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United Kingdom

Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1929   (2119 / 1550) 68% 138 66 204 9 / -12 / 2.1 -1  (11 / -6) 4  (27% / 0%: 2 / NAN / 2) 3% (1 / 1 / 4)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Veteran 13 273 277 99%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2022-01-24 00:37:35StonyDrewIchorid1757 (21)1929 (-15)20132014- / 5 W397Download (397)Details
2022-01-23 22:52:16IchoridStonyDrew1944 (9)1736 (-12)142113205 / - L-1NoDetails
2022-01-22 04:57:28StonyDrewIchorid1748 (21)1935 (-16)21132114- / 5 W427Download (427)Details
2022-01-22 03:15:40StonyDrewIchorid1727 (22)1951 (-16)22112113- / 5 W402Download (402)Details
2022-01-16 19:08:51StonyDrewIchorid1643 (24)1967 (-18)29122512- / 5 W362Download (362)Details
2022-01-15 05:42:27IchoridZinnsoldat1985 (5)1531 (-7)13311230- / - W436Download (436)Details
2022-01-14 04:18:24IchoridZinnsoldat1980 (5)1538 (-7)0301331- / -439Download (439)Details
2015-03-10 04:13:54dureal**Ichorid1551p (51)1970 (-5)01009- / -579Download (579)Details
2015-03-07 10:45:25Jk_The_Assassino2k2gIchorid1908 (14)1975 (-14)15101410- / --1NoDetails
2015-03-07 04:12:09IchoridJk_The_Assassino2k2g1989 (11)1880 (-11)10151015- / --1NoDetails
2015-03-02 05:10:40Ichoridpanicmanic1978 (6)1567 (-8)10291029- / --1NoDetails
2015-03-02 05:10:32Ichoridpanicmanic1972 (6)1575 (-8)10281029- / --1NoDetails
2015-03-02 02:46:16Ichoridpanicmanic1966 (6)1583 (-8)1001028- / - W-1NoDetails
2015-03-01 21:20:16SolymosIchorid1943 (13)1960 (-13)1001110- / 5651Download (651)Details
2014-04-08 12:09:16krackIchorid1931 (13)1973 (-13)21172118- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2014-04-06 10:51:27abhijitIchorid2038 (11)1986 (-11)16181518- / 5 W597Download (597)Details
2014-04-05 08:10:51Ichoriddeej_jinks1997 (4)1442p (-11)170160- / - W-1NoDetails
2014-04-05 02:51:21IchoridArbiter1993 (5)1502p (-13)180180- / - W-1NoDetails
2014-04-05 02:39:06IchoridGaretJax1988 (11)1903 (-11)19261827- / - W-1NoDetails
2014-04-03 09:02:12IchoridCyBiO1977 (9)1776 (-12)20371937- / --1NoDetails
2014-04-03 02:01:06IchoridGaretJax1968 (12)1923 (-12)22242026- / - W-1NoDetails
2014-03-29 06:21:03IchoridXmax1956 (3)1213 (-3)240240- / 2-1NoDetails
2014-03-23 15:08:55IchoridMiszcz1953 (9)1747 (-12)23402243- / --1NoDetails
2014-03-23 14:27:03IchoridJk_The_Assassino2k2g1944 (10)1795 (-10)25362338- / --1NoDetails
2014-03-23 11:33:26gamelleIchorid2036 (11)1934 (-11)15231525- / 5 W657Download (657)Details
2014-03-23 04:39:55Jk_The_Assassino2k2gIchorid1805 (20)1945 (-15)38223623- / --1NoDetails
2014-03-23 02:57:59IchoridJk_The_Assassino2k2g1960 (9)1785 (-13)22382238- / --1NoDetails
2014-03-23 02:30:38IchoridMadmoo1951 (4)1423 (-6)23832283- / --1NoDetails
2014-03-23 00:16:27MiszczIchorid1773 (21)1947 (-16)42224023- / - W669Download (669)Details
2014-03-22 14:27:27Ichoridpanicmanic1963 (7)1647 (-10)23582360- / --1NoDetails


Different opponents: 112 || Average games/opponent: 1.82 || Total inflation: -9 418 || Games vs overrated: 40% || Games vs underrated: 55%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Yoyobuae13811375215427 540215050 2100 00
Gallifax194621071615454 540101000 1100 00
Nepumuk16171550-21-33-33 33100100 00 1100
Tesafilmchen17071777704141 410101000 1100 00
Ansengrinth16711607-643232 320100100 1100 00
valikan_cz15541481-732525 250100100 1100 00
Oook22101809-4013838 380100100 1100 00
Miszcz17281747-105186 3416316733 266.7 133.3
Michaelmax21211720-9-16-16 16100100 00 1100
gracz86911192501010 100101000 1100 00
psychic182018671023316.5 330211000 2100 00
happymasksalesman16861755691717 170101000 1100 00
mattweber17371900-58194.8 3415420100 375 125
thefish20851680-1828427 5412630100 583.3 116.7
sirjoe1146814811377 70101000 1100 00
ropoctl14351435066 601000 1100 00
Huumy19081982-182-4-2 1014215050 150 150
skb17181720209214.2 3312521000 480 120
DoomBoom1304131719294.5 90211000 2100 00
Bast20581803-75693 2213310100 266.7 133.3
hellboy18051781-241010 100100100 1100 00
silent19901885-268-15-15 15100100 00 1100
RiceMuncher21361884-2387669.4 660730100 7100 00
ratwo1284140912555 50101000 1100 00
MoP161516050147 140215050 2100 00
enacui22171925-193-32-8 32420100 00 4100
ElvenKing17501768181010 100101000 1100 00
kakaroto16241301-882-14-4.7 721310100 266.7 133.3
jacob17871901-10-15-15 15100100 00 1100
Kolbur22771956-59731.5 1310210100 150 150
Pionsix19101887-268-4-4 4100100 00 1100
Burp164017187899 90101000 1100 00
Ubuntu147014841466 60101000 1100 00
Ion514137313831044 40101000 1100 00
XcastellanoX1342148514355 50101000 1100 00
Marechal15601561166 60101000 1100 00
_phoenix_12841284033 301000 1100 00
TheOne21561920-958-8-4 8210100 00 2100
toDIEisGAIN17111630-8177 70100100 1100 00
joan155115924177 70101000 1100 00
princecaspian105911095022 20101000 1100 00
DenLaden1082118510333 30101000 1100 00
LD_Kalango143014855566 60101000 1100 00
yzr19981820-1781010 100100100 1100 00
Lotap14021402044 401000 1100 00
nemo141314352255 50101000 1100 00
UselessChair18471927-103-16-16 16100100 00 1100
Suerte1557156830126 120211000 2100 00
janek18371779-5899 90100100 1100 00
sonofsam1342145211055 50101000 1100 00
ArtemisX20172106-115-11-3.7 1223310100 133.3 266.7
Ska-p147315083555 50101000 1100 00
pinkdwarf150315848166 60101000 1100 00
SaintMed129413606633 30101000 1100 00
c4rLOs821702102-452579.5 658630100 583.3 116.7
Gauteamus151015413155 50101000 1100 00
alvaro1326145613044 40101000 1100 00
argor156216104866 60101000 1100 00
Demogorgon22322009-353-15-15 15100100 00 1100
Jelly_the_Mad_Doggy186018253258.3 250316733 3100 00
FET20272051241212 120101000 1100 00
Fantri1881209742-2-1 810215050 150 150
Shane14381438033 301000 1100 00
Kimimaro_PL146714973022 20101000 1100 00
thomzy_3000144314914822 20101000 1100 00
scraed13271327642 4021500 2100 00
NoPassRetrieval18702107-26-22-11 22210100 00 2100
Lucky21042022-168147 140210100 2100 00
neki19842071-174-50-5.6 2272941178 333.3 666.7
Kikohil1741186812799 90101000 1100 00
gaute119751519-45644 40100100 1100 00
atomsk11292136413905963 60211000 2100 00
Cremember24092017-975183 3921630100 350 350
TheEmptyLord1376149111522 20101000 1100 00
Zilo18581720-13844 40100100 1100 00
BrTarolg15441544033 301000 1100 00
Parpy149715322852.5 50215050 2100 00
guozhanzhi129713798222 20101000 1100 00
xy_1986154715583300 33211000 150 150
leocrotta23212105-29-6-6 6100100 00 1100
KPSS146514831822 20101000 1100 00
lori15982051-87-20-20 20100100 00 1100
Rigor2029204870-12-12 12101000 00 1100
Cackfiend23752041-5-7-7 7100100 00 1100
Undertaker19052028104-13-13 13101000 00 1100
Zorro18911998-12-5-2.5 914215050 150 150
kjosh12541254022 201000 1100 00
Fanjo1979197657-37-12.3 37316733 00 3100
GaretJax146419032009265.2 3913521000 480 120
Mada19162050-398-5-5 5100100 00 1100
qqq165917054677 70101000 1100 00
goiken15862023352-34-17 34211000 00 2100
Zinnsoldat14891531188155 150311000 3100 00
ikomizo15461361-18533 30100100 1100 00
Tamtam_rus161417079377 70101000 1100 00
Bonobo2055201438-11-11 11101000 00 1100
nicewavez14881488044 401000 1100 00
Ondrew183718622599 90101000 1100 00
Kira12278201245-15-7.5 15211000 00 2100
gamelle21141934-131-22-11 22210100 00 2100
malluallu17051956-150-20-5 1434420100 250 250
Madmoo16191423-40484 80210100 2100 00
Jk_The_Assassino2k2g19821975-917101.7 3929630100 466.7 233.3
panicmanic17341567-564256.3 250420100 4100 00
Xmax12211213-833 30100100 1100 00
CyBiO17981776-2299 90100100 1100 00
Arbiter15021502055 501000 1100 00
deej_jinks14521442-1044 40100100 1100 00
abhijit1988198650-11-11 11101000 00 1100
krack19351973-4-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Solymos19601960-17-13-13 13100100 00 1100
StonyDrew17391929-84-56-11.2 965524060 120 480


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2025-01-24 03:16 UTC | 0.3975sec.