
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1500   (1676 / 1330) 42% 68 95 163 16 / -12 / 0 -1  (8 / -8) 4  (53% / 12%: 5 / 5 / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Soldier 11 197 219 90%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2014-07-06 16:27:57WowbaggerChris7mas1777 (10)1500 (-10)2902945- / 3 W/L644Download (644)Details
2013-12-14 13:00:46Chris7masnunswithguns1510 (26)1957 (-19)78177721- / - W-1NoDetails
2013-12-13 09:25:44Computer_PlayerChris7mas1591 (14)1484 (-14)67786679- / 4543Download (543)Details
2013-12-13 08:30:01IkerpetaChris7mas2114 (2)1498 (-5)978978- / 4753Download (753)Details
2013-12-13 05:19:53FanjoChris7mas2032 (4)1503 (-6)14781478- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-12-13 04:38:37food4botsChris7mas1418 (19)1509 (-19)8308278- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2013-10-23 02:06:48amikrop1Chris7mas1860 (7)1528 (-9)28702872- / 5 W526Download (526)Details
2013-10-22 06:28:47Chris7masfood4bots1537 (11)1277 (-11)720710- / --1NoDetails
2013-10-22 05:13:58Chris7masfood4bots1526 (11)1288 (-11)720720- / --1NoDetails
2013-10-09 01:33:52Chris7masSantiago-zx1515 (16)1451p (-31)770760- / --1NoDetails
2013-10-09 01:05:58littlebearChris7mas1939 (5)1499 (-7)2502477- / 5 W694Download (694)Details
2013-06-04 21:36:05panicmanicChris7mas1670 (13)1506 (-13)57745676- / -543Download (543)Details
2013-05-31 01:11:06Danniel_BRChris7mas1957 (5)1519 (-7)22742175- / -530Download (530)Details
2013-05-18 22:22:00CarmenChris7mas1837 (7)1526 (-10)38803781- / 1-1NoDetails
2013-05-17 15:57:01RevueltoChris7mas1724 (12)1536 (-12)5205179- / - W698Download (698)Details
2013-01-25 14:07:34AmyrlinChris7mas1533 (17)1548 (-17)5505452- / 4546Download (546)Details
2012-04-12 12:19:20Tamtam_rusChris7mas1633 (15)1565 (-15)79897591- / --1NoDetails
2012-04-11 21:06:58Chris7masitt1580 (21)1758 (-21)90558856- / --1NoDetails
2012-04-09 13:19:17Chris7masTazzac1559 (17)1574 (-17)95838986- / --1NoDetails
2012-04-09 11:57:05DeathntaxesChris7mas1538 (17)1542 (-17)97899795- / 5 W541Download (541)Details
2012-04-09 03:21:44TazzacChris7mas1571 (16)1559 (-16)89858688- / - W717Download (717)Details
2012-04-09 02:34:11Chris7masTazzac1575 (16)1555 (-16)88868589- / --1NoDetails
2012-04-04 18:11:26nelsonChris7mas2098 (4)1559 (-6)17881688- / 5 W518Download (518)Details
2012-03-29 20:39:20FanjoChris7mas2117 (3)1565 (-6)13901390- / 5546Download (546)Details
2012-03-29 19:33:17FanjoChris7mas2114 (3)1571 (-6)13901390- / 5-1NoDetails
2012-03-25 15:43:19Chris7masTheMAze1577 (13)1424 (-13)88112871165 / --1NoDetails
2012-03-25 14:28:13Chris7masTheMAze1564 (14)1437 (-14)88109881125 / --1NoDetails
2012-03-03 16:18:44DreadnoughChris7mas2013 (5)1550 (-7)309929101- / 3 W469Download (469)Details
2012-02-27 19:18:45VercingetorigeChris7mas1770 (12)1557 (-12)6910267105- / 5 W832Download (832)Details
2012-02-14 22:48:16ittChris7mas1631 (15)1569 (-15)919888102- / 3-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 97 || Average games/opponent: 1.68 || Total inflation: -7 755 || Games vs overrated: 42% || Games vs underrated: 56%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
rakal16471469-91-31-31 31110100 00 1100
Dauntless2283146431-5-5 5111000 00 1100
joan15511434-32-30-30 30110100 00 1100
Burp1640136823-66-22 66326733 00 3100
Cremember24091503-796-19-9.5 19210100 00 2100
kitsu17821330-204-22-22 22110100 00 1100
Arthas16091644759045 900211000 2100 00
kazik18001407-15207819.5 780420100 4100 00
Undertaker19051466157-5-5 5111000 00 1100
goiken15861585-11919 190110100 1100 00
Robs19801478-50-7-7 7110100 00 1100
nelson20021559401182.6 5133747129 228.6 571.4
senzombra17001708-2094.5 2112215050 150 150
Supi13801416361515 150111000 1100 00
hec16841672-122020 200110100 1100 00
Vlad_III_Draculea19031511-276-14-14 14110100 00 1100
Dreadnough20351550-391508.3 7222640100 350 350
zahni1766148442-20-10 20211000 00 2100
Stenen20951495-753115.5 2211210100 150 150
NoLuck14551421-341515 150110100 1100 00
Oook22101642-180-12-6 12210100 00 2100
The_Moche_Tribes13871277-83160.9 5044740100 571.4 228.6
Quetzalcoatl196115309-7-7 7111000 00 1100
AssassinT9017441672-721919 190110100 1100 00
Zorro18911563170-6-6 6111000 00 1100
musk1324155218-11-5.5 1122215050 150 150
Shagal187615431-9-9 9111000 00 1100
Yogibear1915155420-8-8 8111000 00 1100
neki198415472-7-7 7111000 00 1100
Henrythe12th16361832409136.5 2310211000 150 150
WackererWichtel18811550-23-10-10 10110100 00 1100
Huumy19081540494-10-5 10211000 00 2100
marioxcc1413153522-5-5 5111000 00 1100
JinGak15551523152-12-12 12111000 00 1100
gamelle21141516-113-7-7 7110100 00 1100
playe000014701498-3-18-18 18110100 00 1100
MidNightExpress1392139201414 1401100 1100 00
winddog19461506105-6-6 6111000 00 1100
JangGun14721488106-15-15 15111000 00 1100
Schlamarcel16211414-2071515 150110100 1100 00
Horde_King18471499-243-4-4 4110100 00 1100
rebellofhell20961485-479-14-14 14110100 00 1100
Semler1957147945-6-6 6111000 00 1100
Aca17081466-74-13-13 13110100 00 1100
Jeronym15251449-102-17-17 17110100 00 1100
ancrn14371414193115.5 310215050 2100 00
TaleKeeper1470147001616 1601100 1100 00
argentino17581705-5875117 510320100 3100 00
JustMe13231323713812.7 38032670 3100 00
Miszcz17281610256-21-10.5 21211000 00 2100
Irmao-Verdade13971285-3704010 400420100 4100 00
moloch13971337-261289.3 280320100 3100 00
GodOfWar17111671-103-5-5 5110100 00 1100
arbu18201654-158-17-17 17110100 00 1100
Savage15131642-15-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Gunnie11921318373-5-1.7 1823321000 266.7 133.3
Scarecrow136615061401414 140111000 1100 00
Asrai15941577-171515 150110100 1100 00
vandal21891576-683-25-12.5 25210100 00 2100
DrakeKing19361649158-17-8.5 17211000 00 2100
boobs1528161835-24-12 24211000 00 2100
daystar14351473381313 130111000 1100 00
STN_yomismo15511574231515 150111000 1100 00
death_queen12591331274299.7 290321000 3100 00
tiboloid18201653-29-13-13 13110100 00 1100
WhiteMage16961643-126-19-19 19110100 00 1100
UltraBerserker17211638-154-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Anonymissimus15391411-1281111 110110100 1100 00
travvson141014801652512.5 250211000 2100 00
Fanjo19791503233-29-7.3 29427525 00 4100
TheMAze13801424345215.3 4120421000 375 125
hugho20861633-141-10-10 10110100 00 1100
irias1598163286-15-15 15111000 00 1100
Mr_Snrub1635162612731.5 1815211000 150 150
widowmaker8021791605-616-21-10.5 21210100 00 2100
Gallifax1946159612-9-9 9111000 00 1100
Noumenon19061582-207-14-14 14110100 00 1100
sillenia1616156247-14-14 14111000 00 1100
Kpp20341876-299147 239210100 150 150
Danniel_BR21751519-555-17-8.5 17210100 00 2100
itt17421758-221248 3915323367 266.7 133.3
Vercingetorige1756155714-12-12 12111000 00 1100
Tazzac16111574-133175.7 3316320100 266.7 133.3
Deathntaxes15881542-50-17-17 17110100 00 1100
Tamtam_rus1614156519-15-15 15111000 00 1100
Amyrlin16071548-74-17-17 17110100 00 1100
Revuelto17501536-26-12-12 12110100 00 1100
Carmen19161526-79-10-10 10110100 00 1100
panicmanic17341506-64-13-13 13110100 00 1100
littlebear19941499-55-7-7 7110100 00 1100
Santiago-zx13961451551616 160111000 1100 00
food4bots15191509-57431 2219320100 266.7 133.3
amikrop120791528-219-9-9 9110100 00 1100
Ikerpeta2104149810-5-5 5111000 00 1100
Computer_Player17211484-130-14-14 14110100 00 1100
nunswithguns1954195732626 260111000 1100 00
Wowbagger177215005-10-10 10111000 00 1100


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2025-02-16 12:08 UTC | 0.46496sec.