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(passive) 1470   (1721 / 1384) 41% 109 157 266 17 / -12 / -0.11 1  (6 / -13) 5  (61% / 44%: 4 / 5 / 4) 1% (1 / 2 / 1)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Veteran 15 320.5 340 94%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2024-07-24 09:52:39wtf_is_thisSirDube1470 (15)1367p (-29)8080- / 5 W139Download (139)Details
2024-06-27 21:19:06Kendokawtf_is_this1313 (20)1455 (-20)06765 / 5 W/L213Download (213)Details
2024-06-27 11:21:47momom2wtf_is_this1620 (13)1475 (-13)5656- / 5 W225Download (225)Details
2024-06-27 09:13:00wtf_is_thisKendoka1488 (12)1293 (-12)67605 / 5 W/L276Download (276)Details
2024-06-27 09:11:54wtf_is_thisKendoka1476 (13)1305 (-13)67675 / 5 W/L-1NoDetails
2024-06-27 09:10:45wtf_is_thisKendoka1463 (13)1318 (-13)78675 / 5 W/L270Download (270)Details
2024-06-17 12:56:41momom2wtf_is_this1607 (13)1450 (-13)6767- / 4 W300Download (300)Details
2024-06-14 09:40:28wtf_is_thisKendoka1463 (13)1314 (-13)78785 / 5 W-1NoDetails
2024-06-14 09:39:58wtf_is_thisKendoka1450 (14)1327 (-14)78785 / 5 W194Download (194)Details
2024-06-10 19:23:40wtf_is_thismomom21436 (20)1594 (-20)6565- / 5 W163Download (163)Details
2024-06-10 13:01:50wtf_is_thismomom21416 (21)1614 (-21)6465- / 5 W182Download (182)Details
2024-06-10 12:45:00momom2wtf_is_this1635 (11)1395 (-11)5646- / 4 W279Download (279)Details
2024-06-10 10:23:45wtf_is_thismomom21406 (22)1624 (-22)6465- / 5 W148Download (148)Details
2024-06-10 10:19:19momom2wtf_is_this1646 (11)1384 (-11)4646- / 4 W256Download (256)Details
2024-06-10 09:45:47momom2wtf_is_this1635 (11)1395 (-11)5646- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2024-06-06 12:28:20Kendokawtf_is_this1341 (18)1406 (-18)7676- / 5 W/L203Download (203)Details
2024-06-05 16:54:00momom2wtf_is_this1624 (12)1424 (-12)5656- / 4 W/L186Download (186)Details
2024-06-05 16:00:48momom2wtf_is_this1612 (13)1436 (-13)56565 / 4 W/L191Download (191)Details
2024-06-05 15:22:22momom2wtf_is_this1599 (13)1449 (-13)56565 / 5 W/L165Download (165)Details
2024-06-04 14:42:11momom2wtf_is_this1575 (14)1462 (-14)5656- / 4 W164Download (164)Details
2024-06-03 12:24:55wtf_is_thismomom21476 (19)1561 (-19)6565- / 5 W191Download (191)Details
2024-06-03 08:21:53wtf_is_thismomom21457 (20)1580 (-20)6565- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2024-06-02 17:53:53wtf_is_thismomom21437 (21)1600 (-21)6565- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2024-06-02 17:33:01momom2wtf_is_this1621 (12)1416 (-12)5656- / 4 W203Download (203)Details
2024-06-01 18:24:12Kendokawtf_is_this1311 (20)1428 (-20)0454- / 5 W168Download (168)Details
2024-06-01 13:21:51momom2wtf_is_this1610 (13)1448 (-13)3434- / 5 W136Download (136)Details
2024-06-01 12:42:52momom2wtf_is_this1597 (14)1461 (-14)4534- / 4 W144Download (144)Details
2024-05-31 11:36:47momom2wtf_is_this1583 (14)1475 (-14)4545- / 3 W157Download (157)Details
2024-05-31 11:07:39momom2wtf_is_this1569 (15)1489 (-15)0445- / 4 W150Download (150)Details
2024-05-31 08:03:44wtf_is_thisKendoka1504 (12)1291 (-12)91040- / 5 W-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 99 || Average games/opponent: 2.69 || Total inflation: -20 394 || Games vs overrated: 29% || Games vs underrated: 67%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Kanapka17351472-137-28-28 28100100 00 1100
Bonobo20551458-138-14-14 14100100 00 1100
The_Black_Sword23481451-137-7-7 7100100 00 1100
Fanjo19791635-19-21-10.5 21215050 00 2100
NotBad1646139328-45-22.5 45215050 00 2100
Gallifax19461572-168613811.5 191531250100 758.3 541.7
hero19161554-107800 3737310100 133.3 266.7
Endeavour14621418-594623 460210100 2100 00
Galdrad1296129601111 1101000 1100 00
Jeronym1525152969-15-15 15101000 00 1100
Gragorak14781462-112914.5 290215050 2100 00
loveslowly071381138101313 1301000 1100 00
Ikerpeta21041405-6991313 130100100 1100 00
abhijit19881562-4321444 95511140100 763.6 436.4
Conscience14141443291313 130101000 1100 00
uio168316260-15-15 151000 00 1100
Violone15361391-1451111 110100100 1100 00
razfaz16311631-73-19-19 19100100 00 1100
buz16761650-490-18-3 1634620100 116.7 583.3
Bal-Sagoth1554156391515 150101000 1100 00
Mrzinzin19361527-395-26-13 26210100 00 2100
Noumenon19061603-140-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Clavius134413921662412 240211000 2100 00
Szatan1494149401414 1401000 1100 00
goiken158618112252020 200101000 1100 00
hugho20861988-982424 240100100 1100 00
krack19351687-265-17-17 17100100 00 1100
brasimon17011700-55831 2421310100 266.7 133.3
isra15451643187-35-17.5 35211000 00 2100
Xplorer16301530364-23-11.5 23211000 00 2100
Zerwas19061685-448147 184210100 150 150
nelson20021610-73-9-9 9100100 00 1100
Elodin13741439651212 120101000 1100 00
Anonymus1505163560-5-5 5101000 00 1100
SoulMan13961474781313 130101000 1100 00
Green_Arrow20321640-2-8-8 8100100 00 1100
Huumy19081633202-7-7 7101000 00 1100
Volker135213521122412 24021500 2100 00
UglyGrunt16421617-66-18-18 18100100 00 1100
food4bots15191540-909-59-14.8 968420100 125 375
Mr_Burnham16501513-397-5-2.5 1621210100 150 150
DemonofElru13551391361313 130101000 1100 00
khorne-flakes1826156249-10-10 10101000 00 1100
Neuromancer18071528-73-12-12 12100100 00 1100
Gautepaute21571849-599147 239210100 150 150
Kral19401539-40-9-9 9100100 00 1100
black_fawn1488153543-4-4 4101000 00 1100
wrong15621510-1610.5 1615215050 150 150
Sheitan66616341514-20-14-14 14100100 00 1100
panicmanic17341530-694314.4 7039730100 457.1 342.9
Solymos19601493-142-9-9 9100100 00 1100
Yoshy18351490-136-3-3 3100100 00 1100
ugudu13311355241414 140101000 1100 00
ElderofZion21941583-628-36-6 36620100 00 6100
night_nistic129613577785217.3 520311000 3100 00
Computer_Player17211876389168 237211000 150 150
Weiming_Liu20211580-1104-4-1 1620420100 125 375
Yuzir16041595-35-4-4 4100100 00 1100
obiwanreborn14631460-31313 130100100 1100 00
Ben2462619201641-983175.7 3619310100 266.7 133.3
cycombs19911915-762323 230100100 1100 00
MYFH18591584-352-19-19 19100100 00 1100
Kipples18491570-146-14-14 14100100 00 1100
DenLaden10821082066 601000 1100 00
gnidaoL18741536-174-23-11.5 23210100 00 2100
Solymos-HUN193515689-18-9 1821500 00 2100
Sponge14581504123115.5 154211000 150 150
lewington14601471111414 140101000 1100 00
clmates15901432-385-49-4.5 631121143664 436.4 763.6
amikrop120791620-37882.7 2416310100 133.3 266.7
Ammazzalepri1864154650-8-8 8101000 00 1100
MkJester1470147001515 1501000 1100 00
Benzi13971350-72-11-5.5 1021210100 150 150
Waifu1796154311531 2320311000 133.3 266.7
Specktra14341459251313 130101000 1100 00
hay20716691461-2081313 130100100 1100 00
Matyi19721627-10-18-9 18215050 00 2100
Arpus18491660-461-26-6.5 1844420100 125 375
Shiki51914231497394379.3 425421000 375 125
nuclearm1nd15421467-238103.3 2616310100 266.7 133.3
StonyDrew17491541-3105-69-5.8 591281250100 541.7 758.3
Danniel_BR21691605146-2-0.3 2628621000 116.7 583.3
halder19571661103-8-8 8101000 00 1100
Megac119851514-289-42-8.4 42520100 00 5100
R70001589160019-13-4.3 13316733 00 3100
hitandrun18841491-3871.2 4437623367 233.3 466.7
Squibie12691356871111 110101000 1100 00
vvd14121582593175.7 3417311000 266.7 133.3
shortcat17191604-891-34-5.7 1347620100 116.7 583.3
Godbeast16541589-80-33-16.5 33210100 00 2100
Kendoka13131455201231.5 1241011566033 1066.7 533.3
Vilebeggar19211803-3384221 420210100 2100 00
Dwarfifax16271507-30-7-3.5 721050 00 2100
SkyEnd24571495-154-3-3 3100100 00 1100
DanieleMurgioni21301483-259-12-6 12210100 00 2100
diomed21591459-22-8-4 8210100 00 2100
kingofwars19031941382626 260101000 1100 00
momom216201475-698-47-2 1401872392670 730.4 1669.6
SirDube1367136701515 1501000 1100 00


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2024-10-24 09:59 UTC | 0.57204sec.