
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1775   (1775 / 1497) 79% 31 8 39 15 / -23 / 7.05 9  (9 / -2) 4  (28% / 0%: NAN / NAN / NAN) 2% (0 / 1 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 54.5 65 84%
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kasia_wawa0 (at) wp (dot) pl n/a n/a n/a

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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2018-01-18 16:45:16Kasia13night_nistic1775 (8)1349 (-8)25352536- / -751Download (751)Details
2018-01-06 13:44:26Kasia13igh1767 (6)1274 (-6)00250- / -640Download (640)Details
2017-04-07 11:45:57Kasia13KakaMayka1761 (10)1459p (-20)220220- / -652Download (652)Details
2017-04-04 17:04:25Kasia13CGM1751 (10)1435p (-20)240230- / -733Download (733)Details
2017-04-01 13:55:17Kasia13Aerthis1741 (9)1391p (-18)230230- / -714Download (714)Details
2017-03-21 13:48:13Kasia13igh1732 (10)1415p (-19)280270- / -656Download (656)Details
2017-03-14 18:32:06Kasia13igh1722 (10)1434p (-21)270270- / -652Download (652)Details
2017-03-09 15:04:49Kasia13night_nistic1712 (15)1647 (-15)28302830- / -554Download (554)Details
2017-03-08 16:53:42Kasia13jojo03061697 (6)1188 (-6)270270- / -619Download (619)Details
2017-02-27 18:41:02jurijuiceKasia131722 (16)1691 (-16)28272628- / 4 W640Download (640)Details
2017-02-27 13:20:08Kasia13jojo03061707 (6)1194 (-6)280270- / -692Download (692)Details
2017-02-26 10:36:38Kasia13jurijuice1701 (17)1706 (-17)2602625- / -604Download (604)Details
2017-02-14 09:49:38Kasia13jojo03061684 (7)1200 (-7)270240- / -655Download (655)Details
2017-02-01 13:57:41Kasia13Legolas_PL1677 (16)1659 (-16)33353335- / -658Download (658)Details
2017-01-31 18:43:39Kasia13Legolas_PL**1677 (16)1659 (-16)33343234- / -608Download (608)Details
2017-01-31 17:45:19CaritasKasia132127 (3)1661 (-7)733733- / 5-1NoDetails
2017-01-29 17:14:33Kasia13Legolas_PL1668 (16)1608p (-31)34393439- / -641Download (641)Details
2017-01-29 16:19:08Kasia13GLOnek1231652 (10)1346 (-10)34463446- / -653Download (653)Details
2017-01-29 10:47:22Kasia13Legolas_PL1642 (14)1500p (-27)340340- / -648Download (648)Details
2017-01-28 14:18:50Kasia13GLOnek1231628 (10)1356 (-10)35463546- / -649Download (649)Details
2017-01-28 13:38:17Kasia13GLOnek1231618 (11)1366 (-11)37453546- / -664Download (664)Details
2017-01-27 17:44:25Kasia13GLOnek1231607 (11)1348 (-11)38443844- / -623Download (623)Details
2017-01-27 16:39:25GLOnek123Kasia131359 (22)1596 (-22)45364438- / 5666Download (666)Details
2017-01-27 15:37:39Kasia13GLOnek1231618 (10)1337 (-10)38453645- / -618Download (618)Details
2017-01-26 16:57:37Kasia13GLOnek1231608 (11)1347 (-11)39453845- / -626Download (626)Details
2017-01-25 16:19:44Solymos-HUNKasia132075 (5)1597 (-7)1039939- / 5-1NoDetails
2017-01-25 16:19:30Solymos-HUNKasia132070 (5)1604 (-7)10371039- / 5-1NoDetails
2017-01-24 14:33:14Kasia13GLOnek1231611 (11)1373 (-11)39453745- / -674Download (674)Details
2017-01-24 13:48:39Kasia13GLOnek1231600 (12)1384 (-12)39453945- / -701Download (701)Details
2017-01-23 15:39:09Kasia13GLOnek1231588 (25)1396 (-3)0433844- / -623Download (623)Details


Different opponents: 11 || Average games/opponent: 3.55 || Total inflation: 1 294 || Games vs overrated: 64% || Games vs underrated: 33%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
GLOnek123136813463541527.6 29514320515545 1680 420
Solymos-HUN19351597275-14-7 14251000 00 2100
Legolas_PL16421659-1594615.3 460383367 3100 00
Caritas22221661-95-7-7 7130100 00 1100
jojo03061184118830196.3 190381000 3100 00
jurijuice17221691-1610.5 171625050 150 150
night_nistic129613494042311.5 230251000 2100 00
igh12541274361268.7 260381000 3100 00
Aerthis136913912299 90131000 1100 00
CGM13481435871010 100131000 1100 00
KakaMayka14281459311010 100131000 1100 00


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2025-02-16 12:19 UTC | 0.03948sec.