cpnx (blocked or not added yet)

(27 days until passive. 32 games in recent 30 days.)


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
13 1799   (1820 / 1587) 59% 19 13 32 26 / -16 / 9.34 -2  (5 / -3) 5  (47% / 0%: NAN / NAN / NAN) 3% (1 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 3 41.5 49 85%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2025-03-25 19:48:49leymano9ccpnx1788 (17)1799 (-13)13121312- / 519Download (19)Details
2025-03-25 17:59:16mattocpnx2090 (8)1812 (-8)312312- / 5 W18Download (18)Details
2025-03-25 15:45:07cpnxkingofwars1820 (14)1891 (-14)12101210- / - W19Download (19)Details
2025-03-25 05:36:07cpnxBen246261806 (21)1986 (-16)125125- / - W19Download (19)Details
2025-03-25 05:14:13cpnx**Ben1794 (9)1459p (-19)120120- / - W1Download (1)Details
2025-03-24 03:07:12cpnxvvd1785 (8)1400 (-8)12261226- / -12Download (12)Details
2025-03-21 19:31:28Haldielcpnx1928 (10)1777 (-13)712712- / 5 W24Download (24)Details
2025-03-21 03:36:54cpnxStonyDrew1790 (15)1713 (-15)12131216- / -16Download (16)Details
2025-03-21 02:26:08cpnxStonyDrew1775 (16)1728 (-16)12131213- / --1NoDetails
2025-03-20 02:58:18cpnxStonyDrew1759 (16)1744 (-16)13121213- / -17Download (17)Details
2025-03-20 01:42:39StonyDrewcpnx1760 (16)1743 (-16)13121213- / 5 W15Download (15)Details
2025-03-19 23:06:41cpnxleymano9c1759 (18)1836 (-14)13101211- / -16Download (16)Details
2025-03-19 20:29:15leymano9ccpnx1850 (11)1741 (-14)10121013- / 518Download (18)Details
2025-03-19 03:53:46leymano9ccpnx1843 (11)1755 (-15)11121012- / 5 L27Download (27)Details
2025-03-18 02:29:49leymano9ccpnx1819 (12)1770 (-15)10111011- / 529Download (29)Details
2025-03-18 01:23:48cpnxleymano9c1785 (17)1807 (-13)11101110- / - W27Download (27)Details
2025-03-18 00:23:53newbieAcpnx1907 (10)1768 (-13)811711- / 5 W/L25Download (25)Details
2025-03-17 22:14:07cpnxMegac11781 (22)2019 (-17)1131145 / - W/L28Download (28)Details
2025-03-17 04:13:10cpnxleymano9c1759 (18)1829 (-14)1191110- / -28Download (28)Details
2025-03-17 03:32:20leymano9ccpnx1843 (11)1741 (-14)1011911- / 533Download (33)Details
2025-03-17 02:08:26Ben24626cpnx2006 (8)1755 (-11)511511- / 5 W/L28Download (28)Details
2025-03-17 00:07:05cpnxStonyDrew1766 (15)1682 (-15)11151116- / - W29Download (29)Details
2025-03-16 22:05:26cpnxDanniel_BR1751 (50)2141 (-3)01111- / -41Download (41)Details
2025-03-16 21:32:55cpnxleymano9c1701p (40)1832 (-4)0100105 / - W/L30Download (30)Details
2025-03-16 18:40:09cpnxzq51661p (36)1714 (-5)012013- / --1NoDetails
2025-03-14 02:13:23cpnxComputer_Player1625p (38)1716 (-5)00012- / -34Download (34)Details
2025-03-14 00:49:12leymano9ccpnx1841 (8)1587p (-22)9090- / 532Download (32)Details
2025-03-13 23:27:37leymano9ccpnx1833 (9)1609p (-23)9090- / 538Download (38)Details
2025-03-13 21:35:32leymano9ccpnx1824 (9)1632p (-25)9090- / 542Download (42)Details
2025-03-13 18:43:05cpnxleymano9c1657p (41)1815 (-4)0909- / - W28Download (28)Details


Different opponents: 13 || Average games/opponent: 2.46 || Total inflation: 90 || Games vs overrated: 53% || Games vs underrated: 31%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
leymano9c18101799222825.5 22314115477327 746.7 853.3
emile1454145402727 2701300 1100 00
Computer_Player1716171603838 3801300 1100 00
zq51714171403636 3601300 1100 00
Danniel_BR2141214105050 5001300 1100 00
StonyDrew17661713-203469.2 62165160100 480 120
Ben246261980198632105 2111261000 150 150
Megac12010201992222 220131000 1100 00
newbieA19251768-18-13-13 13130100 00 1100
Haldiel1912177716-13-13 13131000 00 1100
vvd14001400088 801300 1100 00
kingofwars18801891111414 140131000 1100 00
matto2069181221-8-8 8131000 00 1100


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2025-03-29 03:30 UTC | 0.08465sec.