
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1731   (1736 / 1422) 62% 24 15 39 20 / -16 / 5.92 1  (6 / -4) 5  (26% / 0%: NAN / NAN / NAN) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 51 65 78%
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eagle001 (at) gmail (dot) hu n/a n/a n/a

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2016-12-01 05:04:33Sifu_MesterScipion1212121731 (12)1546 (-12)3203145- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-30 18:59:21Vlad_III_DraculeaSifu_Mester2019 (7)1719 (-10)12311232- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2016-11-29 04:58:21Sifu_MesterZinnsoldat1729 (14)1621 (-14)33383238- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-28 01:17:22Sifu_MesterAxelbully1715 (10)1411p (-20)340330- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-27 12:48:07Sifu_Mesterkapcerz1705 (12)1510 (-12)3503444- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-27 08:12:57Computer_PlayerSifu_Mester1976 (8)1693 (-10)17341735- / 4522Download (522)Details
2016-11-27 06:54:54Sifu_MesterAxelbully1703 (11)1431p (-21)350340- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-27 05:11:10Baltese_WindragonSifu_Mester1879 (9)1692 (-12)22342235- / - W-1NoDetails
2016-11-27 02:07:09Baltese_WindragonSifu_Mester1862 (10)1704 (-13)23322333- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-26 09:10:32Weiming_LiuSifu_Mester1636 (19)1717 (-19)37313732- / -528Download (528)Details
2016-11-26 06:45:20Sifu_Mestervoda1736 (11)1478p (-22)320310- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-26 04:44:37Sifu_MesterRenee1725 (13)1574 (-13)3303242- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-25 21:11:48Sifu_MesterGaretJax1712 (12)1499 (-12)33423342- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-25 20:11:51Sifu_MesterGaretJax1700 (12)1511 (-12)3403342- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-25 18:20:13Baltese_WindragonSifu_Mester1835 (10)1688 (-13)24332434- / - W-1NoDetails
2016-11-25 07:44:16ZinnsoldatSifu_Mester1652 (18)1701 (-18)36323633- / 3577Download (577)Details
2016-11-25 05:59:31Sifu_MesterZinnsoldat1719 (15)1634 (-15)33363236- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-25 02:10:51Sifu_MesterAtys1704 (11)1456p (-22)340330- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-24 19:44:47newbiethinkerSifu_Mester1778 (15)1693 (-15)27332734- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-23 19:11:20Sifu_MesterWeiming_Liu1708 (15)1617 (-15)34373337- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-23 08:17:35Sifu_MesterWeiming_Liu1693 (15)1619 (-15)34373437- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-23 06:42:30Sifu_MesterWeiming_Liu1678 (16)1634 (-16)35373437- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-23 03:04:55food4botsSifu_Mester1457 (22)1662 (-22)46354535- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2016-11-22 03:36:47Sifu_Mester13ismitch1684 (21)1863 (-16)3503524- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-22 02:49:43Sifu_MesterBaltese_Windragon1663 (20)1811 (-15)38243525- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-21 22:18:17Sifu_Mesterdraghen1643 (18)1687 (-18)383238335 / --1NoDetails
2016-11-21 20:37:17Sifu_MesterKymri1625 (12)1432p (-25)380380- / --1NoDetails
2016-11-21 20:21:32draghenSifu_Mester1705 (15)1613 (-15)33383238- / 5 W483Download (483)Details
2016-11-21 17:51:10Solymos-HUNSifu_Mester2019 (6)1628 (-16)1201238- / 5488Download (488)Details
2016-11-21 05:11:11Sifu_Mestervvd1644p (36)1698 (-5)032032- / --1NoDetails


Different opponents: 23 || Average games/opponent: 1.7 || Total inflation: -1 246 || Games vs overrated: 46% || Games vs underrated: 41%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Druid1890148412-16-16 16131000 00 1100
draghen19141687-660-20-6.7 1838380100 133.3 266.7
Krogen22361450-231-11-11 11130100 00 1100
night_nistic12961422260-28-28 28131000 00 1100
Vlad_III_Draculea190317192254422 5410251000 150 150
Jeronym15251591663737 370131000 1100 00
food4bots15191662-14673.5 2922250100 150 150
vvd141216985667537.5 750251000 2100 00
Axelbully134914112474816 480381000 3100 00
Solymos-HUN1935162884-16-16 16131000 00 1100
Kymri13801432521212 120131000 1100 00
Baltese_Windragon20531692-825-18-4.5 20384100100 125 375
13ismitch1863186302121 2101300 1100 00
Weiming_Liu20211717-1578276.8 46194100100 375 125
newbiethinker18331693-55-15-15 15130100 00 1100
Atys1456145601111 1101300 1100 00
Zinnsoldat14891621440113.7 2918381000 266.7 133.3
GaretJax14641499822412 240251000 2100 00
Renee1574157401313 1301300 1100 00
voda1478147801111 1101300 1100 00
Computer_Player17211693255-10-10 10131000 00 1100
kapcerz15501510-401212 120130100 1100 00
Scipion1212121546154601212 1201300 1100 00


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2024-10-24 09:59 UTC | 0.07939sec.