
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 2136   (2147 / 1419) 53% 432 380 812 11 / -11 / 0.78 -1  (11 / -10) 5  (51% / 73%: 5 / 5 / 5) 1% (7 / 4 / 1)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Legend 31 1028 1064 97%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2019-07-07 08:35:40MeeRiceMuncher1904 (16)2136 (-11)114114- / 3485Download (485)Details
2019-07-02 13:01:24RiceMunchermatto2147 (6)1949 (-9)49495 / 5 W/L493Download (493)Details
2019-06-30 05:11:40RiceMuncherCackfiend2141 (11)2380 (-11)41415 / 5 W/L507Download (507)Details
2019-06-25 13:44:36RiceMuncherubw2130 (4)1753 (-8)40414- / 5 W523Download (523)Details
2019-06-23 12:57:48mattoRiceMuncher1919 (16)2126 (-11)70835 / 5 W/L507Download (507)Details
2018-08-10 12:09:55RiceMuncherSuperbeere2137 (3)1550 (-5)0284295 / 5632Download (632)Details
2018-03-23 10:11:50CaritasRiceMuncher2199 (7)2134 (-7)3035- / 5656Download (656)Details
2017-10-16 09:30:04RiceMuncherElderofZion2141 (8)2153 (-8)2121- / 5 W544Download (544)Details
2017-09-16 14:17:20RiceMuncherElderofZion2133 (8)2143 (-8)4243- / - W546Download (546)Details
2017-09-05 11:34:19RiceMuncherElderofZion2125 (8)2139 (-8)4343- / 5 W558Download (558)Details
2017-09-05 07:18:52ElderofZionRiceMuncher2147 (8)2117 (-8)3434- / - W547Download (547)Details
2017-09-03 12:54:38RiceMuncherRigor2125 (7)2029 (-11)4047- / 5 W629Download (629)Details
2017-08-31 02:59:24Danniel_BRRiceMuncher2141 (8)2118 (-8)3424- / - W540Download (540)Details
2017-08-20 15:38:34RiceMuncherDanniel_BR2126 (8)2133 (-8)6465- / 5 W584Download (584)Details
2017-08-19 15:21:15RiceMuncherElderofZion2118 (8)2142 (-8)6464- / 5 W541Download (541)Details
2017-08-18 04:03:30RiceMuncherDanniel_BR2110 (13)2136 (-9)7565- / 5 W529Download (529)Details
2017-08-15 23:24:49ElderofZionRiceMuncher2150 (8)2097 (-8)5047- / - W524Download (524)Details
2017-05-31 02:14:04ElderofZionRiceMuncher2092 (13)2105 (-8)3232- / - W/L545Download (545)Details
2017-05-29 23:52:45ElderofZionRiceMuncher2075 (13)2113 (-9)4132- / - W/L538Download (538)Details
2017-05-27 21:26:23RiceMuncherGidoza2122 (2)1460p (-8)1010- / 5 W509Download (509)Details
2017-05-27 01:23:41RiceMuncherElderofZion2120 (8)2074 (-12)1313- / 5 W/L535Download (535)Details
2017-05-17 12:09:40RiceMuncherElderofZion2112 (8)2098 (-8)2112- / 5 W518Download (518)Details
2017-05-16 15:34:34RiceMuncherComputer_Player2104 (9)1934 (-9)07294 / 3 W/L467Download (467)Details
2017-04-14 11:09:15Computer_PlayerRiceMuncher1930 (15)2095 (-10)134134- / 4 W484Download (484)Details
2017-04-11 13:08:03Computer_PlayerRiceMuncher1941 (15)2105 (-10)1341345 / 4 W/L484Download (484)Details
2017-04-09 08:59:19RiceMuncherJeandeMetz2115 (7)1986 (-10)5746- / 5 W636Download (636)Details
2017-04-07 13:24:56RiceMuncherForPeace2108 (5)1828 (-8)518519- / 5 W500Download (500)Details
2017-04-06 11:35:42JeandeMetzRiceMuncher1996 (14)2103 (-9)85755 / - W/L550Download (550)Details
2017-03-22 12:51:05RiceMuncherComputer_Player2112 (6)1938 (-9)615614- / 5 W456Download (456)Details
2017-03-08 12:37:17RiceMunchercraken2106 (8)1877 (-8)617618- / 5 W483Download (483)Details


Different opponents: 235 || Average games/opponent: 3.46 || Total inflation: -45 433 || Games vs overrated: 39% || Games vs underrated: 58%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
nelson20021902-918-53-10.6 1164510100 120 480
wk2000129014581683333 330101000 1100 00
silent19901816-2256-37-4.1 5491910100 333.3 666.7
Ariu19681796-360-8-4 1119200100 150 150
Jazzist14751466-93434 340100100 1100 00
FET20271467-262-23-11.5 23200100 00 2100
PedroLaser126914341653131 310101000 1100 00
Oook22101974-1916-28-4 3361711486 228.6 571.4
nemo14131449363131 310101000 1100 00
leocrotta23211686-459-29-5.8 29510100 00 5100
enacui22171942-737-12-1 44561213367 216.7 1083.3
toDIEisGAIN17111764-1077414.1 95541012080 770 330
Death18091686-2206-30-2.7 67971110100 545.5 654.5
Tesafilmchen17071752184206.7 299301000 266.7 133.3
Conscience1414155830752.5 1914201000 150 150
TheStrategist1287142680-18-18 18101000 00 1100
sordan19831975-87178.5 247200100 150 150
scraed13271419921717 170101000 1100 00
MaYzoN1465146501717 1701000 1100 00
Sombra1668144215-11-11 11101000 00 1100
Elb14071436291717 170101000 1100 00
Unbeatable2138147419-4-4 4101000 00 1100
undeadarmy1467146701717 1701000 1100 00
wiv18771861-127310513.1 12621810100 675 225
Des18371485-175-22-11 22200100 00 2100
thefish20852123-4463-53-3.8 711241421486 535.7 964.3
Visionary14141316-2052512.5 250200100 2100 00
Moi13161327111313 130101000 1100 00
ghost4813981454561515 150101000 1100 00
Glouk19671535-122-10-10 10100100 00 1100
skb17181959293232.3 81581017030 660 440
bluepierrot1655149775-11-11 11101000 00 1100
LichKing187719993266010 7818618317 466.7 233.3
Druid18901476-249-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Veliq17341642-18063 1812200100 150 150
nilkiimas16301700162115.5 2211201000 150 150
Fantri18811746-997-46-9.2 1056510100 120 480
gamelle21142123195943.5 2071132738911 1451.9 1348.1
Honor20021682-54873.5 2114200100 150 150
kakaroto16241364-2743191.6 77581210100 975 325
Janitor2059204989200 2626718614 228.6 571.4
blue0magic14361436303216 32020500 2100 00
kard_12771260-171111 110100100 1100 00
culex16931550-1431818 180100100 1100 00
Undertaker19052026218-35-5 2863715743 228.6 571.4
Izrahel13411328-131212 120100100 1100 00
booner14021419171414 140101000 1100 00
siddh1696177291-3-1.5 1013201000 150 150
redwolf8314001471711515 150101000 1100 00
Dredge1973157169-7-7 7101000 00 1100
Thresher13141582191-5-5 5101000 00 1100
elido21491911-867217 309300100 266.7 133.3
Stenen20951851-1116-22-7.3 1234300100 133.3 266.7
toruneko19711687-548168 193200100 150 150
cikumbrikas16021698466268.7 3812301000 266.7 133.3
happymasksalesman16861746213216 320205050 2100 00
Wif-Gnizla18411626-662-73-14.6 73510100 00 5100
Leuron16741732581919 190101000 1100 00
Burp1640164437-16-16 16101000 00 1100
Zilo18581728-373-6-3 1117200100 150 150
-Achille-15291474-551313 130100100 1100 00
Ishimaru1461146101313 1301000 1100 00
thomzy300014121474621313 130101000 1100 00
Gallifax194616644814414.7 517301000 266.7 133.3
ElvenKing17501900204-69-4.1 751441726535 741.2 1058.8
Lord_Ismaele1425142501010 1001000 1100 00
Cackfiend23752380-2046-23-1.4 6386172694 423.5 1376.5
Kolbur22771893-1278-16-3.2 2238510100 120 480
plk2204116907-9-9 9101000 00 1100
Kira122782056-66021 1412200100 150 150
krotop18141633-35-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Tarakk1438143801313 1301000 1100 00
Massacre121712988199 90101000 1100 00
Huumy19081847-345165.3 3115300100 266.7 133.3
aramaki17991847182144.7 2410301000 266.7 133.3
Arrow14431472291313 130101000 1100 00
Dauntless2283163223-4-4 4101000 00 1100
Bal-Sagoth15541620661616 160101000 1100 00
Numen1475147501313 1301000 1100 00
Horus18381939-372212.3 6544914456 666.7 333.3
psychic18201909892222 220101000 1100 00
black14391477381212 120101000 1100 00
Michaelmax21211879120-36-7.2 36511000 00 5100
jacob178717535227.3 3614306733 266.7 133.3
Calidine109811757766 60101000 1100 00
Jelly_the_Mad_Doggy18601822-2184013.3 400300100 3100 00
Hugo131513695499 90101000 1100 00
Spone1332135652168 160201000 2100 00
Skrim19291459-4701010 100100100 1100 00
Ichorid19291884215-79-11.3 79714357 00 7100
Suerte15571575198-40-8 1555511000 240 360
kitsu17821460-3221111 110100100 1100 00
mattweber17371700-371616 160100100 1100 00
Marechal15601553-71212 120100100 1100 00
stop_chemtrails18121670-4003812.7 380300100 3100 00
kritikos14821482077 701000 1100 00
xenon17421822-286-33-16.5 33200100 00 2100
TheOne21561857-37452.5 138200100 150 150
Wintermute21011838-17-8-8 8100100 00 1100
neki19842071657-8-1.6 2129511000 240 360
DoomBoom13041412267168 160201000 2100 00
Yoyobuae13811369-1288 80100100 1100 00
Sethian14571451-699 90100100 1100 00
scorpious135113802999 90101000 1100 00
sillenia16161457-1591010 100100100 1100 00
bahamut_erm14171456391010 100101000 1100 00
SaintMed12941387258147 140201000 2100 00
Rigor20292029-2817510.7 851071086 685.7 114.3
Mokujin18531828-42-3-3 3100100 00 1100
Megaprimetron14821490877 70101000 1100 00
Altimar126113266555 50101000 1100 00
str1der128413375355 50101000 1100 00
GEO17121707-51010 100100100 1100 00
sinue16171872-3-4-4 4100100 00 1100
c4rLOs821701871-25863 159200100 150 150
Shagal1876200422330.8 2724407525 250 250
Shachi20862117311616 160101000 1100 00
tekelili21261874-452-16-16 16100100 00 1100
tchotchke15451629179178.5 170201000 2100 00
oesis19711879-74-9-3 1423303367 133.3 266.7
Medellin1306143412855 50101000 1100 00
yanchixia20331871-77-11-11 11100100 00 1100
ccc1203137917655 50101000 1100 00
Cremember24091976-1586-11-1.4 3344810100 225 675
tyranium13441353955 50101000 1100 00
The_Black_Sword23481851-402-11-11 11100100 00 1100
Grunwald137313952255 50101000 1100 00
tiboloid18201841-328-44-14.7 44300100 00 3100
JinGak15551810-4-9-4.5 716205050 150 150
Pionsix19101831-82-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Danniel_BR21692118-1073161.6 60441010100 550 550
Smozes19291800-14-10-10 10100100 00 1100
winddog19461792106-8-8 8101000 00 1100
Gyrate17531631-2712010 200200100 2100 00
Computer_Player172119343525241.1 12197223955 1463.6 836.4
Pamir157816194199 90101000 1100 00
Lxx17421748472110.5 210201000 2100 00
rebellofhell20962106-9493010 300303367 3100 00
cheshire_cat17911863721313 130101000 1100 00
Colossi17711657-288134.3 174300100 266.7 133.3
py6aka18451863-6-13-13 13100100 00 1100
fakivaki16211868-26-17-17 17100100 00 1100
Bast20581851-4022412 240200100 2100 00
JUSTPP142914865755 50101000 1100 00
tyler146415195566 60101000 1100 00
khiM18331965-60-31-15.5 31200100 00 2100
mjr134413844044 40101000 1100 00
Orang159016526277 70101000 1100 00
Horde_King18471925-26-14-14 14100100 00 1100
JangGun14721900200-11-5.5 718201000 150 150
Qsto1360148412466 60101000 1100 00
frodo4214401874204-16-16 16101000 00 1100
Faello16841684099 901000 1100 00
The_Scarecrow17131732191010 100101000 1100 00
wieker1581187642-17-17 17101000 00 1100
zahni17661795291111 110101000 1100 00
widowmaker8021791491-68866 60100100 1100 00
PaiMei19171880-371212 120100100 1100 00
Ansengrinth16711660-1188 80100100 1100 00
Zorro18911898122-10-10 10101000 00 1100
Lady_Marian16821907-143-5-5 5100100 00 1100
ShadowVeil22361472-76455 50100100 1100 00
razfaz16311894-54-18-18 18100100 00 1100
Bonobo205521256992751.4 3232485261000 2344.2 2955.8
buz16761862-6-16-16 16100100 00 1100
goiken158617431571010 100101000 1100 00
Rayvids14821482066 601000 1100 00
Mrzinzin19361901-302-17-17 17100100 00 1100
CrazyBulgarian138314769366 60101000 1100 00
Vlad_III_Draculea19031898174-9-9 9101000 00 1100
whatchair19471622-32588 80100100 1100 00
gibble14851485066 601000 1100 00
igorbat9920372027-3372-60-2.2 1231832730100 1244.4 1555.6
Caritas21962134-11786-41-0.5 5025438811199 3944.3 4955.7
Solymos-HUN19352006718-39-2.6 741131527327 640 960
ElderofZion21942153-9043-18-0.5 1571753340100 1957.6 1442.4
Fraktala16011543-5855 50100100 1100 00
food4bots15191459-153205 200402575 4100 00
isar1376137673134.3 13030670 3100 00
Phenoca14751470-555 50100100 1100 00
TatoFastAndFurious142214394700 55201000 150 150
Azeriel14811441-7694.5 90200100 2100 00
amit145314863355 50101000 1100 00
Ian_cillen1459145941155 15030670 3100 00
MasterBao1774204147-5-0.6 4045816338 562.5 337.5
boo140314031394.5 9020500 2100 00
laglie151115402966 60101000 1100 00
night_nistic12961566460115.5 110201000 2100 00
unicorn18751916129-11-2.8 1627405025 250 250
possam138014547455 50101000 1100 00
Doll18131682-34710.5 65200100 150 150
Scaramush18081673-632-23-5.8 1336400100 250 250
NanRoig19442043-30-56-14 56402575 00 4100
jo118651894291010 100101000 1100 00
DrakeKing193621193862211 220201000 2100 00
Iphimemnon153115392173.5 70201000 2100 00
Legends141914262242 40201000 2100 00
Ulric15611537-158113.7 110300100 3100 00
oyoyo14901490044 401000 1100 00
Jk_The_Assassino2k2g1982198201111 1101000 1100 00
MacGuffin142114785744 40101000 1100 00
Imam-Ahmad14901490044 401000 1100 00
nikita1996142115088744 40101000 1100 00
Haldiel1923202115421 1210201000 150 150
Ireborn146914902144 40101000 1100 00
SpaceLorD131413291533 30101000 1100 00
n00bs1266144236284 80201000 2100 00
StJokeR15561556-8900 2020812563 450 450
Fanjo1979203410610.5 1312201000 150 150
Thug_thug1213148827555 50101000 1100 00
TheBeast140214888655 50101000 1100 00
Ammazzalepri18641861-31010 100100100 1100 00
Gautepaute21572140-171414 140100100 1100 00
Lich_Lord1996210136-9-9 9101000 00 1100
amikrop120791966-306289.3 280300100 3100 00
iceiceice18391743-190115.5 110200100 2100 00
Ben2462619201407-51333 30100100 1100 00
Miraculix152715271000 3320500 150 150
KnightKuni15212119341-11-11 11101000 00 1100
LadderBot16382084-7600 55200100 150 150
diomed21592022-543-41-13.7 41300100 00 3100
Fosprey19701985151111 110101000 1100 00
CyBiO179819941961111 110101000 1100 00
Diggy19981937-453-4-0.6 3943710100 457.1 342.9
ForPeace18941828-399-29-9.7 534300100 133.3 266.7
Jeronimo18621836-2699 90100100 1100 00
MYFH18591488-37144 40100100 1100 00
Zinnsoldat1489167118266 60101000 1100 00
craken185018772788 80101000 1100 00
JeandeMetz20641986-146-2-1 79200100 150 150
Gidoza15701460-11022 20100100 1100 00
Superbeere152515502533 30101000 1100 00
matto19561949-44-5-2.5 611200100 150 150
ubw18411753-8844 40100100 1100 00
Mee19632136-59-11-11 11100100 00 1100


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2024-10-24 09:59 UTC | 1.58176sec.