
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1812   (1912 / 1446) 49% 229 240 469 14 / -12 / 0.67 -2  (8 / -7) 5  (41% / 51%: 5 / 5 / 5) 1% (6 / 1 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
General 22 583.5 610 96%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2011-08-16 04:12:22DrakeKingstop_chemtrails2064 (8)1812 (-8)1801750- / 5-1NoDetails
2011-07-09 22:03:29Kira1stop_chemtrails2087 (8)1820 (-8)21592060- / 5-1NoDetails
2011-07-09 18:59:44stop_chemtrailsKira11828 (17)2079 (-17)62205721- / 5-1NoDetails
2011-07-08 14:36:16Huumystop_chemtrails2122 (5)1811 (-7)18601763- / 5715Download (715)Details
2011-07-08 12:38:40Semlerstop_chemtrails2191 (4)1818 (-6)1001060- / -716Download (716)Details
2011-06-03 21:37:58DrakeKingstop_chemtrails2034 (9)1824 (-9)26492551- / 5 W640Download (640)Details
2011-05-27 20:18:30stop_chemtrailsvandal1833 (8)1593 (-11)4810147101- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-27 19:58:59stop_chemtrails**vandal1833 (8)1593 (-11)5110048101- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-27 19:16:14vandalstop_chemtrails1604 (22)1825 (-16)1014810050- / 2638Download (638)Details
2011-05-26 20:47:21stop_chemtrailsSkrim1841 (14)1923 (-14)51364737- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-26 16:59:03stop_chemtrailsInsinuator1827 (11)1759 (-15)536951765 / 5 W/L-1NoDetails
2011-05-26 14:10:59stop_chemtrailsSkrim1816 (15)1937 (-15)61335336- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-26 13:47:48stop_chemtrailsTheChosenOne1801 (15)1747 (-15)64736178- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-26 01:03:33stop_chemtrailsBlake1786 (9)1411p (-17)660640- / 2 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-26 00:45:08stop_chemtrailsmmmax1777 (7)1323 (-7)6916166161- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-26 00:16:47stop_chemtrailsCami1770 (10)1449p (-19)730690- / 5-1NoDetails
2011-05-25 22:28:17stop_chemtrailsvandal1760 (13)1609 (-13)7810173101- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-25 18:29:40tbalstop_chemtrails1821 (11)1747 (-15)57725280- / --1NoDetails
2011-05-24 22:52:32DrakeKingstop_chemtrails1933 (9)1762 (-13)37683674- / 5 W701Download (701)Details
2011-05-04 17:24:15stop_chemtrailsmjr1775 (9)1443 (-9)6714665149- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-04 17:02:16mjrstop_chemtrails1452 (24)1766 (-24)1525914667- / 5 W737Download (737)Details
2011-05-04 16:08:09stop_chemtrailsmjr1790 (9)1428 (-9)6115160153- / --1NoDetails
2011-05-04 13:21:08Vlad_III_Draculeastop_chemtrails1821 (12)1781 (-16)52594961- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-04 12:21:36Vlad_III_Draculeastop_chemtrails1809 (16)1797 (-12)605252595 / 5 W/L-1NoDetails
2011-05-04 11:32:49stop_chemtrailszenzsei1809 (4)1254 (-6)540520- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-03 23:20:11stop_chemtrailsWIF_Luigit1805 (17)1809 (-13)594754523 / 5 W782Download (782)Details
2011-05-03 22:03:26stop_chemtrailsGringo1788 (10)1471p (-19)660590- / - W-1NoDetails
2011-05-01 21:19:28stop_chemtrailsRadar1778 (11)1536p (-23)7006604 / 4 W/L-1NoDetails
2011-05-01 18:25:09stop_chemtrailsRadar1767 (13)1575p (-25)7306905 / 5 W/L-1NoDetails
2011-04-13 18:09:33Reqinekstop_chemtrails1714 (18)1754 (-18)71546557- / 5 W668Download (668)Details


Different opponents: 202 || Average games/opponent: 2.32 || Total inflation: -29 396 || Games vs overrated: 39% || Games vs underrated: 58%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
LichKing18771551-149-1-0.3 4647410100 125 375
Izrahel1341146914-40-40 40101000 00 1100
sordan19831604-325-2-0.7 2426310100 133.3 266.7
Newguy1545154503636 3601000 1100 00
cikumbrikas16021469-68-45-22.5 45205050 00 2100
kard_12771260-363316.5 330200100 2100 00
Bismarck1305131052424 240101000 1100 00
mchandy3616021474-22-30-30 30100100 00 1100
Glouk19671708-104-27-13.5 27205050 00 2100
Ariu19681829-705164 3115410100 250 250
leocrotta23211561-226-8-4 8200100 00 2100
Marckraft13781408301616 160101000 1100 00
Dragon006011454145401616 1601000 1100 00
qoob14211421313216 32020500 2100 00
Huumy19081811-617-30-6 1848512080 120 480
skb1718180049190.9 1741552256436 1150 1150
Fantri18811678-923-22-5.5 2042410100 125 375
Stas1502150214-4-2 121620500 150 150
freesole155915811282914.5 290201000 2100 00
sumo66414971407-901414 140100100 1100 00
thefish20851754-4288-38-2.1 1041421840100 633.3 1266.7
Dauntless22831772302376.2 5720611000 233.3 466.7
Unbeatable2138156117-5-5 5101000 00 1100
fermion16851547-38-4-4 4100100 00 1100
TheStrategist12871383961313 130101000 1100 00
solange117021697551-6-1.2 2733518020 240 360
Stalkid136214711091515 150101000 1100 00
silent19901649-66442 1814200100 150 150
bluepierrot16551646112-28-14 28201000 00 2100
loyalist13041279-251010 100100100 1100 00
Janitor20591682568133.3 2714411000 125 375
akkon1481158656-18-18 18101000 00 1100
Ansengrinth16711571-189-15-5 1732310100 133.3 266.7
Eli1426155239-19-19 19101000 00 1100
psychic18201578-425-29-5.8 2049510100 120 480
SunnyGreens1385138611313 130101000 1100 00
-Achille-15291563102136.5 174201000 150 150
wiv18771604-106-22-11 22200100 00 2100
noOne19051540-226-3-3 3100100 00 1100
Radament19511931-468299.7 4112310100 266.7 133.3
andas14011380-211313 130100100 1100 00
Azka13491388391313 130101000 1100 00
electrodog13531447941414 140101000 1100 00
Death18091634-461-20-6.7 929310100 133.3 266.7
tahtisilma15111445-1522713.5 270200100 2100 00
nelson20021902-1657101.1 7464920100 444.4 555.6
Yogibear1915157058-8-8 8101000 00 1100
Tesafilmchen1707155975-11-11 11101000 00 1100
hay20716691471-1981515 150100100 1100 00
nicotine1632163201717 1701000 1100 00
plk220411849220-7-1.8 1724411000 125 375
xenon17421620-1031183 5537610100 466.7 233.3
Axl_Rose14301656201-4-4 4101000 00 1100
Sakur139814091034511.3 450411000 4100 00
gamelle21141994-1583213.5 6039610100 350 350
TheOne21561736-1342-23-3.8 2447610100 116.7 583.3
Kolbur22771837-1322-13-2.6 2336510100 120 480
RiceMuncher21361670-941-41-13.7 41310100 00 3100
kitsu17821543-563-9-4.5 1221200100 150 150
Goldilocks22741645-106-6-6 6100100 00 1100
Bast20581620-242-12-12 12100100 00 1100
Pionsix19101706-38952.5 1914200100 150 150
kakaroto16241672-1909-36-5.1 3672710100 457.1 342.9
Horus18381606-254-20-5 1939410100 125 375
Honor20021860-30394.5 2213200100 150 150
MoP16151593-221616 160100100 1100 00
Lucky21041706-247-28-9.3 28313367 00 3100
Sir_Drake14481448252713.5 27020500 2100 00
Reiter13821474921313 130101000 1100 00
STN_yomismo15511411-1401111 110100100 1100 00
Tipa146716251331 2320316733 266.7 133.3
Just_end_turn18581829-299-14-4.7 1731310100 133.3 266.7
lapiduS_19191658-1-11-11 11100100 00 1100
Kele1481148101313 1301000 1100 00
janek18371630-15263 1711205050 150 150
Henrythe12th16361791760415.9 6726718614 571.4 228.6
Kira122781820-746-2-0.7 1719310100 133.3 266.7
ArtemisX20171670-64-10-10 10100100 00 1100
thermophilus14021465631212 120101000 1100 00
Kalango13741371-399 90100100 1100 00
enacui221722363300 1818415050 125 375
Zorro189120223404711.8 569411000 375 125
artase15121693-33-5-5 5100100 00 1100
hiddin1535153501212 1201000 1100 00
UselessChair18471773-136253.6 6338714357 457.1 342.9
Eskon172617240-17-17 171000 00 1100
Smasher129213172588 80101000 1100 00
Safaquel13031395921010 100101000 1100 00
hellboy18051733-721818 180100100 1100 00
Aca17081558-1501414 140100100 1100 00
princecaspian105911044555 50101000 1100 00
tekelili21261880-1256175.7 3114310100 266.7 133.3
Capel14071426191010 100101000 1100 00
oesis19711685-227-25-12.5 25200100 00 2100
Demogorgon22321731-421-24-8 24310100 00 3100
khiM18332000-28707.8 11848924456 666.7 333.3
sheepXcat_sk16621676-24384 135200100 150 150
Dreadnough20351829-362-25-12.5 25200100 00 2100
Hover1630161540-15-15 15101000 00 1100
carrot1473147301313 1301000 1100 00
ParadiseCity19401749-221-30-6 2050514060 120 480
deadman15081486-221313 130100100 1100 00
lori15981536-1102914.5 290200100 2100 00
Kikohil17411634336-21-10.5 21201000 00 2100
Gregor13811293-158189 180200100 2100 00
The_Black_Sword23481760-1668-50-10 50510100 00 5100
sillenia16161746-15882.7 2820313367 266.7 133.3
ITA_Dan1475147501212 1201000 1100 00
Shard15031487-100123 3422410100 375 125
Yujiinu14351476411212 120101000 1100 00
Icy_Princess15531707-11063 115200100 150 150
Cremember24091717-912-23-11.5 23200100 00 2100
castellano1478147801111 1101000 1100 00
alvaro132613613599 90101000 1100 00
isra15451336-953336.6 330510100 5100 00
tyranium13441420761010 100101000 1100 00
Saint-Chamond14271453261010 100101000 1100 00
Wif-Gnizla18411719-2-14-14 14100100 00 1100
Betelgeuse13881731114-6-6 6101000 00 1100
gaute119751709-824-28-7 1846410100 125 375
Rembrandt19031903-16289.3 4012313333 266.7 133.3
dragonmaster136315762131313 130101000 1100 00
Stenen20951684-4111515 150100100 1100 00
kubi69616381507-22573.5 125200100 150 150
neki19842082536142.8 3925511000 240 360
cheshire_cat17911776-151818 180100100 1100 00
SirFantom15131531482311.5 230201000 2100 00
Dixie1478147801111 1101000 1100 00
reloc184819691212121 210101000 1100 00
Calidine10981750-11-28-28 28100100 00 1100
frosti1476174727-22-22 22101000 00 1100
aramaki1799173458-27-6.8 1845411000 125 375
Circumflex14511469181010 100101000 1100 00
alda18401667-409-10-5 1020200100 150 150
Rudanar_Firmus18291742-871717 170100100 1100 00
oldgamer133414592702110.5 210201000 2100 00
dragonlx18601896-1289373.1 105681231783 758.3 541.7
warlock14011479781111 110101000 1100 00
matowc199114201467471010 100101000 1100 00
Oook22101749-218-11-11 11100100 00 1100
c4rLOs821701775-66-9-9 9100100 00 1100
MrFabo14821482077 701000 1100 00
mattweber1737182222-14-14 14101000 00 1100
Nordmann18951893-21313 130100100 1100 00
olyve16901693399 90101000 1100 00
Arthas16091555-5477 70100100 1100 00
ilbard1321145113055 50101000 1100 00
solaris16951698399 90101000 1100 00
logiz13411298-4344 40100100 1100 00
testpil0t145814852766 60101000 1100 00
Robs19801872-120-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Michaelmax2121186549-7-7 7101000 00 1100
rushxp14201420055 501000 1100 00
n0f4te155516034888 80101000 1100 00
Smozes19291867-5-11-11 11100100 00 1100
WackererWichtel18811860-211212 120100100 1100 00
Nationalelf1229145522666 60101000 1100 00
Zilo185818727-13-13 13101000 00 1100
Solmyr15911513-7877 70100100 1100 00
merlin741384153114777 70101000 1100 00
Tyrion161018910-4-4 41000 00 1100
zako21151870-20-9-9 9100100 00 1100
Abel144514641966 60101000 1100 00
mjr1344144361871.4 3124511000 480 120
Cackfiend23751860-214-7-7 7100100 00 1100
Conscience1414186452-19-19 19101000 00 1100
The_Moche_Tribes13871359-2844 40100100 1100 00
Martini16541867-11-4-4 4100100 00 1100
Danniel_BR21401878-470-4-4 4100100 00 1100
lhurgoyf16421613-2988 80100100 1100 00
KingDomo139014344466 60101000 1100 00
Pamir157815911388 80101000 1100 00
antty15131844-53-5-5 5100100 00 1100
py6aka1845185121-12-12 12101000 00 1100
Semler19571818616-148-5.3 972452866436 517.9 2382.1
Zup1321144412399 90101000 1100 00
klever15561787-33-6-6 6100100 00 1100
Colossi1771179261-12-12 12101000 00 1100
ElvenKing175018006-13-13 13101000 00 1100
DennyBraids142214613977 70101000 1100 00
goiken15861607211313 130101000 1100 00
creepylich17101765-141-21-21 21100100 00 1100
Miszcz17281561-1671212 120100100 1100 00
AlaskanAvenger14941540104-9-4.5 1221201000 150 150
TedHornsby130113747399 90101000 1100 00
argentino17581529-4472311.5 230200100 2100 00
Xplorer15831775285-14-14 14101000 00 1100
Reqinek19261754-442-3-1.5 1518200100 150 150
Radar149815361152412 240201000 2100 00
Gringo14541471171010 100101000 1100 00
WIF_Luigit18171809-81717 170100100 1100 00
zenzsei15661254-31244 40100100 1100 00
Vlad_III_Draculea19031781-176-28-14 28200100 00 2100
DrakeKing19361812223-30-10 30316733 00 3100
tbal17211747100-15-15 15101000 00 1100
vandal21891593-176151.7 2116310100 266.7 133.3
Cami14331449161010 100101000 1100 00
mmmax123213239177 70101000 1100 00
Blake131414119799 90101000 1100 00
TheChosenOne16961747511515 150101000 1100 00
Skrim1929192322914.5 290205050 2100 00
Insinuator18391759-801111 110100100 1100 00


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2025-03-31 16:22 UTC | 1.3097sec.