
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1890   (1981 / 1490) 63% 238 137 375 9 / -13 / 1.04 -2  (12 / -5) 5  (39% / 82%: 5 / 4 / 5) 1% (2 / 2 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Captain 20 494 525 94%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2024-11-15 14:44:41kkk111hitandrun1653 (44)1890 (-4)0141- / - W213Download (213)Details
2024-11-07 14:25:12ERROR1025hitandrun1384 (27)1894 (-20)7171- / 4 W173Download (173)Details
2024-11-07 13:32:45hitandrunERROR10251914 (4)1357 (-5)1717- / 5236Download (236)Details
2024-11-07 12:51:46hitandrunERROR10251910 (4)1362 (-6)1717- / 5220Download (220)Details
2024-11-07 12:21:32hitandrunkkk1111906 (8)1609p (-20)1010- / 5153Download (153)Details
2024-11-07 08:49:48hitandrunERROR10251898 (4)1368 (-6)1717- / 5165Download (165)Details
2024-11-07 08:06:47hitandrunERROR10251894 (5)1374 (-6)1717- / 5181Download (181)Details
2024-11-07 07:06:29hitandrunERROR10251889 (5)1380 (-6)0617- / 5123Download (123)Details
2024-09-14 07:17:04hitandrunERROR10251884 (5)1383 (-6)410410- / 5197Download (197)Details
2024-08-16 11:32:25ERROR1025hitandrun1368 (27)1879 (-20)143144- / 4 W271Download (271)Details
2024-08-16 04:41:20hitandrunvvd1899 (6)1502 (-8)410310- / 5187Download (187)Details
2024-08-10 02:41:27hitandrunERROR10251893 (4)1372 (-6)411411- / 5168Download (168)Details
2024-08-09 07:27:44hitandrunnewbieA1889 (7)1562 (-9)4747- / 5210Download (210)Details
2024-08-09 06:34:27hitandrunERROR10251882 (5)1426 (-7)010411- / 5208Download (208)Details
2024-01-24 15:40:10ERROR1025hitandrun1395 (26)1877 (-20)22132012- / 4 W244Download (244)Details
2024-01-20 12:26:29Airohitandrun1751 (20)1897 (-15)18101812- / 5281Download (281)Details
2024-01-19 14:19:37Airohitandrun1665 (22)1912 (-17)20102010- / 5264Download (264)Details
2024-01-19 13:04:44hitandrunAiro1929 (8)1643 (-10)10201020- / 5 W347Download (347)Details
2024-01-19 10:44:47hitandrunAiro1921 (8)1653 (-10)10201020- / 5 W285Download (285)Details
2024-01-19 07:53:28hitandrunERROR10251913 (4)1369 (-6)10231023- / 5253Download (253)Details
2024-01-19 07:12:18hitandrun**ERROR1914 (5)1405p (-12)100100- / 5249Download (249)Details
2024-01-19 06:35:20hitandrunERROR10251909 (4)1375 (-6)12231023- / 5254Download (254)Details
2024-01-19 06:11:45hitandrunERROR10251905 (4)1381 (-6)12231223- / 5270Download (270)Details
2024-01-19 05:36:38hitandrunERROR10251901 (5)1387 (-6)1201223- / 5247Download (247)Details
2024-01-18 16:21:39hitandrunJungle1896 (4)1322 (-5)001224- / 5313Download (313)Details
2023-09-18 06:35:00vvdhitandrun1632 (23)1892 (-17)20121812- / -302Download (302)Details
2023-09-11 03:49:36StonyDrewhitandrun1900 (13)1909 (-13)1191110- / 5 W328Download (328)Details
2023-09-09 14:49:24kingofwarshitandrun1930 (12)1922 (-12)9889- / -312Download (312)Details
2023-09-09 09:47:53hitandrun**kingofwars1946 (12)1906 (-12)89810- / 5 W258Download (258)Details
2023-09-09 08:37:28hitandrunkingofwars1934 (12)1918 (-12)8778- / 5 W331Download (331)Details


Different opponents: 86 || Average games/opponent: 4.36 || Total inflation: -3 451 || Games vs overrated: 40% || Games vs underrated: 56%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Masukhi123112721116521.7 650311000 3100 00
demario154015404110.2 5150626717 466.7 233.3
peanut164216421045213 671541750 375 125
Vilebeggar19211743-1400255 5732510100 480 120
Danniel_BR21752194-13157.5 249215050 150 150
Sheitan66616341730-19178.5 361921050 150 150
Xplorer16191769188412211.1 150281131000 981.8 218.2
LeadFox17631865123317.8 5726417525 250 250
bobpanda15611677-69-5-5 5100100 00 1100
Zinnsoldat148914991895444.4 73291031000 880 220
halder19571854640141.6 6551927811 333.3 666.7
vvd1478150269441333.6 26112837101000 2978.4 821.6
hay20716691659-272412 240210100 2100 00
abhijit19881922-926-85-12.1 85720100 00 7100
tomigandalf128313749199 90101000 1100 00
Doll18131806-71919 190100100 1100 00
Maboul19801816-7-32-10.7 32313367 00 3100
MasterBao173418991001-42-4.7 3577921000 333.3 666.7
dzomba15921558903612 360316733 3100 00
Sand_Arab1474147511010 100101000 1100 00
Estrada22551781-374-14-14 14100100 00 1100
lllllllllllllll19811769-33-12-12 12100100 00 1100
csarmi1971197102121 2101000 1100 00
Tropt20761798-107-20-10 20210100 00 2100
Attiv198114811481077 701000 1100 00
Diggy19981889-313-8-2.7 1422310100 133.3 266.7
ziyecheng15921592-867-1-0.1 71721441479 1071.4 428.6
Drakula16361806-127-8-4 8210100 00 2100
matto19621884736-41-8.2 41511000 00 5100
SkyEnd24481941-1750-27-6.8 27410100 00 4100
Zvhxii19951663-3321414 140100100 1100 00
Caritas22221925-1651.7 1813313367 133.3 266.7
Chekhovs_Cannon1368142923272.3 125311000 266.7 133.3
NotGaretJax16901690-75178.5 17021050 2100 00
Gallifax19461825-78-12-12 12100100 00 1100
noga15611503-97147 140210100 2100 00
Scaramush1808181115-25-12.5 25215050 00 2100
Cremember24091821-154-5-5 5100100 00 1100
Krogen22361817-6262 1812310100 133.3 266.7
montyy19441823-38-21-10.5 21210100 00 2100
StonyDrew16701909-1632-6-0.5 6470133892 969.2 430.8
bloodybaron13511328-19105 100215050 2100 00
Computer_Player17211834175-11-11 11101000 00 1100
puff14821482077 701000 1100 00
Arpus18491861-1221647.1 7915921189 888.9 111.1
RaptorOgien1433178421-18-18 18101000 00 1100
Hoy1286138810288 80101000 1100 00
hingi1384140070246 240411000 4100 00
Schlamarcel16211587-52-12-1.2 51631035050 660 440
SeaRaider16671660-141-13-3.3 1831410100 250 250
clmates15991850402-10-1.4 3646728614 457.1 342.9
amir130413046105 10021500 2100 00
MiddleTwin15651427-13866 60100100 1100 00
Tamashi15381538-1731.5 7421050 150 150
Sicario15441544-10157.5 15021050 2100 00
winddog19461952262814 280211000 2100 00
Godbeast16541908-1286211 111902260100 1672.7 627.3
KhorneflakesBA17131842-108-17-17 17100100 00 1100
Kira122781838-6-5-5 5100100 00 1100
ubw18411961-367223.1 5129720100 571.4 228.6
Lich_Lord19962032361515 150101000 1100 00
Dreadnough20351908-1271414 140100100 1100 00
wtf_is_this14701491624-5-0.8 2833621000 466.7 233.3
fontebranda127713234644 40101000 1100 00
Testest144018610-5-5 51000 00 1100
Semler19572043861515 150101000 1100 00
Ben2462619201900-1201-68-17 68410100 00 4100
shortcat17191879-95-7-3.5 815215050 150 150
Weiming_Liu20211897-284-21-5.3 1334410100 125 375
Squibie1269134616084 80211000 2100 00
Megac119791951-205-11-2.2 2536512080 240 360
Dwarfifax16271567-6077 70100100 1100 00
enacui22171914-42-8-8 8100100 00 1100
Jehan_Snow151919200-5-5 51000 00 1100
WhiteMagicalHat16181561-5766 60100100 1100 00
amalon18941945-132-16-16 16100100 00 1100
MYFH18591921109-25-12.5 25211000 00 2100
DanieleMurgioni21301901-147-11-11 11100100 00 1100
ERROR1417141737155 15031670 3100 00
ERROR102514461894-354670.1 18718053140100 4483 917
claudio719781657-32188 80100100 1100 00
kingofwars1887192270-2-0.3 3638626733 350 350
Jungle131213221044 40101000 1100 00
Airo19021897-896-16-4 1632410100 250 250
newbieA18101562-24877 70100100 1100 00
kkk11116761890-9042 84210100 150 150


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2025-02-16 01:30 UTC | 0.83384sec.