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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1646   (1766 / 1516) 54% 21 18 39 21 / -16 / 3.74 -6  (5 / -6) 4  (54% / 74%: 5 / 3 / 4) 2% (0 / 0 / 1)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 49.5 65 76%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2012-02-20 13:38:59GragorakNotBad1451 (21)1646 (-21)1277812484- / 4588Download (588)Details
2012-02-19 15:16:51RadarNotBad1561 (19)1667 (-19)1107410578- / 5 W556Download (556)Details
2012-02-19 14:03:10ZatoichiNotBad1629 (18)1686 (-18)92708974- / 4593Download (593)Details
2012-02-13 18:29:51GragorakNotBad1449 (22)1704 (-22)1266612269- / 5 W606Download (606)Details
2012-02-13 17:35:12DiggyNotBad2009 (8)1726 (-10)32652866- / 5 W474Download (474)Details
2012-02-07 09:59:52FanjoNotBad1981 (8)1736 (-11)336031601 / 1 W/L509Download (509)Details
2012-02-06 18:08:57FanjoNotBad**1981 (8)1736 (-11)33603260- / 1 W/L493Download (493)Details
2012-02-06 11:59:31NotBadabpdoc1747 (7)1300 (-7)6013360133- / 5 W655Download (655)Details
2012-02-05 16:52:26NotBadInteliteknia1740 (9)1405p (-19)610610- / 5 W521Download (521)Details
2012-01-20 12:04:51goikenNotBad1852 (10)1731 (-14)50624964- / 5483Download (483)Details
2012-01-20 10:27:14BonoboNotBad2100 (7)1745 (-9)14601363- / 5495Download (495)Details
2012-01-19 15:32:58Vlad_III_DraculeaNotBad1951 (9)1754 (-12)355835591 / 1 W/L535Download (535)Details
2012-01-19 14:35:48NotBadGragorak1766 (10)1479p (-21)590580- / 5 W499Download (499)Details
2012-01-19 13:45:41NotBadsuiren1756 (16)1711 (-16)63675868- / 5 W485Download (485)Details
2012-01-19 10:31:21AriuNotBad1998 (8)1740 (-11)296028634 / 5-1NoDetails
2012-01-18 19:19:04NotBadTheVeneGuy1751 (10)1442 (-10)6210660107- / 5 W493Download (493)Details
2012-01-18 14:37:20goikenNotBad1846 (11)1741 (-14)49584963- / 5508Download (508)Details
2012-01-18 11:57:30NotBadReqinek1755 (21)1929 (-16)653558374 / 5 W/L488Download (488)Details
2012-01-17 17:47:51NotBadnilkiimas1734 (14)1631 (-14)6706478- / 5 W638Download (638)Details
2012-01-17 15:39:58NotBadViolone1720 (9)1359 (-9)68116671175 / 5 W470Download (470)Details
2012-01-17 15:12:42NotBadViolone1711 (9)1368 (-9)6811668116- / 5 W485Download (485)Details
2012-01-17 13:48:38NotBadShadowVeil1702 (12)1479 (-12)6910168102- / 5 W461Download (461)Details
2012-01-17 09:29:32infinity3NotBad1610 (19)1690 (-19)846880691 / 2 W465Download (465)Details
2012-01-16 19:50:28NotBadShagal1709 (24)2029 (-18)70186819- / 5 W466Download (466)Details
2012-01-16 18:27:31NotBadwtf_is_this1685 (10)1393p (-21)700700- / 1 W453Download (453)Details
2012-01-16 11:18:55suirenNotBad1727 (15)1675 (-15)67696470- / 5474Download (474)Details
2012-01-14 11:19:25siddhNotBad1740 (16)1690 (-16)646762691 / 1 W/L442Download (442)Details
2012-01-14 10:04:22infinity3NotBad1603 (19)1706 (-19)86638366- / 5 W434Download (434)Details
2012-01-13 16:32:11DrakeKingNotBad2102 (6)1725 (-8)146414645 / 5 W459Download (459)Details
2012-01-13 15:46:48NotBadknight891733 (17)1333p (-17)00640- / 3 W594Download (594)Details


Different opponents: 28 || Average games/opponent: 1.39 || Total inflation: -1 910 || Games vs overrated: 59% || Games vs underrated: 38%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
freesole15591636773838 380131000 1100 00
siddh1696169017331 4138381000 133.3 266.7
Bonobo205517451034522.5 549251000 150 150
wtf_is_this14701393-1333417 340250100 2100 00
infinity318791690-823-7-2.3 3138380100 133.3 266.7
Nordmann18951871-244141 410130100 1100 00
Spooky1714167747-30-30 30131000 00 1100
Harakiri_Kamikaze14271437102121 210131000 1100 00
zenzsei15661359-2071818 180130100 1100 00
knight891333133301717 1701300 1100 00
DrakeKing19361725166-8-8 8131000 00 1100
suiren21671711-89610.5 1615250100 150 150
Shagal187620291532424 240131000 1100 00
ShadowVeil22361479-7571212 120130100 1100 00
Violone15361359-345189 180250100 2100 00
nilkiimas1630163111414 140131000 1100 00
Reqinek1926192932121 210131000 1100 00
goiken15861731526-28-14 28251000 00 2100
TheVeneGuy13921442501010 100131000 1100 00
Ariu1968174030-11-11 11131000 00 1100
Gragorak14781646-55-33-11 1043383367 133.3 266.7
Vlad_III_Draculea1903175448-12-12 12131000 00 1100
Inteliteknia15581405-15399 90130100 1100 00
abpdoc12921300877 70131000 1100 00
Fanjo197917362-11-11 11131000 00 1100
Diggy1998172611-10-10 10131000 00 1100
Zatoichi1617168612-18-18 18131000 00 1100
Radar1498166763-19-19 19131000 00 1100


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