
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1458   (1523 / 1447) 29% 6 15 21 28 / -13 / -2 -1  (1 / -5) 5  (86% / 33%: 5 / 5 / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 2 24 35 70%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2012-05-10 20:44:15molochCleverFool1471 (16)1458 (-16)94909093- / 5 W748Download (748)Details
2012-04-18 21:50:15CleverFoolJurgen1474 (19)1578 (-19)10781101875 / 5 W/L739Download (739)Details
2012-04-07 18:45:29nelsonCleverFool2093 (3)1455 (-4)1810117102- / 5 W608Download (608)Details
2012-04-07 18:44:23nelson**CleverFool2093 (3)1455 (-4)1810100- / -640Download (640)Details
2012-03-30 21:03:30FanjoCleverFool2101 (3)1459 (-4)1410014101- / 5-1NoDetails
2012-03-18 19:59:15CleverFoolblablabla1463 (16)1413 (-16)117121112123- / 5 W624Download (624)Details
2012-02-19 06:11:21VisionaryCleverFool1377 (18)1447 (-18)14112300- / --1NoDetails
2012-02-14 20:18:19RadarCleverFool1515 (16)1465 (-16)0116112119- / 5 W742Download (742)Details
2012-02-14 00:47:43MonTreYCleverFool1465 (35)1481 (-4)0117120117- / 5 W646Download (646)Details
2012-02-05 16:46:49infinity3CleverFool1701 (12)1485 (-12)7210569105- / 4659Download (659)Details
2012-02-04 22:20:47molochCleverFool1548 (16)1497 (-16)9810497105- / 5 W543Download (543)Details
2012-02-04 20:41:35CleverFoolmoloch1513 (35)1532 (-4)098104985 / 5 W/L657Download (657)Details
2012-02-03 02:11:40HaldielCleverFool1939 (5)1478p (-14)370370- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2012-01-26 23:54:58BonoboCleverFool2113 (2)1492p (-9)140140- / 5619Download (619)Details
2012-01-24 23:29:15UndertakerCleverFool2023 (5)1501p (-12)220220- / 5-1NoDetails
2012-01-23 23:29:36CleverFoolViolone1513p (29)1416 (-4)011301155 / 5 W/L562Download (562)Details
2012-01-23 21:46:42Orange_DudeCleverFool1957 (5)1484p (-14)3403405 / 5 W738Download (738)Details
2012-01-23 19:04:41CleverFoolTrend1498p (25)1307 (-3)01250125- / 5 W642Download (642)Details
2012-01-20 23:15:30siddhCleverFool1782 (10)1473p (-20)560540- / 5 W589Download (589)Details
2012-01-18 21:06:44JeronymCleverFool1571 (15)1493p (-30)900880- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2012-01-15 19:55:13CleverFoolSpooky1523p (43)1730 (-5)0630645 / 5 W640Download (640)Details
2012-01-04 21:51:07A_Good_BeginnerCleverFool1796 (10)1480p (-20)510500- / 5 W742Download (742)Details


Different opponents: 19 || Average games/opponent: 1.11 || Total inflation: 580 || Games vs overrated: 76% || Games vs underrated: 24%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
A_Good_Beginner1700148096-20-20 20151000 00 1100
Spooky17141730164343 430151000 1100 00
Jeronym1525149346-30-30 30151000 00 1100
siddh1696147386-20-20 20151000 00 1100
Trend15321307-2252525 250150100 1100 00
Orange_Dude194914848-14-14 14151000 00 1100
Violone15361416-1202929 290150100 1100 00
Undertaker19051501118-12-12 12151000 00 1100
Bonobo2055149258-9-9 9151000 00 1100
Haldiel1912147827-14-14 14151000 00 1100
moloch1397145836031 35323141000 133.3 266.7
infinity318791485-178-12-12 12150100 00 1100
MonTreY1410148155-4-4 4151000 00 1100
Radar1498146517-16-16 16151000 00 1100
Visionary14141447-37-18-18 18150100 00 1100
blablabla13571413561616 160151000 1100 00
Fanjo19791459122-4-4 4151000 00 1100
nelson2002145591-4-4 4151000 00 1100
Jurgen15941578-161919 190150100 1100 00


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2025-03-31 16:37 UTC | 0.06578sec.