
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1548   (1724 / 1406) 40% 70 105 175 17 / -11 / 0.27 3  (10 / -12) 5  (58% / 3%: NAN / 5 / 5) 2% (2 / 1 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Soldier 11 210 219 96%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2011-11-23 13:48:35BubkaBogzenzsei1548 (9)1226 (-9)970950- / - W536Download (536)Details
2011-11-15 14:15:19BubkaBogCirque1539 (15)1461p (-30)9609505 / - W/L668Download (668)Details
2011-11-10 19:48:19BubkaBogisril1524 (14)1420 (-14)10212098122- / - W557Download (557)Details
2011-11-10 18:23:43isrilBubkaBog1434 (19)1510 (-19)12298120102- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-11-10 17:10:15BubkaBogisril1529 (14)1415 (-14)9812096121- / - W573Download (573)Details
2011-11-10 16:49:13cooriBubkaBog1619 (14)1515 (-14)88968598- / 4593Download (593)Details
2011-11-06 13:30:19CreepBubkaBog1564p (32)1529 (-4)096096- / 5658Download (658)Details
2011-11-03 10:55:05rebellofhellBubkaBog1877 (7)1533 (-9)48884789- / 5 W558Download (558)Details
2011-11-03 09:49:45rebellofhellBubkaBog1870 (7)1542 (-9)48874888- / 5 W554Download (554)Details
2011-11-02 18:41:36Mr_SnrubBubkaBog1700 (27)1551 (-3)0877088- / 5 W589Download (589)Details
2011-11-02 17:56:46Mr_SnrubBubkaBog1673p (28)1554 (-4)086087- / 5 W826Download (826)Details
2011-11-02 17:45:09rebellofhellBubkaBog1863 (7)1558 (-10)51844886- / 5 W544Download (544)Details
2011-11-02 15:42:17SpelpBubkaBog1917 (7)1568 (-9)40834084- / 5 W551Download (551)Details
2011-11-02 14:39:02SpelpBubkaBog1910 (7)1577 (-9)41824083- / 5 W564Download (564)Details
2011-10-09 21:07:08BubkaBog**Planewalker1599 (13)1423p (-26)800770- / - W655Download (655)Details
2011-10-08 20:59:06jason1985BubkaBog1764 (13)1586 (-13)61785983- / 5 W576Download (576)Details
2011-10-08 10:21:03FanjoBubkaBog1900 (7)1599 (-10)43764378- / 5590Download (590)Details
2011-10-08 08:51:50FanjoBubkaBog1893 (8)1609 (-10)43764376- / 5583Download (583)Details
2011-09-23 12:37:32BubkaBogrebellofhell1619 (19)1722 (-19)82628164- / - W523Download (523)Details
2011-09-13 14:57:47nagafonoBubkaBog1678 (15)1600 (-15)819178925 / 5 W/L580Download (580)Details
2011-09-08 16:56:53BubkaBogNoumenon1615 (16)1603 (-16)90878890- / - W492Download (492)Details
2011-08-17 14:16:44HonorBubkaBog1925 (7)1599 (-9)30823085- / --1NoDetails
2011-08-01 12:27:41sexelfBubkaBog1475p (40)1608 (-5)085086- / - L-1NoDetails
2011-07-28 15:04:04BubkaBogZorro**1638 (25)2007 (-18)90218822- / - W514Download (514)Details
2011-07-27 15:40:40NoumenonBubkaBog1500 (19)1613 (-19)12189119904 / 4 W/L-1NoDetails
2011-07-08 11:55:36BubkaBogSchlamarcel1632 (13)1492 (-13)105133103134- / - W546Download (546)Details
2011-07-08 11:26:21RigorBubkaBog2213 (2)1619 (-5)81047105- / 3 W/L-1NoDetails
2011-07-08 10:42:09BubkaBoggrey1624 (13)1436p (-25)10501040- / - W611Download (611)Details
2011-07-07 16:55:11tbalBubkaBog1830 (9)1611 (-12)5710556106- / --1NoDetails
2011-07-07 16:07:22israBubkaBog1533 (19)1623 (-19)131101125105- / --1NoDetails


Different opponents: 94 || Average games/opponent: 1.86 || Total inflation: -18 802 || Games vs overrated: 26% || Games vs underrated: 71%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
ancrn14371428-92929 290110100 1100 00
shixue198315411430-143-3-1.5 3134210100 150 150
nelson20021449412-24-6 24421000 00 4100
charnel1950146636-35-8.8 35425050 00 4100
soul_steven21641417-426-24-12 24210100 00 2100
Fanjo19791599-1375-122-11.1 1221160100 00 11100
ShadowVeil22361406-4088-37-7.4 3067530100 240 360
moloch13971468-589-7-1.8 3744420100 250 250
Zaroth148514070-30-30 301100 00 1100
Kpp20341831-2032525 250110100 1100 00
ccc12031123-801010 100110100 1100 00
Maeglym1463143866-4-4 4111000 00 1100
coori16341515-106-18-9 18210100 00 2100
Semler19571673425165.3 2812321000 133.3 266.7
AlaskanAvenger1494151660-13-4.3 1629321000 133.3 266.7
Horus18381449563-15-5 15321000 00 3100
mast1441144101717 1701100 1100 00
Tropt20641477-5871717 170110100 1100 00
pilot15781513-1215317.7 530320100 3100 00
hugho20861491-243-9-9 9110100 00 1100
black_white133414741401616 160111000 1100 00
SalsaRocoto18901682-19494.5 2112210100 150 150
Mint17731816-692191.9 85661063070 440 660
tekelili21261421-620-18-9 18210100 00 2100
argentino17581484-333-29-14.5 29210100 00 2100
Reqinek19261508-365-23-11.5 23210100 00 2100
SeanF15061456-501616 160110100 1100 00
FireBreath18141519-46-20-10 20210100 00 2100
tom03089016371555-1463618 360210100 2100 00
Nationalelf12291308791111 110111000 1100 00
xenon17421490-300-29-14.5 29210100 00 2100
zal1481148355-15-15 15111000 00 1100
Oook22102120-1702412 284210100 150 150
Neuromancer18071554-2531818 180110100 1100 00
cearA1278127801212 1201100 1100 00
Tahartagl17561504-176-4-4 4110100 00 1100
tbal1721161120-25-12.5 25215050 00 2100
khiM1833168024-21-10.5 21215050 00 2100
Skrim19291471-399-27-9 27320100 00 3100
Shoker1495143654-4-4 4111000 00 1100
frodo42144017382982323 230111000 1100 00
Naovy18561432-113-10-10 10110100 00 1100
Ondrew18371698-4814912.3 6011420100 375 125
AssassinT901744140961-8-8 8111000 00 1100
Shadow_Fiend15361406-8-3-3 3110100 00 1100
vandal21891610-2961-22-3.7 3557630100 233.3 466.7
lawd15081454-14500 1616210100 150 150
noob-killer14591335-1241414 140110100 1100 00
Diggy19981636-3622121 210110100 1100 00
DrakeKing19361470-203-3-3 3110100 00 1100
Cadian9th14171411-61515 150110100 1100 00
Aquila14701516461818 180111000 1100 00
Shorty17121479-100-3-3 3110100 00 1100
Rigor20291619370-8-4 8211000 00 2100
Pozitron123314021691515 150111000 1100 00
Dreadnough20351481-72-7-7 7110100 00 1100
Scarecrow13661416501515 150111000 1100 00
whiskey00101253125301111 1101100 1100 00
Noumenon19061603-1432-6-1.5 3339420100 250 250
Schlamarcel16211492-2662914.5 290210100 2100 00
mmmax12321312801111 110111000 1100 00
zygote14561488321515 150111000 1100 00
mustardjelly131214711591414 140111000 1100 00
anoel15851553-702814 280210100 2100 00
Xplorer163017711412020 200111000 1100 00
ElvenKing17501702-481818 180110100 1100 00
th417411628-43-15-15 15110100 00 1100
Bonobo20551682-3731818 180110100 1100 00
Myos15761534-421414 140110100 1100 00
zara17431659-841717 170110100 1100 00
Cremember24092277-1322727 270110100 1100 00
cle16041527-771313 130110100 1100 00
Konrad21476147601212 1201100 1100 00
nagafono18501600-656-6-3 915210100 150 150
Warpiglet126712791288 80111000 1100 00
Gallifax19461646-231-5-1.7 2025320100 133.3 266.7
fakivaki1621169317-18-18 18111000 00 1100
khorne-flakes18261658-111-15-15 15110100 00 1100
The_Black_Sword23481653-138-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Othello33315771492-10794.5 145210100 150 150
karatt16211637-2-4-4 4110100 00 1100
szdik57018341706-1281818 180110100 1100 00
isra15451623-12-19-19 19110100 00 1100
grey13931436431313 130111000 1100 00
sexelf1463160812-5-5 5111000 00 1100
Honor20021599-77-9-9 9110100 00 1100
rebellofhell20961533-1052-9-2.3 1928420100 125 375
jason198521871586-423-13-13 13110100 00 1100
Spelp21071568-387-18-9 18210100 00 2100
Mr_Snrub16351551103-7-3.5 7211000 00 2100
Creep15981529-34-4-4 4110100 00 1100
isril1371142015693 2819321000 266.7 133.3
Cirque13921461691515 150111000 1100 00
zenzsei15661226-34099 90110100 1100 00


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2024-09-21 04:14 UTC | 0.50348sec.