
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1770   (1770 / 1455) 52% 50 46 96 17 / -13 / 2.81 3  (7 / -6) 5  (49% / 52%: 3 / NAN / 3) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Recruit 7 121 122 99%
Please don't message me asking for a game.

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2017-04-11 13:48:12airmanComputer_Player1770 (20)1926 (-15)23132213- / 4568Download (568)Details
2017-04-04 16:44:42airmanKakaMayka1750 (11)1479p (-21)240230- / 3682Download (682)Details
2017-04-03 17:20:17airmannight_nistic1739 (14)1611 (-14)25292429- / 3616Download (616)Details
2017-04-02 09:40:09Tamtam_rusairman1641 (19)1725 (-19)2702624- / --1NoDetails
2014-12-14 12:52:25airmanSolymos1744 (14)1622 (-14)37443747- / 3616Download (616)Details
2014-12-14 10:18:25Solymosairman1636 (19)1730 (-19)48364437- / 5638Download (638)Details
2014-12-10 16:40:58airmanSolymos1749 (13)1590 (-13)37493751- / 3569Download (569)Details
2014-12-05 17:59:43airmanSolymos1736 (14)1641 (-14)37453650- / 4621Download (621)Details
2014-11-28 07:33:50airmanHaothehare1722 (9)1366p (-18)410400- / 3712Download (712)Details
2014-11-28 06:48:35airmanHaothehare1713 (9)1384p (-19)410410- / 3711Download (711)Details
2014-11-16 13:16:49airmanSolymos1704 (17)1709 (-17)0394240- / 3597Download (597)Details
2014-09-20 15:04:59airmanKnightKuni1687 (17)1699 (-17)423539363 / 3613Download (613)Details
2014-09-19 15:19:57Krogenairman1644 (17)1670 (-17)4204241- / 5 W606Download (606)Details
2014-02-07 00:34:09OSEairman1602p (38)1687 (-5)00051- / --1NoDetails
2013-12-06 14:52:49airmanMasterBao1692 (13)1543 (-13)0694971- / 3631Download (631)Details
2013-09-19 06:42:51littlebearairman1634p (36)1679 (-4)061061- / 5 W625Download (625)Details
2013-08-28 12:25:02Schlamarcelairman1668 (17)1683 (-17)54505150- / 5651Download (651)Details
2013-08-28 09:27:45airmanZero_16271700 (9)1344p (-18)500500- / 3719Download (719)Details
2013-08-23 17:15:25KnightKuniairman1532 (21)1691 (-21)6606649- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-08-09 01:48:14SlimShady**airman1541p (41)1707 (-5)004047- / 4-1NoDetails
2013-07-03 16:04:49airmanGaretJax1712 (23)1980 (-17)48204720- / 4628Download (628)Details
2013-06-11 14:23:58airmanIAmAluna1689 (13)1511p (-26)540530- / 3761Download (761)Details
2013-05-18 12:59:31Machcik04airman1834 (10)1676 (-13)37583758- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-05-18 11:27:52Xplorerairman1808 (14)1689 (-14)40544057- / 5 W555Download (555)Details
2013-05-17 14:10:19Xplorerairman1815 (10)1703 (-14)40534056- / 5584Download (584)Details
2013-05-16 14:02:23airmanSpelp1717 (25)2108 (-12)571053125 / 3 L610Download (610)Details
2013-05-15 16:51:14sanngoairman1549 (20)1692 (-20)80537756- / 5713Download (713)Details
2013-05-14 07:58:48Fanjoairman1931 (9)1712 (-12)26492550- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-05-08 16:37:35GaretJaxairman2009 (8)1724 (-10)16441644- / 5 W573Download (573)Details
2013-05-07 15:28:45Xplorerairman1837 (11)1734 (-14)35433543- / 5 W560Download (560)Details


Different opponents: 56 || Average games/opponent: 1.71 || Total inflation: -378 || Games vs overrated: 58% || Games vs underrated: 38%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
eYe14981468-303232 320110100 1100 00
siddh16961743309-34-17 34221000 00 2100
Cremember24091505-56-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Fanjo19791712124-62-6.9 2284996733 111.1 888.9
Zinnsoldat148915832205628 560221000 2100 00
freesole155915281155719 7215331000 266.7 133.3
Xplorer16301689726-65-16.3 65441000 00 4100
Cesar13421371812512.5 250221000 2100 00
Agro14501472221515 150111000 1100 00
Dreadnough20351585-44189 257220100 150 150
Bonobo205521311652211 275221000 150 150
Inteliteknia15581632121-6-2 1521331000 133.3 266.7
itt17421836-366385.4 7133771486 457.1 342.9
infinity318791578-123-13-13 13110100 00 1100
Orange_Dude1949195782424 240111000 1100 00
taku15311519151901414 1401100 1100 00
hero19161627-298-17-17 17110100 00 1100
Haldiel1922161817-9-9 9111000 00 1100
abhijit19881413-5751111 110110100 1100 00
Vercingetorige17561647-8-14-14 14110100 00 1100
Sakatukitukasa18421615-2271616 160110100 1100 00
Diggy1998165423-9-9 9111000 00 1100
rexim11341136266 60111000 1100 00
Sjfacey1641164101717 1701100 1100 00
TheVeneGuy13921455631212 120111000 1100 00
LuzzuntonX13941387-71010 100110100 1100 00
suiren21671720-384115.5 198220100 150 150
Brick14351477421111 110111000 1100 00
Amyrlin16071665581515 150111000 1100 00
Saka18251823-21919 190110100 1100 00
Green_Arrow20321723-292-16-16 16110100 00 1100
Loial16441691112-18-6 1634331000 133.3 266.7
NanRoig19441720-2241717 170110100 1100 00
Xman1479147901111 1101100 1100 00
zenzsei15661555-10-9-4.5 1221225050 150 150
GaretJax146419802072225.5 4422441000 250 250
66614181418099 901100 1100 00
sordan19831740-38-12-12 12110100 00 1100
Zerwas19061703-2031616 160110100 1100 00
Spelp2107210821178.5 258221000 150 150
sanngo154116928-20-20 20111000 00 1100
Machcik041807167627-13-13 13111000 00 1100
IAmAluna15681511-571313 130110100 1100 00
KnightKuni15211699189-4-2 1721221000 150 150
Zero_162713421344299 90111000 1100 00
Schlamarcel1621168347-17-17 17111000 00 1100
littlebear19941679-360-4-4 4110100 00 1100
MasterBao17741543-2311313 130110100 1100 00
OSE14811687121-5-5 5111000 00 1100
Krogen22361670-592-17-17 17110100 00 1100
Solymos19601622-1602397.8 5819550100 480 120
Haothehare1346136658189 180221000 2100 00
Tamtam_rus1614172527-19-19 19111000 00 1100
night_nistic129616113151414 140111000 1100 00
KakaMayka14281479511111 110111000 1100 00
Computer_Player172119262052020 200111000 1100 00


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2024-12-12 05:28 UTC | 0.21101sec.