
Need at least a) 10 played games b) 1 games in the 30 recent days and c) 1300 Elo to become ranked.

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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(unranked) 1294   (1305 / 1252) 13% 3 20 23 18 / -13 / -8.96 -1  (3 / -19) 5  (87% / 13%: 5 / NAN / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 2 24.5 35 71%
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thatrosenritter (at) gmail (dot) com n/a n/a n/a

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Uses Both version of Wesnoth & can usually play (UTC):

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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2014-02-17 05:21:52vvdthatrosenritter1561 (11)1294 (-11)7690740- / 4 W611Download (611)Details
2014-02-16 16:24:43thatrosenrittergracz1305 (8)907 (-8)00890- / 5710Download (710)Details
2014-02-16 06:11:32thatrosenritterSMB641297 (20)1408p (-40)0000- / 5 W785Download (785)Details
2014-02-15 23:41:53thatrosenritterCyBiO1277 (25)1655 (-25)0560595 / 5 W/L602Download (602)Details
2014-02-15 20:57:57ElfoRoccothatrosenritter1528p (21)1252 (-3)0000- / 5 W709Download (709)Details
2014-02-14 15:01:33ShadowVeilthatrosenritter2091 (2)1255 (-3)130130- / 5603Download (603)Details
2014-02-14 14:23:04ShadowVeilthatrosenritter2089 (2)1258 (-3)140130- / 5606Download (606)Details
2014-02-14 08:14:34ShadowVeilthatrosenritter2079 (2)1261 (-3)150150- / 5571Download (571)Details
2014-02-14 07:42:22ShadowVeilthatrosenritter2077 (2)1264 (-3)150150- / 5564Download (564)Details
2014-02-14 07:18:05ShadowVeilthatrosenritter2075 (2)1267 (-3)150150- / 5570Download (570)Details
2014-02-13 13:38:17Evaristethatrosenritter1524 (11)1270 (-11)770760- / 5719Download (719)Details
2014-02-13 11:15:54Veronikathatrosenritter1642 (9)1281 (-9)610600- / 5593Download (593)Details
2014-02-13 08:48:22Lets_Gothatrosenritter1493 (12)1290 (-24)810800- / 5730Download (730)Details
2014-02-13 06:08:46Lets_Gothatrosenritter1481 (13)1314p (-26)820810- / 5730Download (730)Details
2014-02-13 00:04:46amikrop1thatrosenritter1916 (4)1340p (-11)280280- / 5585Download (585)Details
2014-02-12 20:56:18nonosethatrosenritter1688p (19)1351p (-19)0000- / 5 W642Download (642)Details
2014-02-12 16:17:34Veronikathatrosenritter1650 (10)1370p (-21)620620- / 5539Download (539)Details
2014-02-12 15:32:25Veronikathatrosenritter1640 (11)1391p (-22)630620- / 5550Download (550)Details
2014-02-12 14:31:32Yubtzockthatrosenritter1605 (13)1413p (-25)710670- / 5 W793Download (793)Details
2014-02-12 10:01:35Veronikathatrosenritter1625 (13)1438p (-25)660640- / 5562Download (562)Details
2014-02-11 23:29:42Dauntlessthatrosenritter2324 (1)1463p (-5)0020- / 5 W677Download (677)Details
2014-02-11 14:27:40Crememberthatrosenritter2310 (1)1468p (-5)3030- / --1NoDetails
2014-02-11 10:08:09Veronikathatrosenritter1622 (14)1473p (-27)650640- / 5507Download (507)Details


Different opponents: 14 || Average games/opponent: 1.64 || Total inflation: -1 651 || Games vs overrated: 22% || Games vs underrated: 70%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Veronika17391281-516-104-20.8 1045220100 00 5100
Cremember24091468-99-5-5 5140100 00 1100
Dauntless2283146341-5-5 5141000 00 1100
Yubtzock160514130-25-25 251400 00 1100
nonose168813510-19-19 191400 00 1100
amikrop120791340-163-11-11 11140100 00 1100
Lets_Go16501290-326-50-25 50290100 00 2100
Evariste16171270-93-11-11 11140100 00 1100
ShadowVeil22361255-769-15-3 155220100 00 5100
ElfoRocco13341252194-3-3 3141000 00 1100
CyBiO17981655-1432525 250140100 1100 00
SMB6413841408242020 200141000 1100 00
gracz8699073888 80141000 1100 00
vvd14001294161-11-11 11141000 00 1100


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Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

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2025-03-31 16:22 UTC | 0.08936sec.