
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1739   (1750 / 1467) 64% 28 16 44 17 / -15 / 5.43 1  (5 / -3) 5  (27% / 73%: 3 / 4 / 3) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 58 65 89%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2009-10-21 10:07:53SillySodMoi1739 (9)1371p (-17)560550- / 4689Download (689)Details
2009-10-06 19:49:49NarajinXSillySod2128 (4)1730 (-8)659561- / 4-1NoDetails
2009-10-06 19:11:05SillySodthefish1738 (12)1538 (-12)619959101- / 3 W561Download (561)Details
2009-10-06 14:19:43leocrottaSillySod2190 (3)1726 (-7)360361- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-10-06 13:22:22JanitorSillySod2142 (4)1733 (-8)459460- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-10-06 11:12:42SillySodchris81741 (7)1286 (-7)590590- / 3694Download (694)Details
2009-09-30 23:22:38Kira1SillySod1747 (16)1734 (-16)57535355- / --1NoDetails
2009-09-30 22:02:05SillySodFoxtrot1750 (10)1443p (-20)540530- / 3708Download (708)Details
2009-09-22 17:09:08SillySodSweet1740 (21)1934 (-16)6506224- / 4 W700Download (700)Details
2009-09-21 19:07:22UnbeatableSillySod2119 (4)1719 (-8)564564- / --1NoDetails
2009-09-19 16:48:49SillySodartemis101727 (16)1683 (-16)66706378- / 3 W648Download (648)Details
2009-09-18 15:21:09SillySodwieker1711 (12)1523 (-12)6911366116- / 3 W557Download (557)Details
2009-09-18 14:42:47SillySodwieker1699 (13)1535 (-13)75069113- / 3 W588Download (588)Details
2009-09-18 13:11:46tbalSillySod1813 (14)1686 (-14)50694775- / --1NoDetails
2009-09-18 11:55:58SillySodtbal1700 (19)1799 (-14)79476850- / 3 W565Download (565)Details
2009-09-17 16:15:59AsketenbertSillySod1462 (22)1681 (-22)1446813578- / --1NoDetails
2009-09-17 14:48:31SillySodnemo1703 (11)1450 (-11)7413568136- / 3 W677Download (677)Details
2009-09-17 09:55:19SillySodAydoka1692 (13)1519p (-26)790740- / 3 W699Download (699)Details
2009-09-16 17:42:56JanitorSillySod2125 (4)1679 (-7)474476- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-09-15 14:14:21SillySodMag1686 (11)1446p (-23)770730- / 3658Download (658)Details
2009-09-14 18:22:18sordanSillySod1630 (18)1675 (-18)95738776- / --1NoDetails
2009-09-11 13:34:07SillySodGoldilocks1693 (18)1721p (-36)7707404 / 4 W/L510Download (510)Details
2009-09-11 12:22:13SillySodAhilej1675 (9)1297p (-17)800770- / 2 W787Download (787)Details
2009-09-11 12:05:48SillySodkard_1666 (9)1314 (-9)8416680169- / 3 W501Download (501)Details
2009-09-10 20:52:32KolburSillySod1834 (9)1657 (-12)44794485- / 5 W519Download (519)Details
2009-09-09 18:37:22SillySodBurp1669 (16)1649 (-16)868279864 / 4 W/L547Download (547)Details
2009-09-09 13:59:21SillySodgamelle1653 (15)1559p (-30)8608605 / 5 W497Download (497)Details
2009-09-09 12:22:26SillySodRayvid1638 (9)1316 (-9)9017186173- / 3 W533Download (533)Details
2009-09-08 17:48:06SillySodBismarck1629 (10)1325 (-10)9316789169- / 3647Download (647)Details
2009-09-08 17:07:21SillySodanimesh1619 (10)1330 (-10)9616691167- / 3 W534Download (534)Details


Different opponents: 40 || Average games/opponent: 1.1 || Total inflation: -3 812 || Games vs overrated: 43% || Games vs underrated: 52%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Huumy19081574-66842 3430250100 150 150
str1der128413881042828 280121000 1100 00
freesole15591467-24-31-31 31120100 00 1100
lewis14401466263434 340121000 1100 00
aramaki179919041054949 490121000 1100 00
Michaelmax21211539-21-11-11 11120100 00 1100
Zorro18911520-57-19-19 19120100 00 1100
enacui22171506-247-14-14 14120100 00 1100
Artemis1433143303030 3001200 1100 00
Xplorer16301484-1462828 280120100 1100 00
Laivel12961361651111 110121000 1100 00
Akheraphin14251396-291111 110120100 1100 00
salvador183216093-11-11 11121000 00 1100
animesh13851330-551010 100120100 1100 00
Bismarck13051325201010 100121000 1100 00
Rayvid127413164299 90121000 1100 00
gamelle21141559-5551515 150120100 1100 00
Burp1640164991616 160121000 1100 00
Kolbur22771657-443-12-12 12120100 00 1100
kard_127713143799 90121000 1100 00
Ahilej125012974799 90121000 1100 00
Goldilocks22741721-5531818 180120100 1100 00
sordan19831675-353-18-18 18120100 00 1100
Mag14151446311111 110121000 1100 00
Janitor20591733149-15-7.5 15251000 00 2100
Aydoka15061519131313 130121000 1100 00
nemo14131450371111 110121000 1100 00
Asketenbert145316819-22-22 22121000 00 1100
tbal1721168617052.5 1914251000 150 150
wieker15811523-1042512.5 250250100 2100 00
artemis1017721683-891616 160120100 1100 00
Unbeatable21381719-19-8-8 8120100 00 1100
Sweet20021934-682121 210120100 1100 00
Foxtrot14621443-191010 100120100 1100 00
Kira122781734-531-16-16 16120100 00 1100
chris812861286077 701200 1100 00
leocrotta23211726-131-7-7 7120100 00 1100
thefish20851538-5471212 120120100 1100 00
NarajinX22031730-75-8-8 8120100 00 1100
Moi131613715599 90121000 1100 00


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