
(26 days until passive. 18 games in recent 30 days.)

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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
8 1925   (1925 / 1490) 63% 65 38 103 15 / -13 / 4.13 7  (8 / -10) 5  (39% / 62%: 5 / NAN / 5) 1% (1 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Recruit 8 135.5 144 94%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2025-03-24 22:33:44newbieAMasterBao1925 (9)1703 (-11)917918- / 5 W16Download (16)Details
2025-03-24 21:50:14newbieAMasterBao1916 (9)1714 (-12)914917- / 5 W13Download (13)Details
2025-03-18 00:23:53newbieAcpnx1907 (10)1768 (-13)811711- / 5 W/L25Download (25)Details
2025-03-17 18:57:29newbieAmatto1897 (15)2033 (-15)8384- / 5 W22Download (22)Details
2025-03-17 18:20:31newbieAmatto1882 (15)2048 (-15)8383- / 5 W21Download (21)Details
2025-03-12 00:01:22newbieAzq51867 (10)1730 (-13)810810- / 5 W38Download (38)Details
2025-03-11 22:56:05newbieAkingofwars1857 (13)1903 (-13)8787- / 5 W36Download (36)Details
2025-03-11 19:31:10newbieA**kingofwars1857 (13)1903 (-13)8787- / 5 W15Download (15)Details
2025-03-09 19:30:17CaritasnewbieA2151 (5)1844 (-7)2829- / 536Download (36)Details
2025-03-09 18:43:55Megac1newbieA2019 (9)1851 (-9)4848- / 5 W31Download (31)Details
2025-03-09 18:42:08Megac1newbieA2010 (10)1860 (-10)4848- / 5 W30Download (30)Details
2025-03-09 18:28:20newbieAMegac11870 (15)2000 (-15)84845 / 5 W/L22Download (22)Details
2025-03-08 21:22:07newbieAvvd1855 (6)1425 (-7)821821- / 5 W38Download (38)Details
2025-03-07 21:44:52newbieAzq51849 (11)1758 (-14)810810- / 532Download (32)Details
2025-03-07 20:57:37newbieAzq51838 (11)1772 (-15)80810- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2025-03-01 21:33:11newbieASytses1827 (6)1450p (-17)8080- / 562Download (62)Details
2025-02-28 15:32:10kingofwarsnewbieA1927 (11)1821 (-11)6868- / -45Download (45)Details
2025-02-28 15:31:02kingofwars**newbieA1927 (11)1821 (-11)6868- / --1NoDetails
2025-02-28 11:30:15Ben24626newbieA1968 (10)1832 (-10)5858- / 5 W43Download (43)Details
2025-02-27 15:50:25newbieAkingofwars1842 (14)1916 (-14)8686- / 5 W56Download (56)Details
2025-02-26 20:10:02newbieAvvd1828 (6)1451 (-8)819820- / 5 W48Download (48)Details
2025-02-24 00:55:00FactoryGearnewbieA1554p (46)1822 (-4)0808- / 5 W52Download (52)Details
2025-02-22 19:25:25StonyDrewnewbieA1617 (21)1826 (-16)158138- / 5 W63Download (63)Details
2025-02-21 18:46:56leymano9cnewbieA1759 (19)1842 (-14)9898- / 548Download (48)Details
2025-02-19 23:49:31newbieAleymano9c1856 (9)1676 (-12)811811- / 5 W66Download (66)Details
2025-02-18 23:26:09newbieAStonyDrew1847 (9)1625 (-11)813813- / 5 W62Download (62)Details
2025-02-18 21:49:28newbieACaritas1838 (18)2224 (-12)8181- / 5 W65Download (65)Details
2025-02-18 17:11:44newbieAStonyDrew1820 (10)1652 (-13)813813- / 5 W53Download (53)Details
2025-02-15 14:33:03newbieAmomom21810 (15)1725 (-15)810810- / 5 W61Download (61)Details
2025-02-14 20:22:44newbieAleymano9c1795 (15)1729 (-15)810811- / 5 W75Download (75)Details


Different opponents: 23 || Average games/opponent: 4.48 || Total inflation: -978 || Games vs overrated: 48% || Games vs underrated: 49%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
DanielBRahma145115243208712.4 15770778614 571.4 228.6
claudio719501508-837-58-3.6 8914716163169 318.8 1381.3
SkyEnd24481584-150-6-3 6220100 00 2100
vvd1400142516111145.4 1917721201000 1781 419
MYFH1859185935307.5 481844750 250 250
hitandrun18901562-1-9-9 9110100 00 1100
ERROR102514721640-1339765.8 1214513130100 1184.6 215.4
bing111379137911-11-5.5 112222500 150 150
StonyDrew17661826-583878.7 1193210101090 880 220
RSShine1562177432-21-21 21111000 00 1100
nuclearm1nd15751552-35-10-5 1121220100 150 150
leymano9c18101842-332266.5 4014440100 375 125
momom217261725-11515 150110100 1100 00
Caritas2179184417115.5 187225050 150 150
FactoryGear1505182249-4-4 4111000 00 1100
kingofwars18801903106165.3 2711331000 266.7 133.3
Ben2462619801832-12-10-10 10110100 00 1100
Sytses135914509166 60111000 1100 00
zq5171417301183210.7 320331000 3100 00
Megac120101851-1-4-1.3 1519333333 133.3 266.7
matto20692033-573015 300220100 2100 00
cpnx17991768-311010 100110100 1100 00
MasterBao1703170311189 18022500 2100 00


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2025-03-29 03:43 UTC | 0.15164sec.