
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1544   (1573 / 1437) 42% 8 11 19 30 / -18 / 2.32 -2  (2 / -3) 5  (74% / 0%: NAN / NAN / NAN) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 2 23 35 67%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2021-07-08 16:25:23hitandrunSicario1866 (7)1544 (-9)15301530- / 5365Download (365)Details
2021-07-07 19:21:19ArpusSicario1732 (12)1553 (-12)22302130- / 5 W368Download (368)Details
2021-07-06 19:31:14SicarioSchlamarcel1565 (19)1637 (-19)29222924- / -402Download (402)Details
2021-07-05 18:01:42ArpusSicario1720 (13)1546 (-13)21302130- / 5 W359Download (359)Details
2021-07-05 16:39:50Sicarioclmates1559 (18)1621 (-18)302630263 / - L347Download (347)Details
2021-07-05 13:25:43ArpusSicario1707 (13)1541 (-13)22302130- / 5 W339Download (339)Details
2021-07-05 12:32:55SicarioArpus1554 (20)1694 (-20)302130225 / - L357Download (357)Details
2021-07-05 07:05:35hitandrunSicario1824 (8)1534 (-10)16301630- / 5367Download (367)Details
2021-07-05 06:34:45Sicariovvd1544 (39)1655 (-5)0243025- / -345Download (345)Details
2021-07-04 13:32:37SeaRaiderSicario1656 (13)1505p (-27)240230- / 1 W-1NoDetails
2021-07-03 17:31:03hingiSicario1382 (21)1532p (-41)340330- / 5415Download (415)Details
2021-07-02 23:07:31SicarioSchlamarcel1573p (36)1619 (-4)025026- / -402Download (402)Details
2021-07-01 19:27:00SicarioMegac11537p (47)1840 (-4)015015- / -349Download (349)Details
2021-06-30 23:50:22halderSicario2072 (4)1490p (-10)7070- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2021-06-28 14:43:41Sicariohingi1500p (27)1370 (-3)036037- / -380Download (380)Details
2021-06-15 22:52:46SicarioSchlamarcel1473p (36)1515 (-4)0310315 / -355Download (355)Details
2021-06-15 21:43:38SchlamarcelSicario1519 (15)1437p (-30)310310- / 5353Download (353)Details
2021-06-12 21:39:34SkyEndSicario2216 (2)1467p (-7)4040- / 5386Download (386)Details
2021-06-12 02:41:39vvdSicario1634 (13)1474p (-26)240230- / 4363Download (363)Details


Different opponents: 10 || Average games/opponent: 1.9 || Total inflation: -617 || Games vs overrated: 26% || Games vs underrated: 74%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
vvd14121655465136.5 39262111000 150 150
SkyEnd24571467-241-7-7 7150100 00 1100
Schlamarcel16211637-1946115.3 91304212575 375 125
hingi13841532-16-14-7 27412110100 150 150
halder19571490115-10-10 10151000 00 1100
Megac119851840-1454747 470150100 1100 00
SeaRaider16671505-11-27-27 27150100 00 1100
hitandrun18841544-78-19-9.5 192110100 00 2100
Arpus18491553-543-18-4.5 20384210100 125 375
clmates15901621311818 180151000 1100 00


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2024-10-23 02:10 UTC | 0.05832sec.