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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1636   (1874 / 1590) 46% 142 166 308 15 / -12 / 0.44 -4  (8 / -19) 5  (50% / 81%: 5 / 5 / 5) 2% (5 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Veteran 17 379 410 93%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2010-11-07 22:34:51CrememberHenrythe12th2203 (3)1636 (-5)4734735 / 5 W/L634Download (634)Details
2010-11-07 21:01:47dragonlxHenrythe12th1916 (8)1641 (-10)32723273- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-07 20:31:41dragonlxHenrythe12th1908 (8)1651 (-11)33683272- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-07 15:46:47ConscienceHenrythe12th1486 (21)1662 (-21)92659268- / 4-1NoDetails
2010-11-07 14:13:38Henrythe12th**XyLoX1694 (11)1449p (-23)650630- / 3 W764Download (764)Details
2010-11-07 14:13:02Henrythe12thXyLoX1683 (12)1472p (-24)670650- / 3 W725Download (725)Details
2010-11-06 22:45:45Henrythe12thKira11671 (25)2098 (-13)71116612- / 4 W/L613Download (613)Details
2010-11-06 01:14:43nelsonHenrythe12th1941 (7)1646 (-10)307029705 / 4 W622Download (622)Details
2010-11-04 22:46:32StenenHenrythe12th1860 (9)1656 (-12)40663971- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-04 21:27:36KolburHenrythe12th2139 (3)1668 (-7)106310665 / 5 W637Download (637)Details
2010-11-04 00:42:59Henrythe12thAres1675 (11)1429 (-11)679863985 / 5 W748Download (748)Details
2010-11-04 00:41:01Henrythe12thCharma1664 (12)1462p (-25)710670- / 5 W693Download (693)Details
2010-11-03 23:40:57AresHenrythe12th1440 (22)1652 (-22)986498715 / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-01 23:26:41berthaHenrythe12th1540p (40)1674 (-5)062064- / --1NoDetails
2010-11-01 20:41:39Henrythe12thgoiken1679 (15)1622 (-15)657362745 / 5614Download (614)Details
2010-11-01 19:10:48AresHenrythe12th1450 (22)1664 (-22)976193655 / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-01 18:00:08AresHenrythe12th1428 (23)1686 (-23)995697614 / 4 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-01 17:43:21Henrythe12thsenzombra1709 (17)1700 (-17)61555658- / 5711Download (711)Details
2010-11-01 16:33:46Henrythe12thEleod1692 (11)1442p (-22)610610- / 3 W682Download (682)Details
2010-11-01 15:16:31Rudanar_FirmusHenrythe12th1832 (10)1681 (-13)425941613 / 3 W741Download (741)Details
2010-11-01 14:02:12dragonlxHenrythe12th1946 (8)1694 (-11)295727595 / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-01 13:34:05plk2Henrythe12th2084 (6)1705 (-8)135713575 / - W/L-1NoDetails
2010-10-31 13:17:39nelsonHenrythe12th1955 (8)1713 (-11)25522454- / 5 W613Download (613)Details
2010-10-23 19:31:27thefishHenrythe12th1956 (8)1724 (-11)245023505 / - W/L579Download (579)Details
2010-10-15 22:42:43Henrythe12thcas1735 (11)1478p (-22)560520- / 5 W612Download (612)Details
2010-10-15 15:47:14ZorroHenrythe12th2114 (4)1724 (-8)155015555 / 5 W/L546Download (546)Details
2010-10-15 15:45:41Zorro**Henrythe12th2114 (4)1724 (-8)15501555- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-10-15 11:42:02Henrythe12thccc1732 (5)1168 (-5)540500- / 2 W691Download (691)Details
2010-10-14 17:59:45Henrythe12thSchlamarcel1727 (10)1415 (-10)5510754108- / 5 W566Download (566)Details
2010-10-14 17:35:37Schlamarcel**Henrythe12th1447 (22)1695 (-22)1075510360- / 4 W-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 151 || Average games/opponent: 2.04 || Total inflation: -13 500 || Games vs overrated: 43% || Games vs underrated: 54%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Orcus13851489205147 140211000 2100 00
Ion5141373137302626 2601000 1100 00
princecaspian105911161202010 200211000 2100 00
Horus18381817-396130.5 610210100 2100 00
Sakur13981414162424 240101000 1100 00
Lotap14021473712727 270101000 1100 00
Janitor20591748357-16-8 16211000 00 2100
Just_end_turn18581625-2333232 320100100 1100 00
Ariu19681637-745153 5338520100 240 360
lapiduS_19191666-131-28-28 28100100 00 1100
TheOne21561841-977-36-3.6 47831031090 220 880
Undertaker19051628139-18-3.6 2341528020 120 480
Glouk1967181738-18-9 18215050 00 2100
joan1551159173-16-16 16101000 00 1100
cearA12781294161010 100101000 1100 00
thefish20851724-1248-11-1.6 4253720100 228.6 571.4
hugho20861523-5631515 150100100 1100 00
Tesafilmchen17071727135175.7 3114311000 266.7 133.3
Jelly_the_Mad_Doggy18601833-170399.8 5112410100 375 125
stop_chemtrails181217913-36-5.1 3167725743 228.6 571.4
sillenia16161521-2342613 260210100 2100 00
abpdoc12921349571010 100101000 1100 00
bahamut_erm14171475581313 130101000 1100 00
Druid18901787-795-32-8 1648410100 125 375
Grunt-138415062442412 240211000 2100 00
Pionsix19101703-154-16-16 16100100 00 1100
Suerte1557168453-19-19 19101000 00 1100
toDIEisGAIN1711173430-5-2.5 1116211000 150 150
Radament19511658-4-10-10 10100100 00 1100
Kolbur22771668-1187-12-2.4 2234520100 120 480
frodo42144016342682613 260211000 2100 00
Honor20021841-1612020 200100100 1100 00
silent19901879-2184221 420210100 2100 00
hellboy18051765-122-1-0.5 1617210100 150 150
Shagal18761799-7630.4 4946725743 342.9 457.1
c4rLOs821701691-147-18-9 18210100 00 2100
Pandemonium180817501-15-15 15101000 00 1100
Sedlo136014024288 80101000 1100 00
tbal172117743434511.3 5712411000 375 125
Demogorgon22321660-1616-39-6.5 1352620100 116.7 583.3
ParadiseCity19401722-79-1-0.2 4647626733 233.3 466.7
skb17181834970646.4 107431031000 770 330
neki19841977-229-7-1.2 3845621783 233.3 466.7
wiv18771876-11313 130100100 1100 00
Saint-Chamond142714744766 60101000 1100 00
STN_yomismo155115621177 70101000 1100 00
Michaelmax21212162132124 2513311000 133.3 266.7
Kaliso16591839-32521 64210100 150 150
Medellin1306140710155 50101000 1100 00
DissemblingDog15481509-3977 70100100 1100 00
Lucky21041838-136-10-10 10100100 00 1100
Goldilocks22741602-105-11-5.5 11210100 00 2100
thermophilus14021711188-39-19.5 39211000 00 2100
Kira122782098-989328 5018410100 250 250
Fantri188118960115.5 2211215050 150 150
isra15451382-313-10-5 919210100 150 150
gonssal1753169936-15-15 15101000 00 1100
FET2027168330-8-8 8101000 00 1100
Coriolan2009167547-8-8 8101000 00 1100
Wintermute21011668-4-7-7 7100100 00 1100
Oook22101945-1200183.6 4527520100 240 360
deadman15081463-53-8-4 1220210100 150 150
Tondo20321644-242-13-13 13100100 00 1100
JamesLeeLand125912893099 90101000 1100 00
Huumy1908162016741.3 2117316733 133.3 266.7
Nordmann18951898-9-4-1.3 1923316733 133.3 266.7
Gregor13811302-7999 90100100 1100 00
Zarak1993166564-8-8 8101000 00 1100
Jack81449144901111 1101000 1100 00
alda18401819-677-33-8.3 2053410100 125 375
kamikaze206416634-16-8 16215050 00 2100
ccc1203116811136.5 130215050 2100 00
The_Black_Sword23481661-377-10-10 10100100 00 1100
khiM1833177438000 2222311000 133.3 266.7
FREDOUILLE16821613-691616 160100100 1100 00
enacui22171749118112.8 2716411000 125 375
grr1476147601212 1201000 1100 00
Kissing1433143301111 1101000 1100 00
KalenzZ17351722-103316.5 330215050 2100 00
Cremember24091636-928-25-8.3 25310100 00 3100
CyBiO17981709-157-34-17 34210100 00 2100
goiken15861622-49105 155215050 150 150
jacobCP14571457212211 22021500 2100 00
Mortles14261509831212 120101000 1100 00
frosti14761512361111 110101000 1100 00
lordred14361730-1-23-23 23100100 00 1100
yzr19981715-229-15-15 15100100 00 1100
Ansengrinth16711619-521414 140100100 1100 00
BlackMage14391457572211 220211000 2100 00
Chueckle14531467382110.5 210211000 2100 00
Dreadnough20351944-206-7-2.3 1421310100 133.3 266.7
Cylon_Centurion19531679-282-27-13.5 27210100 00 2100
NoLuck14551524691313 130101000 1100 00
leocrotta23211758-132112.8 2716410100 125 375
elido21491746-1644-38-6.3 2159620100 116.7 583.3
Robs19801636-213-22-11 22210100 00 2100
Patience15091495-482613 260210100 2100 00
svek21381660-38-7-7 7100100 00 1100
Dave-Lock14581448-101212 120100100 1100 00
Arthas16091730271438.6 6118528020 480 120
TaleKeeper14701381-1472110.5 210210100 2100 00
CragHack17231674-149-19-19 19100100 00 1100
Rayfon14791653-26-21-21 21100100 00 1100
solange117021729271818 180101000 1100 00
UselessChair18471655-59-14-14 14100100 00 1100
dragonlx18601641250-10-2.5 2232411000 125 375
Soul_It135614741181313 130101000 1100 00
The_Moche_Tribes13871340-4799 90100100 1100 00
Rigor202916943-9-9 9101000 00 1100
Supi13801377-388 80100100 1100 00
zahni17661770-69-18-18 18100100 00 1100
Zorro18911724517-27-9 27311000 00 3100
gracz869107220344 40101000 1100 00
LUcKynesS129614491531010 100101000 1100 00
musk132413856188 80101000 1100 00
didl2145314812877 70101000 1100 00
nelson20021646-273-19-4.8 1433410100 125 375
kakaroto16241396-22866 60100100 1100 00
GGLucas14441444066 601000 1100 00
lori15981478-12066 60100100 1100 00
Chris7mas1500183297-10-5 717211000 150 150
Computer_Player17211817-58-15-15 15100100 00 1100
Alarich14881417-7166 60100100 1100 00
freesole155915913288 80101000 1100 00
mjr13441806534-27-9 734311000 133.3 266.7
Cackfiend23751807-219-7-7 7100100 00 1100
gamelle21141816-201-11-11 11100100 00 1100
merlin74138414698577 70101000 1100 00
PapaBlues16751622-1982010 200210100 2100 00
Skrim19291813-223-14-14 14100100 00 1100
Martini16541516-1381010 100100100 1100 00
ok-go15791744-50-22-22 22100100 00 1100
Dauntless22832348652727 270101000 1100 00
kitsu17821754-53-17-17 17100100 00 1100
Shachi2086176490168 248211000 150 150
Vlad_III_Draculea19031772-230-19-19 19100100 00 1100
meganoob150517529-6-6 6101000 00 1100
lhurgoyf16421733-11-19-19 19100100 00 1100
tekelili21261717-391-16-16 16100100 00 1100
Schlamarcel16211415-2061010 100100100 1100 00
cas1478147801111 1101000 1100 00
plk22041170543-8-8 8101000 00 1100
Rudanar_Firmus182916813-13-13 13101000 00 1100
Eleod14281442141111 110101000 1100 00
senzombra1700170001717 1701000 1100 00
Ares1422142959-56-14 1167411000 125 375
bertha1528167412-5-5 5101000 00 1100
Charma1462146201212 1201000 1100 00
Stenen20951656-235-12-12 12100100 00 1100
XyLoX14771472-51212 120100100 1100 00
Conscience1414166272-21-21 21101000 00 1100


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