
ERROR1025 (1402) / vvd (1454) ®

"Undead win Loyalists" ~ERROR1025

[15/11] kkk111 has fought plenty to become one of the Top 5.
[07/11] momom2 soars into the Top 5.
[07/11] hitandrun just got into the range of 1900 Elo points.
[02/11] clmates is the number one contender at 3rd place.
[21/10] newbieA is the master of the universe at position 1!


replay upload ope & change to elo formula

The replay upload has been actiavted again. The hostrelated problems are temp. fixed, hopefully they'll remain that way.

We've also changed a constant (the 400 one) in the Elo formula to 800 instead. The result of this is that whenever a higly skilled player loses against a low skilled one then the high skilled doesn't lose as many Elo points as before. The reasoning for this change can be found in the ladder threads in the official forum.

In short the change was made because it probably better reflects the random elements of Wesnoth, in contrast to the original Elo number which is based on statistical assumptions in chess, which is a full informations game, which Wesnoth is not. Granted the criticism that you can be "lucky" in chess as well, and distracted etc etc, these chances are always greater in a game witha built in random mechanic such as Wesnoth. Hence I followed Wintermutes advice and lowered win expectancy of the better skilled player.

Other news articles:

- Admin Positions & Community Elections
- more fixes
- small site update
- more info about the host problems
- site host trouble
- feedback on the new report timer setting...
- new feature...
- nickname change
- help us debug
- hiscore & sportsmanship breakdown added

Recover password

the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2024-11-22 12:09 UTC | 0.556sec.