the winner report the result of the game.
How do I report the result of a game?
Granted you have created an account, you press Report in the main menu. You
then tell us who the winner / loser is, and also your account password.
That's it.
I've played x games. Why am I still unranked?
You must play at least 10 games to get a ranking. The more games you play,
the more accurate it gets. 10 is currently the bare minimum.
Why don't I show in the ladder listing?
You show up in the ladder listing if you are ranked and also have a
rating of at least 1300. While any player can get to see his ranking, only
the ranked players that have a rating of at least 1300 will appear on the
ladders list. This is to keep it free from clutter and to only show the top
Won't people cheat?
In short, this is an imaginary problem. So the answer is no.
I've written a more extensive answer to this one in here.
I can't log in...
These are the reasons for why you can't log in. You;
- Haven't registered: The site requires that you're a registered user to
enter it.
- Registered but haven't activated your account: When you register you get
an e-mail with an activation link. Find the e-mail, check your spam in, and
click the activation link. If you haven't activated your account the site
will tell you this when you try to log in.
- Registered, activated your account, but get a wrong username/password
error: You enter the wrong username and/or password. Check your info in the
welcome e-mail, we included it there for you to remember it better.
- Registered, activated your account, but nothing at all happens when you
ty to log in - you don't even get an error message: This is a common problem
and depends on your browser not accepting cookies. Please change your browser
settings so it accepts our cookies. If you use Internet Explorer you could
also try to add http://wesnoth.gamingladder.info/ to your trusted sites
list within IE. We do however strongly suggest that you abandon the use
of Internet Explorer and go with an open source browser instead, like for
example Firefox.
Is there an easy way to add all ladder members as
friends in-game?
Yes. Amazing you asked that question ;) Use our always up to date friends list.
Does my rating suck? Is having 1500 good?
Many players that are not familiar with Elo's Rating System believe that
1500 is a newcomers rating. Understand this: It is not the case!
When a player registers at the ladder he/she gets a rating of 1500, but,
that rating is really the expected rating of an average player and
not of a newcomer to the game. This means that people that are new to the
game or still learning it are expected to have a rating that’s way
lower than 1500. It's normal. A player who has been around for a while and
knows the game is expected to be average and have around 1500, while a really
skilled veteran would have a higher. As a reference, players that have around
2000 are considered strong, and those beyond 2500 grandmasters.
Whatever your rating is, it doesn't suck. The rating is a measure of
your skills, in relation to the other players on the ladder. It gets
better and more accurate the more you play the game and the more different
people you meet. Becoming good at Wesnoth takes very long time and a lot
of patience. If you lack either your Wesnoth career will be short. Use the
ladder as a personal measure tool, to see your own development and to find
players that are about the same skill level as you are - that's when the game
is most fun to play. Please don't see it as competition until you
are truly ready for it and know you can handle the heat. And never lose faith
because the rating says you are a newcomer skill wise or rank low on the
ladder. After all, you are supposed to until you start mastering the game.
With time your skills will grow, and so will your rating.
What does passive rank mode mean?
In order to keep the ladder meaningful, up to date and to encourage activity
we have a rule that says that you must have played at least one game within
30 days if you wish to be listed as a valid contender in the ladder. If
you don't play a game for 31 days your account will be set in passive
rating mode. While being in a passive rating mode you won't get listed
as competing in the ladder and you'll temporarily lose your place in it
until you play a new game. You'll then be considered to be an active
player again and you will be automatically removed from the passive rating
mode. You will of course also regain your proper rating, taking the
new game into account, as usual. And to answer the question everybody fears:
No, you won't lose rating while beeing in passive rating mode. If
you had 1500 when you were put in the passive mode, was passive for 3 months
and then play a game where you win 10 points, you would then be an active
player again, but now with 1510 points.
Help! My Elo points changed for no reason!
Nothing ever happens without reason, and if it does then the ladder needs
some fixing. These are the only times your Elo points will change:
- You have undone one or several games you reported. When doing so you
will still have the points from the game(s) for a while. In the not distant
future they will however disappear, as they should, giving you your real Elo
- For a similar reason your Elo might change without you ever undoing a
game: If you play against Donald, and he, before you two play, has made a
false or wrong report, then Donald will have a higher Elo rating then he
really has when you play against him. This means that if you win over Donald,
that maybe had an Elo of 1600, you win too many points since he really never
had that many to begin with. Later on, after you have played Donald, his
rating get's corrected by him/us undoing some of his wrongfully reported
games he played before he met you. Thus, the points you won when you beat
Donald could be lowered to be correct. The points you will get for winning
over Donald are whatever his correct Elo would give you, at the time you
- The above could be extended to x amount of players: If Donald's Elo
is based on say 2 wrongly reported games, and Donald plays you, and you
play Anna, and Anna plays Flash, then you, Anna and Flash (and Donald of
course) would all get corrected Elo ratings the second Donald's rating is
corrected. The cool part with this is that it doesn't matter how complex the
relations are: The ladder will always fix it. You don't ever have to think
about this, as your rating would usually be correct or about to be corrected
automatically if needed. Add to that that it's also very rare to play against
a player that has made false or wrong reports since a vast majority seldom or
never report false/wrong.
- You played a game and won or lost, and it was reported. Hence your Elo
would change. Check your game history to see if it refreshes your memory.
- Somebody reported a game which you supposedly played. Check your profiles
game history to see the most recent games. If somebody reported a false game,
please contact that person and ask him/her to undo it. If you get no response
then contact us and we'll take care of it. Never contact us directly without
trying to get in touch with that person.
- Once in a while we upgrade the ladders rating system and in particular
the formulas we use to calculate you Elo. In such a rare case it would be
announced by us as news, and the effect would be global on the ladder, so
all other players would get equal changes in Elo points as you. Typically we
adjust the K-values and ranges where they're valid. However, all such changes
have retroactive effects in the name of fairness.
What is the countdown in days for in my profile?
It shows you how many days you have left until you're put in passive rank
mode. You can only see this if you're logged in and view your own profile.
How can I upload a replay?
When reporting a game you can choose to upload a replay if you want to.
It must be smaller than 200 kB and a gz-file. All replays you upload can be
downloaded and watched by others.
What is sportsmanship?
Sportsmanship is a type of karma-system we offer our players. It's a way to
rate the conduct of your opponents by giving them a numerical value from 1
(lowest, worst) to 5 (highest, best). The winner can rate the loser when he/
she reports the win. The loser can rate the winner via the profile -> game
history. Once given a rating can't be changed.
Every player has a sportsmanship average in his/her profile. It's the sum
of all his averages divided by the number of ratings. We strongly encourage
you to rate your opponents as it will make it easier to spot people that
behave badly or in any other way not wished by the general wesnoth or ladder
Also keep in mind that however you rate people, it is always official. Be
prepared to stand up for your opinions and be open with them, or keep them to
yourself and don't use the rating at all.
How to rate
If you've played a casual, normal game where nothing popped up then that
equals a 3. It means that the opponent followed the general multiplayers
conduct and also abided under all the ladder rules. Please keep in mind a
3 is not a bad rating. It's actually what's expected in most games as it
signifies "normality".
If you happen to play against somebody that's friendly or helps you out,
enchants your game play session or does something which makes him/her stand
out as a nice person measured by general multiplayer standards or the ladder
rules, then he/she should get a 4 or
5. Reward nice people.
Likewise, when the contrary is true, a
person should get a 1 or 2. Examples for when it would occur are: Player
is spamming, not responding several turns or reporting AFK, disconnecting
without notice and without coming back or messaging, acting like 7-year old
from hell, etc etc. In essence, anything that normal sportsmanship would deem
as bad and which is unwanted according the ladder rules and/or the general
Wesnoth multiplayer community should guarantee a rating of 1 or 2. Punish the
wicked. However if you continually give 1’s and 2’s to players for no reason
(trolling) then you will be subject to banning.
Notice: Sportsmanship has nothing with player skills to do
or how good or bad a player is at the game itself! It's a rating of the
social aspect of gaming and a measure of the attitude of people.
How do I write a game comment?
The participants of a game can comment it if they choose to do so. The winner
inputs his/her comment when reporting the game. The loser can add a comment
by pressing L/W/WL/Add in his profile's recent game history. Please keep in
mind that comments are always official. Use the English language and make
sure the public can understand what you write. Don't be offensive or an idiot
in some other wat, or admin will delete your comment(s) and/or your account
without a warning. Once posted you can't change the comment (yes, this is a
feature and not us beeing lazy coders), so please read it through before you
post it as nobody will change it or correct it for you later on.
Wtf is Average P W/L/T in the profile?
The Average P WLT shows x / y / z, which translates to the average points
the player wins when she wins, the average points the player loses when she
loses, and also the average points the player gets/loses per game in total. I
hope you all see the potential already, as this great info actually tells you
what kind of a player you/the others are:
The higher average win points a player has, the more higher rated players she
plays (and wins) against. If a player always plays with opponents that have
about the same rating as her she would have a an average win point of 12. The
higher win point, the tougher opponents the player challenged and won over,
and vice versa.
As for the average loss points, the opposite is the case: The lower average
loss point (remember it's a negative number, so -11 is lower than -10) a
player has the more ass whooping she got from players that have a lower
rating than herself. Again, if this number is somewhere around -12, then the
player usually loses against other players that had about the same rating as
herself when the game took place.
The average points in total is the less usable of the 3 numbers: It displays
all the points you have earned - the points you have lost / the total amount
of games you have played. With other words, it tells you how many points you
get or lose in an average game. In reality though this average game can never
exist and the other two figures are way better pointers towards that end.
Where do I get a ruling?
The ladder admin doesn't support or encourage rulings of any kind. The
reasons for that are many practical ones: It would require a constant supply
of veteran players/truly objective referees. On top of that, even veteran
players have different opinions from time to time. In many cases there's
simply no wesnoth oracle that can state something as a fact, on the contrary,
most of their work would be qualified guesses.
Add to this the more theoretical reasons that are separate from the
already mentioned: We don't want to centralize the ladder or the running of
it more than necessary. We don't want a boss or ruler to dictate who wins or
not, since it's not our perspective on how an open source community should
work. On the contrary, we think it should be self-sustaining. Lastly, the
rules are pretty clear about most things and simple to follow. Whenever they
say that a game is won or lost then it is just that. If you think that the
rules need to be revised we'd welcome any input you have on them granted you
argue for your point. We update them whenever there's a need.
The rules suck.
Somebody is bound to feel that way, but it's not really interesting unless
you can explain why and you have sound arguments. If a majority of players
want a rule change we'll fix it. Just prove your case. After all we're here
to serve you, not enforce a special kind of game play nobody is interested
in. The rules are still very early in development and we'd welcome any
What is the stuff next to the players nick in
the waiting for game list?
When a player puts him/her self in the waiting for game list the following
info is seen in the entry:
- Nickname - the name of the player looking for a game.
- (rating) - this is the elo rating of the player.
- time - the amount of time that the player is still available.
- dev / sta / im - where to meet the player: If he/she is already
waiting in the lobby of the development or stable version or if you should
make contact by using an instant messenger.
How is the rating calculated?
We use a version of the Elo system, which is the same as most chess clubs use
to rank their players. In short, the better players you beat, the more points
you get and vice versa. The same rules apply to all players. We don't want to
encourage players to start optimizing their points and doing calculations:
Play because it's fun, not to milk out every point.
The higher the K-value you have (and the better player you beat), the more
points you win when winning. As in the real world we make it harder to get
points the better rated you are. This insures us that inflation is cut down
and, more importantly, that the top rated players really prove their skills.
It also let's the newcomers obtain a more correct rating faster. Keep in mind
that a player with an Elo of 1500 is an average player that knows the game.
We consider a player that has more than MIDDLE_RATING to be very skilled
i> compared to most of the competition, and having about 2500 equals to a
grand master. Statistically speaking it should be rare to see players which
such high ratings, and only a few are expected to reach those numbers.
The K value you get is based on your current Elo rating. These are the K-
values we use:
- 0 to BOTTOM_RATING Elo points give a K value of BOTTOM_K_VAL
- 1 to MIDDLE_RATING Elo points give a K value of MIDDLE_K_VAL
- 1 to x Elo points give a K value of TOP_K_VAL
What are the points in () that I see in the
If you are logged in and view another players profile you'll see something
that looks like this: (10p / 8p) near his name. That is the projected win/
loss of points for you, if you play against him/her. In our example it means
that you would win 10p if you won (and he/she lose 10p) and that he/she
would win 8p if he/she won. It could of course be any other numbers, like
(2p / 13p). The points you win or lose depend on your rating compared with
that persons rating. The better you are than the person, the less you win by
winning over him/her.
What is a provisional player?
In a players profile you can sometimes see the title provisional
i>. In an effort to encourage competitive play, all new players to the
ladder will be given 10 games of new player protection: Their rank will be
simply "provisional". Playing a game against a provisional player is worth
the normal amount of points you would get if you win. If you lose against a
provisional player then you are protected, and you would only lose whatever
you would lose in a normal game, but divided with 4. We use the provisional
mode to encourage competitive players and to make new players get an accurate
rating faster by giving them a much higher K while they are provisional.
Won't players just play against weaker players
or stop playing to maintain their high rating?
First of all, it's true that players have great freedom to choose their
opponents and wouldn't rush into a game against a person that’s much more
skilled than them. That said, why would/should they? If players behave like
that then their opponents would get easy wins, so it's fair to say that this
balances it self. If Anna won't play others who are over-skilled compared to
her, nor would anyone else play against her if she's over-skilled compared to
Second, the larger the rating difference is, the less points the higher
ranked player will win. If the higher ranked player (2000) wins against the
lower ranked (1500) he gets 1 p. If the lower ranked player wins against the
higher in our example he gets 23 p. This suggests that the higher ranked
player is taking a large risk point wise when facing an average player with
1500: While she can only win 1 p, she can lose 23 p. With that in mind, is
the higher ranked player with 2000 likely to want to play the lesser ranked
player, with 1500? In many cases, we believe it's not so. What this shows us
is that players will usually stick to their own division, looking for other
players with skills that are around their own. It is also a fact that the
higher rated player would win 0 points if the difference in rating is >=
Third, a player can't really stop playing to "protect" her rating: The ladder
demands that she plays at least one game every 30 days. If she doesn't she
will be temporarily put into passive rating mode and won't be listed in the
ladder. Then there's also the fact that a skilled player who only plays
the bare minimum amount of games will face a lot of indirect competition
of the other skilled players since they get to play more games, thus get
more chances of improving their rating, which results in the passive player
climbing down the ladder.
It's not fun or a good idea to use a ranking system.
The Wesnoth developers/community/santa is against it.
Fine. Don't use it then. The best part with this is that it's of free will.
Nobody forces you to use it, and those who do use it don't bother you, do
they? This is here for the people who want to use it.
How can I help?
- If you're a PHP coder that knows basic php and mysql you're welcome
to contact us as we want some more simple functions added to the system.
- If you're not a coder you can find us one.
- If are good with graphics we welcome everything that's under GPL and
that's Wesnoth related. Especially new menu icons or logo. Contact us before
you start working.
- Link to us and use us
- Keep supporting the Wesnoth community and learn your friends to
How can I edit my profile?
Use this page or the icon with the text Profile in the
menu that appears once you've logged in.
What good are the Avatars?
None at all. It's aesthetic, but we could implement an icon system like
Battle.nets. For now it's just nice and let's you select something you like
as a visual representation. If you miss an avatar plese send it to us if it's
legal and if it's a *.gif that uses transparency & that is a maximum of
44 pixels high.
I have an idea for this system / it lacks a function,
who do I tell?
We don't have a php coder yet and need a guy (or girl) before we can start
developing the system further. If you know basic php & mysql you are
welcome to contact us already. If you want to you can also use this forum thread
to post your ideas.
How do I contact you?
The current Ladder Admin contact info is at the bottom of this page.
Where's the graphics from?
It's all from Wesnoth and/or it's community. We've used what we could find
and what we believe is free under the nice license.
Why is the ladder not an official part of the
Wesnoth community?
- The ladder is not official because the concept of it, rating players,
is controversial and/or not wanted among some Wesnoth developers. Their exact
reasons may vary, but most of them probably believe that using ratings is a
bad or for other reasons an unwanted thing which should be opposed.
- We didn't ask for permission to start the ladder, nor did we see it
as something that was needed. Hence, from it's birth, the project has been
- Upon requesting a dedicated section on the Wesnoth forum we got
denied, because the ladder is not official.
How is my XP calculated?
aEvery won game earns you x. Every lost game earns you y.
Formula: XP
= (won games * x) + (lost games * y).
X & y are variables decided by
the ladders admin. There are delicate reasons for setting them to specific
values that also depend on how levels and level related titles are set up,
and also by the community and the game that the ladder measures. Currently x
= 1.5 and y = 1
How much XP do I have to earn to reach a certain level?
The higher the level, the more XP you have to get to reach the next, so it
gradually becomes harder and harder to reach a better level. Exactly how hard
depends on the settings that the ladder admin(s) have done. Here's a list of
some examples. Keep in mind that in reality there is no upper limitation on
what level you can reach.
Notice: Levels, titles and experience points
nothing about player skills. They aren't supposed to measure skill
in any way. What they do however measure is how much a player has played the
game on the ladder. That's really all there is to it.
Level 1 - 10
Level 2 - 21.5 xp
Level 3 - 34.5 xp
Level 4 -49 xp
Level 5 - 65 xp
Level 6 - 82.5 xp
Level 7 - 101.5 xp
Level 8 - 122 xp
Level 9 - 144 xp
Level 10 - 167.5 xp
Level 11 - 192.5 xp
Level 12 - 219 xp
Level 13 - 247 xp
Level 14 - 276.5 xp
Level 15 - 307.5 xp
Level 16 - 340 xp
Level 17 - 374 xp
Level 18 - 409.5xp
Level 19 - 446.5 xp
Level 20 - 485 xp
Level 21 - 525 xp
Level 22 - 566.5 xp
Level 23 - 609.5 xp
Level 24 - 654 xp
Level 25 - 700xp
Level 26 - 747.5 xp
Level 27 - 796.5 xp
Level 28 - 847xp
Level 29 - 899 xp
Level 30 - 952.5 xp
Level 31 - 1007.5xp
Level 32 - 1064 xp
Level 33 - 1122 xp
Level 34 - 1181.5xp
Level 35 - 1242.5 xp
Level 36 - 1305 xp
Level 37 - 1369xp
Level 38 - 1434.5 xp
Level 39 - 1501.5 xp
Level 40 - 1570xp
Level 41 - 1640 xp
Level 42 - 1711.5 xp
Level 43 - 1784.5xp
Level 44 - 1859 xp
Level 45 - 1935 xp
Level 46 - 2012.5xp
Level 47 - 2091.5 xp
Level 48 - 2172 xp
Level 49 - 2254xp
Level 50 - 2337.5 xp
Level 51 - 2422.5 xp
Level 52 - 2509xp
Level 53 - 2597 xp
Level 54 - 2686.5 xp
Level 55 - 2777.5xp
Level 56 - 2870 xp
Level 57 - 2964 xp
Level 58 - 3059.5xp
Level 59 - 3156.5 xp
Level 60 - 3255 xp
Level 61 - 3355xp
Level 62 - 3456.5 xp
Level 63 - 3559.5 xp
Level 64 - 3664xp
Level 65 - 3770 xp
Level 66 - 3877.5 xp
Level 67 - 3986.5xp
Level 68 - 4097 xp
Level 69 - 4209 xp
Level 70 - 4322.5xp
Level 71 - 4437.5 xp
Level 72 - 4554 xp
Level 73 - 4672xp
Level 74 - 4791.5 xp
Level 75 - 4912.5 xp
Level 76 - 5035xp
Level 77 - 5159 xp
Level 78 - 5284.5 xp
Level 79 - 5411.5xp
Level 80 - 5540 xp
Level 81 - 5670 xp
Level 82 - 5801.5xp
Level 83 - 5934.5 xp
Level 84 - 6069 xp
Level 85 - 6205xp
Level 86 - 6342.5 xp
Level 87 - 6481.5 xp
Level 88 - 6622xp
Level 89 - 6764 xp
Level 90 - 6907.5 xp
Level 91 - 7052.5xp
Level 92 - 7199 xp
Level 93 - 7347 xp
Level 94 - 7496.5xp
Level 95 - 7647.5 xp
Level 96 - 7800 xp
Level 97 - 7954xp
Level 98 - 8109.5 xp
Level 99 - 8266.5 xp
Level 100 - 8425 xp
How is the XP requirement for a level calculated?
The Xp required to reach Level 1 is x, and decided by the ladder admin.
Currently x = 10 The requirement for the next level can be calculated by
using the following easy formula:
xp to reach the previous level previous level)
Let's try this out by trying to see how many XP:s are needed to reach level
2. If it takes 10 xp to reach level 1, and the level modifier is set to 1.5,
we'd get the following:
10 + 10 + (1.5 * 1) = 21.5
+ xp to reach level 1 + (level modifier * the previous level)
Let's try this out by trying to see how many XP:s are needed to reach level 2. If it takes 10 xp to reach level 1, and the level modifier is set to 1.5, we'd get the following:
10 + 10 + (1.5 * 1) = 21.5
What lvl do I have to reach to earn a specific title?
Here's a list of the available titles that you can unlock and the level you
have to reach in order to get the title:
Peasant - lvl 4
Recruit - lvl 8
Soldier - lvl 13
Veteran - lvl 17
Captain - lvl 21
General - lvl 26
Hero - lvl 31
Legend - lvl 36
Titan - lvl 41
Third Angel - lvl 46
Second Angel - lvl 51
First Angel - lvl 56
Demi God - lvl 62
Minor God - lvl 68
God - lvl 73
I really think some values/settings that are
being used in the ladder are wrong. Who should I contact?
Most things in the ladder are very customizable and should have been or
actually are properly set by your ladder administration. They alone can alter
most of the aspects of the ladder
the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of
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Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.
contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord
2025-02-07 15:18 UTC | 0.00275sec.