
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1481   (1530 / 1441) 33% 13 27 40 22 / -12 / -0.48 -4  (3 / -6) 4  (43% / 0%: NAN / NAN / NAN) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 3 46.5 49 95%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2015-11-21 08:27:25possamAzeriel1478p (34)1481 (-4)046046- / 3 W745Download (745)Details
2015-11-21 07:24:21Solymos-HUNAzeriel1846 (6)1485 (-9)18461846- / 5549Download (549)Details
2015-11-18 23:34:48cycombsAzeriel1805 (10)1494 (-10)28492749- / - W605Download (605)Details
2015-11-17 23:30:45DruidAzeriel1880 (6)1504 (-8)15471447- / 4722Download (722)Details
2015-11-15 23:38:46Azerielarnaldo_br1512 (19)1620 (-19)4504640- / --1NoDetails
2015-11-15 21:15:09mieszkoAzeriel1821 (7)1493 (-9)23452245- / -519Download (519)Details
2015-11-15 18:17:18mieszkoAzeriel1808 (10)1502 (-10)26442444- / -532Download (532)Details
2015-11-15 17:42:26mieszkoAzeriel1798 (10)1512 (-10)26442644- / -523Download (523)Details
2015-11-15 15:56:05AzerielSardaukar1522 (18)1557p (-36)4304305 / --1NoDetails
2015-11-15 15:55:39SardaukarAzeriel1593p (29)1504 (-4)043043- / 4608Download (608)Details
2015-11-14 20:37:25ScaramushAzeriel1617 (14)1508 (-14)41433843- / 2 W604Download (604)Details
2015-11-14 18:30:39Azerielfood4bots1522 (15)1450 (-15)43454345- / --1NoDetails
2015-11-14 17:12:07Azerielmieszko1507 (23)1799 (-17)44214326- / --1NoDetails
2015-11-14 16:44:28mieszkoAzeriel1810 (7)1484 (-9)26432444- / -561Download (561)Details
2015-11-14 13:38:17Azerielsilly_sad1493 (11)1234 (-11)430420- / --1NoDetails
2015-11-12 15:30:57Azerieljo11482 (25)1894 (-19)43114212- / --1NoDetails
2015-10-29 18:10:43HorusAzeriel1849 (6)1457 (-8)19431944- / - W542Download (542)Details
2015-10-28 11:02:18AzerielMasterBao1465 (24)1823 (-18)45204323- / --1NoDetails
2015-10-28 07:58:23RiceMuncherAzeriel1973 (4)1441 (-6)11451145- / - W519Download (519)Details
2015-10-27 22:47:54ElderofZionAzeriel1697 (11)1447 (-11)31443145- / -538Download (538)Details
2015-10-27 22:23:09ElderofZionAzeriel1686 (11)1458 (-11)31433144- / -541Download (541)Details
2015-10-27 22:12:13ezlifeAzeriel1459p (34)1469 (-4)043043- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2015-10-27 15:18:09CaritasAzeriel2079 (4)1473 (-5)743743- / 1 W477Download (477)Details
2015-10-27 15:05:43CaritasAzeriel2075 (4)1478 (-5)743743- / 5489Download (489)Details
2015-10-26 19:28:56AzerielWes1483 (16)1431 (-16)43464346- / --1NoDetails
2015-10-26 18:16:08flyswatterAzeriel1561 (15)1467 (-15)40434043- / - W522Download (522)Details
2015-10-26 17:16:02DollAzeriel1531p (31)1482 (-4)043043- / 2-1NoDetails
2015-10-25 19:04:15DruidAzeriel1872 (6)1486 (-8)0411743- / 5673Download (673)Details
2015-10-25 18:04:15panicmanicAzeriel1617 (14)1494 (-14)37413541- / -492Download (492)Details
2015-10-25 14:50:31Azerielamit1508 (33)1453p (-33)00410- / --1NoDetails


Different opponents: 27 || Average games/opponent: 1.48 || Total inflation: -3 886 || Games vs overrated: 30% || Games vs underrated: 58%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Wasu1422142203030 3001300 1100 00
Wes13441431276-56-18.7 1672381000 133.3 266.7
RiceMuncher21361441-358-19-9.5 19250100 00 2100
jogador1061106101616 1601300 1100 00
TatoFastAndFurious14221392-303030 300130100 1100 00
Amitt1431143103131 3101300 1100 00
igorbat9920371503-221-19-19 19130100 00 1100
Solymos-HUN19351485-60-37-12.3 37386733 00 3100
amit1453145303333 3301300 1100 00
panicmanic17341494-117-14-14 14130100 00 1100
Druid18901504-28-16-8 16250100 00 2100
Doll18131482-282-4-4 4130100 00 1100
flyswatter155614675-15-15 15131000 00 1100
Caritas21961473-238-10-5 10250100 00 2100
ezlife145914690-4-4 41300 00 1100
ElderofZion21941447-1005-22-11 22250100 00 2100
MasterBao17741823492424 240131000 1100 00
Horus1838145711-8-8 8131000 00 1100
jo118651894292525 250131000 1100 00
silly_sad12221234121111 110131000 1100 00
mieszko21001493-1464-15-3 23385130100 120 480
food4bots15191450-691515 150130100 1100 00
Scaramush18081508-191-14-14 14130100 00 1100
Sardaukar16651557-180147 184250100 150 150
arnaldo_br15571620631919 190131000 1100 00
cycombs19911494-186-10-10 10130100 00 1100
possam1380148198-4-4 4131000 00 1100


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2024-12-10 08:53 UTC | 0.08064sec.