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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1644   (1710 / 1535) 51% 24 23 47 18 / -13 / 3.06 -6  (7 / -6) 4  (57% / 51%: 5 / NAN / 5) 2% (0 / 1 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 59 65 91%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2013-04-29 14:58:30NoxosLoial1424p (44)1644 (-5)059059- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2013-04-28 09:21:45Green_ArrowLoial1931 (8)1649 (-10)27582560- / 3 W576Download (576)Details
2013-04-26 13:51:16Green_ArrowLoial1908 (8)1659 (-11)30562957- / 3517Download (517)Details
2013-04-26 10:59:37UndertakerLoial2022 (7)1670 (-9)16541656- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2013-04-25 13:16:41MrzinzinLoial1893 (9)1679 (-12)30513051- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2013-04-25 10:14:05airmanLoial1705 (16)1691 (-16)51464751- / 3587Download (587)Details
2013-04-25 07:55:06Loialairman1707 (16)1689 (-16)51474651- / 5537Download (537)Details
2013-04-25 07:20:46LoialPlaya1691 (13)1520p (-26)510510- / 5605Download (605)Details
2013-04-24 11:54:05SpelpLoial2171 (3)1678 (-6)752752- / 5 W528Download (528)Details
2013-04-24 11:21:36Loialgamelle1684 (25)2118 (-13)54952105 / 5 L499Download (499)Details
2013-04-24 09:57:27Green_ArrowLoial1873 (9)1659 (-12)33543254- / 3 W507Download (507)Details
2013-04-24 09:05:42Green_ArrowLoial1864 (9)1671 (-12)37523354- / 3 W537Download (537)Details
2013-04-24 08:29:57Green_ArrowLoial1855 (9)1683 (-13)38513752- / 3 W496Download (496)Details
2013-04-24 08:23:03SpelpLoial2168 (3)1696 (-7)750751- / 5 W534Download (534)Details
2013-04-23 15:00:14SpelpLoial2165 (3)1703 (-7)747750- / 5 W512Download (512)Details
2013-04-23 13:07:46Loialnicewave1710 (8)1288 (-8)500470- / 5626Download (626)Details
2013-04-23 12:11:42LoialFanjo1702 (23)1994 (-17)52175020- / 4479Download (479)Details
2013-04-23 11:41:23Loialnicewave1679 (8)1296 (-17)540520- / 5585Download (585)Details
2013-04-23 09:17:34LoialAbstract1671 (6)1181 (-6)540540- / 5533Download (533)Details
2013-04-23 08:44:40LoialI_Robot1665 (13)1475p (-25)570540- / 2772Download (772)Details
2013-04-23 07:35:35LoialAbstract1652 (7)1187 (-7)570570- / 5498Download (498)Details
2013-04-23 07:05:43LoialGreen_Arrow1645 (21)1846 (-16)61345738- / 5496Download (496)Details
2013-04-16 11:26:15khiMLoial1969 (7)1624 (-9)24612463- / --1NoDetails
2013-04-16 11:07:27Green_ArrowLoial1767 (14)1633 (-14)45574361- / 3 W429Download (429)Details
2013-04-16 10:12:26LoialAbstract1647 (7)1194 (-7)580570- / 5450Download (450)Details
2013-04-16 10:02:30SpelpLoial2141 (3)1640 (-6)957958- / 5 W451Download (451)Details
2013-04-16 09:14:52Loialairman1646 (18)1705 (-18)62475749- / 5458Download (458)Details
2013-04-16 07:56:43LoialBonobo1628 (25)2029 (-19)661662195 / 5428Download (428)Details
2013-04-16 05:59:57Loialvvd1603 (12)1421 (-12)67876688- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-04-15 17:53:23Loialjojo03061591 (10)1273 (-10)690680- / 5639Download (639)Details


Different opponents: 25 || Average games/opponent: 1.88 || Total inflation: -2 202 || Games vs overrated: 36% || Games vs underrated: 57%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
ikomizo15461277-2692222 220120100 1100 00
Green_Arrow20321649-1743-20-2.5 52728170100 225 675
Mrzinzin19361679-97-30-15 30240100 00 2100
Urist16581634-447236 720240100 2100 00
Olosta13991463642727 270121000 1100 00
night007918051603-129-31-31 31120100 00 1100
Bonobo20552029-8294.5 2516240100 150 150
Saka18251565-12-22-22 22120100 00 1100
UglyGrunt16421483-51641.3 4339360100 266.7 133.3
Spelp21071678253-36-6 366131000 00 6100
Brujah16591674151919 190121000 1100 00
LiRyC1446144601414 1401200 1100 00
Xplorer16301581192-11-11 11121000 00 1100
jojo030611841273891010 100121000 1100 00
vvd1412142191212 120121000 1100 00
airman17701691-211186 3416360100 266.7 133.3
Abstract12111181-71206.7 200360100 3100 00
khiM18331624136-9-9 9121000 00 1100
I_Robot15091475-341313 130120100 1100 00
nicewave128812888168 16024500 2100 00
Fanjo19791994152323 230121000 1100 00
gamelle2114211842525 250121000 1100 00
Playa1520152001313 1301200 1100 00
Undertaker19051670117-9-9 9121000 00 1100
Noxos13201644104-5-5 5121000 00 1100


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