
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1910   (1930 / 1527) 56% 78 61 139 14 / -11 / 2.95 -1  (12 / -5) 5  (50% / 99%: 4 / 5 / 4) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Soldier 10 178 193 92%
Please don't message me asking for a game.

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2011-05-12 05:12:22noob-killerPionsix1380 (27)1910 (-20)164016035- / 5 W611Download (611)Details
2011-03-22 19:23:41PionsixPaxe1930 (8)1641 (-10)317930795 / 5 W/L612Download (612)Details
2011-03-22 18:23:47charnelPionsix1814p (39)1922 (-4)0300315 / 5 W574Download (574)Details
2011-03-21 17:44:44Pionsixakalabeth1926 (5)1444 (-7)3211931122- / 5 W515Download (515)Details
2011-03-16 06:42:49PionsixSteel_Breeze1921 (6)1492p (-15)320320- / 5 W666Download (666)Details
2011-03-15 04:44:46Pionsixjake_mind1915 (7)1619 (-10)34853287- / 4 W480Download (480)Details
2011-03-15 03:35:11Pionsixjake_mind1908 (8)1629 (-10)34843485- / 4 W530Download (530)Details
2011-03-13 12:46:53Pionsixdragonlx1900 (12)1888 (-12)38353538- / 5 W662Download (662)Details
2011-03-13 11:57:48dragonlxPionsix1900 (12)1888 (-12)383535385 / 5 W676Download (676)Details
2011-03-07 22:43:26DauntlessPionsix2348 (4)1900 (-5)1351355 / 5 W/L583Download (583)Details
2011-03-07 13:22:47PionsixGimlich1905 (5)1432p (-14)350350- / 5 W617Download (617)Details
2011-02-27 21:50:02Pionsixtom0308901900 (7)1561 (-9)38103371035 / 5 W/L648Download (648)Details
2011-02-25 15:24:36winddogPionsix2032 (10)1893 (-10)193319363 / 4521Download (521)Details
2011-02-25 13:50:24AnsengrinthPionsix1671 (22)1903 (-16)813076335 / 5 W585Download (585)Details
2011-02-24 03:51:28CrememberPionsix2328 (4)1919 (-6)2302325 / 5 W542Download (542)Details
2011-02-22 22:18:01PionsixRigor1925 (16)2108 (-10)331230125 / 5 W/L541Download (541)Details
2011-02-19 21:49:16RigorPionsix2109 (6)1909 (-9)123312335 / 5 W507Download (507)Details
2011-02-19 21:20:58RigorPionsix2103 (9)1918 (-9)123112335 / 5 W523Download (523)Details
2011-02-18 14:20:54Pionsixfrodo421927 (7)1622 (-10)328531875 / 5 W/L488Download (488)Details
2011-02-17 14:02:45DauntlessPionsix2351 (4)1920 (-5)1321335 / 5 W528Download (528)Details
2011-02-17 02:42:40PionsixComputer_Player1925 (8)1653 (-10)347732784 / 5 W/L480Download (480)Details
2011-02-16 12:29:09PionsixOrang1917 (7)1625 (-10)35833384- / 5 W523Download (523)Details
2011-02-16 01:19:41PionsixRumpelstilzchen1910 (8)1640 (-10)36803682- / 5 W616Download (616)Details
2011-02-15 03:06:19Pionsixarnaldo_br1902 (5)1444p (-14)370360- / 1487Download (487)Details
2011-02-14 19:20:45PionsixZup1897 (4)1368 (-6)37123371245 / 5 W616Download (616)Details
2011-02-12 14:37:46Pionsixaramaki1893 (11)1797 (-11)41554059- / 5 W646Download (646)Details
2011-02-11 13:44:46PionsixReksio1882 (5)1370p (-12)420420- / 5 W464Download (464)Details
2011-02-08 21:21:45Pionsixfreesole1877 (8)1624 (-11)45874390- / 5 W471Download (471)Details
2011-02-07 17:57:39Pionsixdragonlx1869 (13)1926 (-13)46354436- / 5 W560Download (560)Details
2011-02-05 16:43:47PionsixHODOR1856 (14)1962 (-14)48314632- / 5 W546Download (546)Details


Different opponents: 88 || Average games/opponent: 1.58 || Total inflation: -5 884 || Games vs overrated: 47% || Games vs underrated: 51%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
neki19841818353297.3 5122437525 125 375
happymasksalesman16861807183-6-3 1824211000 150 150
Oook22101849-7616432 640210100 2100 00
toDIEisGAIN17111694-42-27-9 1744323367 133.3 266.7
Gorthaur14661498323131 310111000 1100 00
Spone13321353212222 220111000 1100 00
Ichorid19291887-424545 450110100 1100 00
Coriolan20092033244848 480111000 1100 00
Honor20021662-215-28-28 28110100 00 1100
Marechal15601543-172727 270110100 1100 00
Halunke14031437342222 220111000 1100 00
stop_chemtrails18121706-393-5-2.5 1419210100 150 150
Shachi2086169956-7-7 7111000 00 1100
nelson20021832-321-36-12 36323367 00 3100
TheOne21561674-259-11-11 11110100 00 1100
XcastellanoX13421399571111 110111000 1100 00
lapiduS_19191690-289-17-8.5 17210100 00 2100
Des18371850132020 200111000 1100 00
Yoyobuae13811360-2199 90110100 1100 00
Altimar126113327199 90111000 1100 00
yanosz15291448-811111 110110100 1100 00
STN_yomismo15511432-1191010 100110100 1100 00
Zorro18911915242121 210111000 1100 00
Suerte15571604471313 130111000 1100 00
Henrythe12th16361703671616 160111000 1100 00
Rigor20292108198-73-7.3 16891077030 110 990
uio16831725-40-19-19 19110100 00 1100
solange1170218401381919 190111000 1100 00
SalsaRocoto18901612-2781313 130110100 1100 00
TLA_garfield14661502361010 100111000 1100 00
Arthas16091524-851010 100110100 1100 00
sheepXcat_sk16621516-14677 70110100 1100 00
yzr19981798-161-12-12 12110100 00 1100
mattweber17371676-1092412 240210100 2100 00
Slarge16481666181010 100111000 1100 00
Cackfiend23751827-634-29-5.8 29540100 00 5100
cheshire_cat1791183115165.3 2913326733 266.7 133.3
RiceMuncher21361831-3051313 130110100 1100 00
Lxx17421779-842110.5 210215050 2100 00
Shagal18761944681414 140111000 1100 00
rebellofhell20961663-1525-24-8 1034320100 133.3 266.7
winddog1946189316763 1610211000 150 150
frodo421440162266120.7 1614321000 266.7 133.3
hugho20861807-249-12-12 12110100 00 1100
QRabbit154415541088 80111000 1100 00
elido21491818-251-17-8.5 17210100 00 2100
Huumy19081815235-7-7 7111000 00 1100
UselessChair18471915159-20-5 1434437525 125 375
Semler19572033-206165.3 3014323367 266.7 133.3
silent19901800-45115.5 209210100 150 150
akkon14811402-7966 60110100 1100 00
Demogorgon22321832-93-13-6.5 13210100 00 2100
Pamir157816002299 90111000 1100 00
Stenen20951807-228-11-11 11110100 00 1100
gilbertbb1475152311873.5 114211000 150 150
Kral19401791-143-12-12 12110100 00 1100
s0ulpower14401440099 901100 1100 00
Cremember24091919-849255 4419540100 240 360
Colossi1771177761616 160111000 1100 00
Madlok14201412-866 60110100 1100 00
Grunwald137314043155 50111000 1100 00
Orang1590162578168 160211000 2100 00
jason198521871840-372-13-13 13110100 00 1100
Cocoflo143614824677 70111000 1100 00
BuBu14521433-1966 60110100 1100 00
olyve1690169661010 100111000 1100 00
Orange_Dude19491806-1431212 120110100 1100 00
tiboloid18201817-72-14-14 14110100 00 1100
Ondrew18371614-22399 90110100 1100 00
HODOR21401962-1781414 140110100 1100 00
dragonlx18601888134134.3 2512321000 266.7 133.3
freesole155916246588 80111000 1100 00
Reksio1229137014155 50111000 1100 00
aramaki17991797-21111 110110100 1100 00
Zup132113684744 40111000 1100 00
arnaldo_br15571444-11355 50110100 1100 00
Rumpelstilzchen160716403388 80111000 1100 00
Computer_Player17211653-6888 80110100 1100 00
Dauntless22831900133-10-5 10211000 00 2100
Ansengrinth167119030-16-16 161100 00 1100
tom03089016371561-7677 70110100 1100 00
Gimlich135714327555 50111000 1100 00
jake_mind1609161930157.5 150211000 2100 00
Steel_Breeze145114924166 60111000 1100 00
akalabeth142914441555 50111000 1100 00
charnel19501922-136-4-4 4110100 00 1100
Paxe16741641-3388 80110100 1100 00
noob-killer14591910-79-20-20 20110100 00 1100


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2024-09-21 03:47 UTC | 0.42744sec.