
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1729   (1729 / 1507) 71% 10 4 14 30 / -16 / 16.36 1  (7 / -2) 4  (50% / 86%: 5 / 5 / 5) 18% (3 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 1 19 22 88%
Please don't message me asking for a game.

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2012-06-04 07:07:01BloodHoarde**Tyrion_Lannister1748 (19)1855 (-14)0395341- / 5 W929Download (929)Details
2012-06-04 06:24:03BloodHoarde**Tyrion_Lannister1748 (19)1855 (-14)03953411 / 5 L728Download (728)Details
2012-04-10 04:18:00BloodHoardeitt1729 (19)1806 (-14)57525553- / 5633Download (633)Details
2012-04-04 06:52:13nelsonBloodHoarde2094 (6)1710 (-8)16581660- / 5 W559Download (559)Details
2012-04-04 06:50:00nelson**BloodHoarde2094 (6)1710 (-8)165800- / -619Download (619)Details
2012-04-04 05:53:19nelsonBloodHoarde2088 (6)1718 (-8)16581658- / 5 W639Download (639)Details
2012-04-04 05:52:39BloodHoardenelson1726 (49)2082 (-5)01658165 / 5 L592Download (592)Details
2012-01-24 06:53:04BloodHoardeTrend1677p (18)1323 (-2)012301235 / 5 W576Download (576)Details
2012-01-24 06:28:45BloodHoardeTrend1659p (18)1325 (-2)01230123- / 5 W637Download (637)Details
2012-01-24 05:52:26BloodHoardeTrend1641p (19)1327 (-2)01230123- / 5620Download (620)Details
2011-11-29 09:42:08BloodHoardewidowmaker801622p (45)1874 (-4)049049- / 5 W636Download (636)Details
2011-11-29 08:37:16BloodHoardeDrunkDwarf1577p (36)1621 (-4)088088- / 3 W744Download (744)Details
2011-10-28 07:39:39BloodHoarde**DrakeKing1594p (53)2065 (-5)019019- / 5 W569Download (569)Details
2011-10-24 14:28:16BloodHoardemoloch1541p (34)1548 (-4)0790795 / 5 W607Download (607)Details
2011-10-24 13:41:14molochBloodHoarde1552 (16)1507p (-32)8007905 / 5 W633Download (633)Details
2011-10-24 06:40:27HaldielBloodHoarde1805 (11)1539p (-22)5805805 / 4 W/L600Download (600)Details
2011-10-23 10:15:12BloodHoardeOlushik1561p (29)1455 (-4)091094- / 5 W675Download (675)Details
2011-10-23 03:09:44BloodHoardeElvenPride1532p (32)1468p (-32)0000- / 5 W578Download (578)Details


Different opponents: 9 || Average games/opponent: 1.56 || Total inflation: -312 || Games vs overrated: 57% || Games vs underrated: 36%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
ElvenPride1468146803232 3201700 1100 00
Olushik14061455492929 290171000 1100 00
Haldiel19121539-107-22-22 22170100 00 1100
moloch1397154830621 34322141000 150 150
DrunkDwarf15771621443636 360171000 1100 00
widowmaker8021791874-3054545 450170100 1100 00
Trend15321323-6215518.3 5503210100 3100 00
nelson200217102583311 49163211000 133.3 266.7
itt17421806641919 190171000 1100 00


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2025-03-31 16:38 UTC | 0.04432sec.