
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

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(passive) 1456   (1604 / 1456) 36% 8 14 22 26 / -18 / -2 -2  (3 / -5) 5  (55% / 0%: NAN / NAN / NAN) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
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None 2 26 35 75%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2011-11-12 02:19:20Haldielzygote1903 (5)1456 (-7)45044113- / 3 W528Download (528)Details
2011-09-03 16:16:44Jeronymzygote1409 (18)1463 (-18)1290129120- / 5 W535Download (535)Details
2011-07-25 22:05:55zygoteKalango1481 (15)1389 (-15)1320127150- / -640Download (640)Details
2011-07-24 21:10:12Diggyzygote1872 (6)1466 (-8)4312743130- / 5 W581Download (581)Details
2011-07-22 21:55:57zygoteTerror1474 (17)1466p (-34)001270- / --1NoDetails
2011-06-11 00:31:19clezygote1496 (16)1457 (-16)118120115125- / - W546Download (546)Details
2011-06-10 22:22:36milwaczygote1479 (17)1473 (-17)124116119120- / 5 W546Download (546)Details
2011-06-07 22:42:48WIF_Luigitzygote1836 (7)1490 (-9)4811048112- / 5 W629Download (629)Details
2011-06-05 21:15:05Uristzygote1487p (34)1499 (-4)01150115- / - W-1NoDetails
2011-06-05 00:23:57zygotePezoula1503 (15)1407p (-30)11601130- / -609Download (609)Details
2011-06-03 21:05:48BubkaBogzygote1576 (15)1488 (-15)10111399115- / - W564Download (564)Details
2011-06-01 22:33:48Michaelmaxzygote2157 (2)1503 (-9)10010114- / 5-1NoDetails
2011-06-01 21:15:33DrakeKingzygote2005 (5)1512p (-13)260250- / 5 W560Download (560)Details
2011-05-24 22:16:52Irmao-Verdadezygote1355 (21)1525p (-42)16001590- / - W645Download (645)Details
2011-05-07 21:23:19Zatoichizygote1510 (19)1567p (-37)13101230- / 4656Download (656)Details
2011-04-29 22:29:54zygotemoloch1604p (18)1245 (-2)00005 / -520Download (520)Details
2011-04-28 20:19:23zygoteJeronym1586p (30)1503 (-4)01230126- / --1NoDetails
2011-04-16 01:23:19pope_benedict_XVIzygote1475p (39)1556p (-39)0000- / 4-1NoDetails
2011-04-16 01:09:30zygotepope_benedict_XVI1595p (27)1436p (-27)0000- / --1NoDetails
2011-04-15 20:44:30zygotecharnel1568p (50)1951 (-5)0260265 / - L574Download (574)Details
2011-04-08 23:44:22zygoteJeronym1518p (38)1596 (-5)088089- / --1NoDetails
2011-04-01 23:25:47soul_stevenzygote1785 (10)1480p (-20)520480- / 5 W523Download (523)Details


Different opponents: 19 || Average games/opponent: 1.16 || Total inflation: -1 588 || Games vs overrated: 36% || Games vs underrated: 64%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
soul_steven21641480-379-20-20 20150100 00 1100
Jeronym15251463-675016.7 68183143367 266.7 133.3
charnel1950195115050 500151000 1100 00
pope_benedict_XVI14721556-33-12-6 2739295050 150 150
moloch13971245-1521818 180150100 1100 00
Zatoichi16171567-107-37-37 37150100 00 1100
Irmao-Verdade13971525-42-42-42 42150100 00 1100
DrakeKing1936151269-13-13 13151000 00 1100
Michaelmax2121150336-9-9 9151000 00 1100
BubkaBog1548148828-15-15 15151000 00 1100
Pezoula14351407-281515 150150100 1100 00
Urist16581499-171-4-4 4150100 00 1100
WIF_Luigit1817149019-9-9 9151000 00 1100
milwac17531473-274-17-17 17150100 00 1100
cle16041457-108-16-16 16150100 00 1100
Terror17161466-2501717 170150100 1100 00
Diggy19981466-126-8-8 8150100 00 1100
Kalango13741389151515 150151000 1100 00
Haldiel19221456-19-7-7 7150100 00 1100


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