zenhoobb-it (blocked or not added yet)

(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1438   (1662 / 1438) 33% 16 32 48 21 / -13 / -1.29 -4  (8 / -14) 5  (58% / 67%: 4 / 4 / 4) 2% (0 / 0 / 1)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 56 65 86%
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arim (dot) sanijya (at) gmail (dot) com n/a n/a n/a

Available to play

Uses Stable version of Wesnoth & can usually play (UTC):

Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Night

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2013-05-16 15:45:12wariat666zenhoobb-it1571p (27)1438 (-3)00090- / --1NoDetails
2012-11-24 13:52:43Fanjozenhoobb-it2023 (4)1441 (-5)15641464- / 5-1NoDetails
2012-11-22 13:00:58Blopzenhoobb-it1633 (12)1446 (-12)48684669- / 4704Download (704)Details
2012-11-18 16:00:50Tamtam_ruszenhoobb-it1688 (11)1458 (-11)426441664 / --1NoDetails
2012-11-18 15:29:42zenhoobb-itpanicmanic1469 (18)1539 (-18)6606460- / 5-1NoDetails
2012-11-18 15:17:46freesolezenhoobb-it1658 (12)1451 (-12)446543665 / 5569Download (569)Details
2012-11-16 19:17:22Xplorerzenhoobb-it1754 (10)1463 (-10)366435664 / 4581Download (581)Details
2012-11-16 14:46:30Huumyzenhoobb-it2099 (3)1473 (-5)864764- / 5622Download (622)Details
2012-11-13 20:19:43zenhoobb-itfreesole1478 (21)1646 (-21)0436344- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2012-01-30 02:12:00Undertakerzenhoobb-it2040 (4)1457 (-5)2011019110- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2012-01-29 23:53:20CrazyBulgarianzenhoobb-it1491p (32)1462 (-4)01090110- / 5645Download (645)Details
2012-01-29 22:39:08CrazyBulgarianzenhoobb-it1459p (34)1466 (-4)01080109- / 5732Download (732)Details
2012-01-29 21:31:25Orange_Dudezenhoobb-it1954 (5)1470 (-7)3510735107- / 5 W692Download (692)Details
2012-01-23 03:09:47Violonezenhoobb-it1385 (19)1477 (-19)1211041201054 / 5557Download (557)Details
2012-01-23 00:47:26Irmao-Verdadezenhoobb-it1397 (19)1496 (-19)01041181042 / 3807Download (807)Details
2012-01-22 23:03:50Violonezenhoobb-it1366 (20)1515 (-20)1221001201044 / - W568Download (568)Details
2012-01-22 21:48:18siddhzenhoobb-it1759 (11)1535 (-11)6298581005 / 5 W/L567Download (567)Details
2012-01-19 11:01:20siddhzenhoobb-it1746 (12)1546 (-12)659062935 / 5 W/L577Download (577)Details
2012-01-16 00:52:35Fanjozenhoobb-it2020 (5)1558 (-7)209020904 / 5 L567Download (567)Details
2012-01-15 23:40:03Violonezenhoobb-it1365p (43)1565 (-5)0890903 / 3 W/L533Download (533)Details
2012-01-15 21:34:50nagafonozenhoobb-it1781 (12)1570 (-12)568755895 / 5 W/L577Download (577)Details
2012-01-15 18:10:04Diggyzenhoobb-it2009 (6)1582 (-7)218721875 / 5 W/L573Download (573)Details
2012-01-15 13:29:10razfazzenhoobb-it1508 (19)1589 (-19)10382102874 / - W/L-1NoDetails
2012-01-15 02:42:31zenhoobb-itShadowVeil1608 (14)1491 (-14)8610482104- / -546Download (546)Details
2012-01-14 02:02:37Spookyzenhoobb-it1739 (13)1594 (-13)638061843 / 4 W677Download (677)Details
2012-01-04 00:30:41suirenzenhoobb-it1696 (15)1607 (-15)637461754 / 5 W/L512Download (512)Details
2012-01-03 20:35:09Spookyzenhoobb-it1631 (17)1622 (-17)746971745 / 5-1NoDetails
2012-01-03 02:47:37Haldielzenhoobb-it1862 (9)1639 (-11)43694370- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2012-01-02 23:56:59Haldielzenhoobb-it1853 (9)1650 (-12)44674369- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2012-01-02 15:51:26zenhoobb-itGallifax1662 (20)1818 (-15)704868485 / 5 L534Download (534)Details


Different opponents: 37 || Average games/opponent: 1.3 || Total inflation: -3 163 || Games vs overrated: 44% || Games vs underrated: 44%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Cremember24091485-482-15-15 15120100 00 1100
xenon17421499-213-53-26.5 53240100 00 2100
greaseball1466146603434 3401200 1100 00
xiaomin1516151603333 3301200 1100 00
Nobun14461489433232 320121000 1100 00
Galbatorix156014990-32-32 321200 00 1100
Ceoden_de_Rohan1227122702020 2001200 1100 00
sam12961344482525 250121000 1100 00
goiken15861470-1163030 300120100 1100 00
sharapova13661411452626 260121000 1100 00
STN_Leid14121428161313 130121000 1100 00
Blq1473147301313 1301200 1100 00
Warpiglet12671311441010 100121000 1100 00
Grind14261471451313 130121000 1100 00
qnok21821644-597-5-5 5120100 00 1100
suiren21671607-940-30-15 30240100 00 2100
razfaz16311589-284-6-3 1319240100 150 150
Gallifax19461818-1282020 200120100 1100 00
Haldiel19121639-109-23-11.5 23240100 00 2100
Spooky17141594-58-30-15 30245050 00 2100
ShadowVeil22361491-7451414 140120100 1100 00
Diggy1998158211-7-7 7121000 00 1100
nagafono18501570-69-12-12 12120100 00 1100
Violone15361477-492-44-14.7 44360100 00 3100
Fanjo1979144185-12-6 12241000 00 2100
siddh16961535113-23-11.5 23241000 00 2100
Irmao-Verdade139714960-19-19 191200 00 1100
Orange_Dude194914705-7-7 7121000 00 1100
CrazyBulgarian13831462184-8-4 8241000 00 2100
Undertaker19051457135-5-5 5121000 00 1100
freesole1559145118694.5 2112241000 150 150
Huumy19081473191-5-5 5121000 00 1100
Xplorer15831463171-10-10 10121000 00 1100
panicmanic17341539-1951818 180120100 1100 00
Tamtam_rus1614145874-11-11 11121000 00 1100
Blop17061446-73-12-12 12120100 00 1100
wariat66616291438-58-3-3 3120100 00 1100


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2025-03-31 16:38 UTC | 0.1526sec.