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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 2041   (2295 / 1353) 60% 712 476 1188 8 / -11 / 0.46 -8  (14 / -9) 5  (44% / 48%: 5 / 5 / 5) 1% (5 / 2 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Titan 39 1544 1570 98%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2024-03-18 21:09:38SebastianWidowski**plk21562p (53)2036 (-5)206206- / - W218Download (218)Details
2024-03-12 20:10:40SkyEndplk22430 (4)2041 (-6)1616- / 5 W260Download (260)Details
2024-03-08 00:02:39Danniel_BRplk22173 (7)2047 (-10)4646- / - W275Download (275)Details
2024-03-08 00:01:48Danniel_BRplk22166 (7)2057 (-10)4646- / - W236Download (236)Details
2024-03-06 22:47:18Weiming_Liuplk21984 (14)2067 (-14)9686- / 5 W274Download (274)Details
2024-03-06 00:51:14Weiming_Liuplk21970 (14)2081 (-14)126961 / 5 W213Download (213)Details
2024-02-22 19:15:34SkyEndplk22385 (5)2095 (-5)1515- / 5 W211Download (211)Details
2024-02-21 18:44:26Ben24626plk21933 (15)2100 (-10)135135- / 5 W222Download (222)Details
2024-02-20 22:09:50Ben24626plk21918 (16)2110 (-10)125125- / 5 W234Download (234)Details
2024-02-19 20:27:32plk2Ben246262120 (6)1902 (-9)5125125 / - W/L231Download (231)Details
2024-02-07 21:23:35plk2Krogen2114 (15)2245 (-10)5353- / - W258Download (258)Details
2024-02-06 20:56:58plk2Krogen2099 (15)2255 (-10)4242- / - W259Download (259)Details
2024-02-03 21:11:04plk2vvd2084 (5)1645 (-7)422422- / - W219Download (219)Details
2024-02-03 13:49:49plk2vvd2079 (6)1652 (-7)021422- / - W227Download (227)Details
2023-10-29 17:48:19nuclearm1ndplk21563 (27)2073 (-20)287287- / 5 W281Download (281)Details
2023-10-29 17:39:39plk2nuclearm1nd2093 (4)1536 (-5)7287285 / - W255Download (255)Details
2023-10-29 17:33:49plk2nuclearm1nd2089 (4)1541 (-6)7287285 / - W248Download (248)Details
2023-10-22 14:01:29plk2NanRoig2085 (10)1944 (-10)713613- / - W316Download (316)Details
2023-10-22 13:55:39plk2NanRoig2075 (10)1954 (-10)713713- / - W324Download (324)Details
2023-10-21 13:21:44NanRoigplk21964 (14)2065 (-14)137137- / 5 W270Download (270)Details
2023-10-18 17:26:18plk2Podemos2079 (3)1378 (-4)733733- / - W252Download (252)Details
2023-10-04 15:45:28MYFHplk21991 (14)2076 (-14)127107- / 5 W279Download (279)Details
2023-10-04 09:16:29MYFHplk21977 (14)2090 (-10)127127- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2023-09-29 18:48:13SkyEndplk22372 (5)2100 (-5)1616- / 5 W269Download (269)Details
2023-09-29 18:32:41SkyEnd**plk22372 (5)2100 (-5)1616- / 5 W244Download (244)Details
2023-09-28 17:22:48SkyEndplk22367 (5)2105 (-5)1616- / 5 W276Download (276)Details
2023-09-27 18:54:48plk2SkyEnd2110 (17)2362 (-11)01615 / - W/L294Download (294)Details
2021-12-19 19:34:09KhorneflakesBAplk21693 (25)2093 (-12)2582595 / 5 W410Download (410)Details
2021-12-19 19:03:04plk2KhorneflakesBA2105 (4)1668 (-7)9258255 / 5 W378Download (378)Details
2021-12-19 19:01:59plk2KhorneflakesBA2101 (6)1675 (-7)9259255 / 5 W402Download (402)Details


Different opponents: 349 || Average games/opponent: 3.4 || Total inflation: -52 856 || Games vs overrated: 41% || Games vs underrated: 57%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
PureIce16981619-554-27-4.5 5885610100 233.3 466.7
redvenom17681561-1240466.6 884271086 571.4 228.6
Gallifax19461869417-7-0.6 51581216733 650 650
lorb14991454120-38-12.7 1452306733 133.3 266.7
199913201338183030 300101000 1100 00
Avaric15161364116-51-25.5 51201000 00 2100
cpf14321446143737 370101000 1100 00
Slug1418138630-15-15 15101000 00 1100
leocrotta23212274-2883-19-1.4 59781410100 535.7 964.3
Hoschi14671540271103.3 166301000 133.3 266.7
13ismitch18631724-228-17-8.5 17200100 00 2100
Nordmann18951888-2307-53-3.8 3689141793 428.6 1071.4
Harakiri_Kamikaze1427135316-4-4 4101000 00 1100
HauntedDream17791410-1259183.6 3921500100 240 360
Hednokr14061463571818 180101000 1100 00
Vetgirig13861447611818 180101000 1100 00
Hellrider14281490621818 180101000 1100 00
skull1312121299871313 130101000 1100 00
morphine17201552-277-24-6 1842400100 125 375
gese1473146924126 164205050 150 150
Arkad15761454-992224.4 4422500100 480 120
TouchingTheVoid13561418621313 130101000 1100 00
Rembrandt19032083-949-27-5.4 1845500100 120 480
Wumtog16771547-15-14-14 14100100 00 1100
csarmi19711875-17925310.6 530500100 5100 00
Brutorix1374137841313 130101000 1100 00
Dovolente1452147065105 155201000 150 150
Gauteamus1510155338-4-4 4101000 00 1100
Br_Albino125212772052512.5 250201000 2100 00
Fosprey19701857-417-35-11.7 35303367 00 3100
Swiftfingers16451617-281818 180100100 1100 00
Pietro17661934-36041 2420400100 250 250
Tiefbl4u18201750-695134.3 2714303367 266.7 133.3
Suvorov20521673-922-14-3.5 2135400100 125 375
nobody15931586-6882 2618405050 375 125
Leuron16741584-933-90-18 90500100 00 5100
ohmegaherz13431364672713.5 270201000 2100 00
linleyohtwo14401470301515 150101000 1100 00
Savannah18731556-51-11-11 11100100 00 1100
ADmiral16011609-334184.5 3618402575 375 125
linos17861621-395147 184200100 150 150
Versetti12461270702311.5 230201000 2100 00
baneblade1512152621-4-4 4101000 00 1100
Verseti13311354231212 120101000 1100 00
yaKo1259127747-11-5.5 1122201000 150 150
Renee15741471-1031414 140100100 1100 00
Moonblade16721690-199-4-1 1923405050 125 375
Sarevok13231390671212 120101000 1100 00
jeykey15841564-24-18-6 1634303367 133.3 266.7
Brys128713922222412 240201000 2100 00
atly18031772-532285.6 4416500100 480 120
Borys12981309111010 100101000 1100 00
Pelopidas19821857-67092.3 3223400100 250 250
Loser20501978-952-105-6.2 421471712476 317.6 1482.4
Becephalus19922098-30-31-2.4 50811313862 323.1 1076.9
TheseAnimalMen1345160282-11-5.5 1122201000 150 150
RitterKunibert12551284682010 200201000 2100 00
reloc18481695-2883718.5 370200100 2100 00
genofefgnom_PL15821584-12662 2519303367 266.7 133.3
Greywolf1535152627113.7 2918306733 266.7 133.3
Hybrid140014241744611.5 460401000 4100 00
Zorro18912055-144364 5923916733 777.8 222.2
tetsuo17991785-24020 400205050 2100 00
xiaomin15161527-190399.8 390402575 4100 00
Kotyhoroshko1501150541111 110101000 1100 00
mysticspiral13311549670196.3 245301000 266.7 133.3
Yoshimitsu18261815-1052.5 2015205050 150 150
Friese14781618349112.8 3120401000 375 125
ArtemisX20172067-1969-12-2 4153610100 350 350
solaris169517237200 1616201000 150 150
Icarus1574157401313 1301000 1100 00
theLittleHamster20281651-228-23-11.5 23200100 00 2100
Lucifer62614251412-77-27-6.8 194640075 250 250
ScoutShine18191708-3842 1814200100 150 150
KnightKunibert15861570250863.4 154682525248 2184 416
stem181216940-14-14 141000 00 1100
CyBiO17981653-1304313.1 95641010100 660 440
Wintermute21012000-716-45-11.3 45400100 00 4100
vampek1529152901313 1301000 1100 00
NoPassRetrieval18701676-99-14-14 14100100 00 1100
Tas_Tas1511165772-19-19 19101000 00 1100
aLe14171392-251111 110100100 1100 00
Drudares19101825-156-3-1 2023300100 133.3 266.7
Ardus15311452-556-9-1.3 5160710100 457.1 342.9
he_16831620-67-4-4 4100100 00 1100
Cackfiend23752277-1133-3-0.4 3033712971 342.9 457.1
Yogibear19151943-392-25-6.3 631402575 125 375
princecaspian105915154561414 140101000 1100 00
Feanor16251625-149383.8 73351015040 880 220
Federalist-marshal1472147201414 1401000 1100 00
Velensk18511848-86206.7 3212300100 266.7 133.3
Calzifer1495150161313 130101000 1100 00
Chapi_Chapo1504150401313 1301000 1100 00
gest_ru1612169830-37-18.5 37201000 00 2100
freesole15591658-330284 4113715743 685.7 114.3
redrum16761651-251313 130100100 1100 00
Moonletters20391805-153-11-11 11100100 00 1100
Pagan21412116-2346-44-4.4 36801010100 330 770
Grumph18351807-281212 120100100 1100 00
Cernunnos13961383-77134.3 130303367 3100 00
Janitor205921662223130.5 1401272628515 1246.2 1453.8
Smozes19291717-21299 90100100 1100 00
Crusher16351712105189 180201000 2100 00
sauron1729198267-20-10 20205050 00 2100
887716351595-4077 70100100 1100 00
Veruxe16471874-44-4-4 4100100 00 1100
rakal1647185490-6-3 915201000 150 150
Swift18532030-35510.3 1716300100 266.7 133.3
Nomade18441897-331184.5 3012402575 375 125
c4rLOs821701957-1820-15-1.9 4257810100 337.5 562.5
svek21382103-277-30-6 737500100 120 480
Zarak19932073-12001115.3 177662121981 1571.4 628.6
hogar188818428-11-11 11101000 00 1100
Mordor_FFVII140614352966 60101000 1100 00
Oh_Hi18191838-329-18-18 18100100 00 1100
Morpf147015174777 70101000 1100 00
WackererWichtel18811850-23-12-12 12100100 00 1100
Tondo20321633-1158248 240300100 3100 00
Grrringo131413436484 80201000 2100 00
Dauntless22832344-320-12-0.8 67791616338 531.3 1168.8
HODOR21401897-302-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Sharur1544157380147 140201000 2100 00
Heureka17881731-310-4-1 1620400100 250 250
solange117021389-31355 50100100 1100 00
gonssal17531643-380115.5 110200100 2100 00
joskeX15361497-3966 60100100 1100 00
Fleup15481408-203105 100200100 2100 00
thefish20852027-4291331.9 86531710100 1376.5 423.5
Asticot1727193922-16-16 16101000 00 1100
Pandemonium1808182629199.5 190201000 2100 00
tbal17211966436164 2913401000 375 125
adrian136714175044 40101000 1100 00
Jann18012020102-57-14.3 57405050 00 4100
Balanceguardian17281706-362276.8 270400100 4100 00
Coriolan20091977-58344.9 5319715743 571.4 228.6
Pamir1578174116399 90101000 1100 00
Dark_Confidant16761481-383105 100200100 2100 00
Jester666151015544466 60101000 1100 00
winddog19461938-282178.5 170200100 2100 00
yzr19982185-1132401.9 139992122971 1361.9 838.1
Blue_Hades150315413866 60101000 1100 00
spinne17011672-2988 80100100 1100 00
TDW_Florent18181760-163-12-6 416200100 150 150
Tonysrl169317951021010 100101000 1100 00
Death18091350-45944 40100100 1100 00
Undertaker19052004-295350.6 3328912278 777.8 222.2
Hagbart19591820-1391010 100100100 1100 00
jacynimborg15291450-7955 50100100 1100 00
Quetzalcoatl19611723-23888 80100100 1100 00
wieker15811555-2655 50100100 1100 00
Gandalf147414924294.5 90201000 2100 00
bhosp12661259-733 30100100 1100 00
nelson20022047-2750624.4 74121412179 1392.9 17.1
salvador18321860281010 100101000 1100 00
Shachi20862118-144-18-4.5 1432402575 125 375
Lord1751175979-6-3 915201000 150 150
guglido1619194379-17-17 17101000 00 1100
thermophilus14021450232-24-4.8 933501000 360 240
aramaki17991799-137333.3 63301016030 880 220
nemo14131440155115.5 110201000 2100 00
yanchixia20331884-607-25-8.3 631300100 133.3 266.7
ps721032085-255-16-8 16200100 00 2100
uio16831435-49494.5 90200100 2100 00
zako21151904-2111212 120100100 1100 00
Varus127013689844 40101000 1100 00
Jack_Sparrow171017291999 90101000 1100 00
Neves127913396044 40101000 1100 00
Killer59515841547-3766 60100100 1100 00
mark_twain138914698055 50101000 1100 00
Idle192619778-13-13 13101000 00 1100
un1ted16221606-15184 80200100 2100 00
Pseudonym16861595-260115.5 110200100 2100 00
Ribbon116661522-14455 50100100 1100 00
kard_1277143232784 80201000 2100 00
bluepierrot165517176288 80101000 1100 00
Michaelmax21212085-3275213 520400100 4100 00
joan15511589-14763 60205050 2100 00
tnp19561931-201469.2 460500100 5100 00
LichKing18771933-10420.5 119405050 250 250
npc1611164780126 120201000 2100 00
Gurney1357142612963 60201000 2100 00
Xplorer16301824174103.3 100306733 3100 00
fenix16941728-139115.5 110205050 2100 00
wiv18772104-719-18-2.6 264471086 457.1 342.9
Orange_Dude19491876-187147 140200100 2100 00
Kolbur22772140-175151 2621500100 360 240
Vandarr16481697-18963 60205050 2100 00
kamikaze20642082-142-15-15 15100100 00 1100
4l4b4m4m4n13841356-2833 30100100 1100 00
kakaroto16241380-24433 30100100 1100 00
Glouk19672007-16820.7 1210306733 266.7 133.3
Swashbuckling147515659044 40101000 1100 00
PositionalPlayer15521526-2633 30100100 1100 00
akkon148115385744 40101000 1100 00
muge117912088642 40201000 2100 00
Various18802049-15-18-6 826303367 133.3 266.7
kruc15621562033 301000 1100 00
Rio161016837344 40101000 1100 00
Black_Raven150915271833 30101000 1100 00
strangecircus131013271722 20101000 1100 00
neki198421031000-96-1.4 2473436865743 3450 3450
Soliton178621110-12-12 121000 00 1100
Kane01913207036-15-15 15101000 00 1100
MasterDerf17702050-184-20-20 20100100 00 1100
KalenzZ17351541-19444 40100100 1100 00
Burp16401662303-13-1.9 243771860 571.4 228.6
Rigor20292103-380-39-7.8 948502080 120 480
Unbeatable21382018-615-42-14 42300100 00 3100
mattweber17371767-79-2-0.7 1012303367 266.7 133.3
Kikohil17412034157-15-15 15101000 00 1100
sordan19831882-791248 240300100 3100 00
marico17091721157136.5 130201000 2100 00
Conscience1414156515155 50101000 1100 00
Oook22102199-1463-17-1.3 43601311585 646.2 753.8
NarajinX22031963-258-30-10 30300100 00 3100
Brukhalian14681964-17-5-5 5100100 00 1100
Bal-Sagoth155416085466 60101000 1100 00
enacui22172170-150-33-4.1 1750813863 225 675
Goldilocks22742159-2912211 220200100 2100 00
Kira122782312-199240.1 1281243133565 1548.4 1651.6
Radament19512057-141-17-17 17100100 00 1100
elitesupersoldat125613014522 20101000 1100 00
Smasher129213697733 30101000 1100 00
stop_chemtrails18121849-17992.3 2011405050 375 125
RiceMuncher21361690-44677 70100100 1100 00
Zilo18581858-553102 221250080 480 120
Fantri18811735-14677 70100100 1100 00
noOne19051860-4599 90100100 1100 00
Azka134913762733 30101000 1100 00
Wif-Gnizla18411818-2355 50100100 1100 00
Jelly_the_Mad_Doggy18602088-121-12-12 12100100 00 1100
psychic182019189866 60101000 1100 00
frodo4214401655509-28-7 533401000 250 250
happymasksalesman168617627644 40101000 1100 00
jacob17871762-2544 40100100 1100 00
andas14011388-1322 20100100 1100 00
Yoyobuae13811335-4611 10100100 1100 00
Tesafilmchen170717554844 40101000 1100 00
Horus18381764-7444 40100100 1100 00
Suerte155715612763 60201000 2100 00
janek18372124-227-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Huumy19082120257-24-4.8 1135506040 240 360
TheOne21561961-19566 60100100 1100 00
Just_end_turn18581735-12344 40100100 1100 00
khiM18331682-15133 30100100 1100 00
Tshemmp144315409733 30101000 1100 00
cheshire_cat179118172655 50101000 1100 00
Shagal18762241603271.9 60331417129 1178.6 321.4
frosti147615234363 60205050 2100 00
dragonmaster1363146831073.5 70201000 2100 00
gaute119752101-21-6-1.5 1420402550 250 250
SteppenWolf14441428-1622 20100100 1100 00
Robs19802099-282-12-12 12100100 00 1100
skb17182147544-5-0.8 1924611000 466.7 233.3
Chueckle14531453022 201000 1100 00
tyler146414912722 20101000 1100 00
Ansengrinth16711613-5833 30100100 1100 00
KPSS146514922722 20101000 1100 00
Volos14431443022 201000 1100 00
olyve16901687-333 30100100 1100 00
NCIS_Man184421432-12-12 12101000 00 1100
The_Black_Sword23482404-508192.1 4526913367 555.6 444.4
hec16841676-833 30100100 1100 00
Styer2714821491922 20101000 1100 00
whuzzy138714263922 20101000 1100 00
DeathAnkjell16271627033 301000 1100 00
Arthas160917049533 30101000 1100 00
dragonlx18602111326183.6 2810501000 480 120
gamelle21142150-212-11-11 11100100 00 1100
Zade17261708-1844 40100100 1100 00
Demogorgon22322152-144-13-2.2 1730613367 233.3 466.7
Jindo18381747-198-5-2.5 712200100 150 150
Ares14221421-133 30100100 1100 00
Henrythe12th163617056966 60101000 1100 00
Loca1312147616422 20101000 1100 00
Semler195722351685191.7 5233111919 763.6 436.4
zenzsei15661403-16322 20100100 1100 00
Fanjo19792217-14500 2020615050 466.7 233.3
Miszcz17281559-16933 30100100 1100 00
charnel19501913-3766 60100100 1100 00
FireBreath18141786-2844 40100100 1100 00
soul_steven21641973-19166 60100100 1100 00
creepylich17101670-4033 30100100 1100 00
DrakeKing193621942199232.1 55321111000 763.6 436.4
Cremember24092157-39782 2012400100 250 250
Bonobo20552208-328-7-0.7 33401015040 660 440
zara17431704-3933 30100100 1100 00
Diggy19982172-202-40-5.7 1252715743 228.6 571.4
Spelp21071999-542-1-0.3 910300100 266.7 133.3
hugho20862194-26210.3 1110300100 266.7 133.3
elido21492152388 80101000 1100 00
vandal21892102-46220.4 2119500100 360 240
Rene20281893-263105 100200100 2100 00
Honor200220585677 70101000 1100 00
Kalisoo18082170245-13-3.3 1023401000 250 250
tekelili21262135-217-20-5 828402575 125 375
jason198521872164-591101.3 3626810100 562.5 337.5
Kpp20342019-1566 60100100 1100 00
rebellofhell2096212427-1-0.1 2728717129 457.1 342.9
widowmaker8021792190-1181-14-1.2 42561210100 650 650
DwarvishRhapsody177318123944 40101000 1100 00
szdik5701834185343-8-4 412201000 150 150
hero19161809-10744 40100100 1100 00
Kral19401872-6844 40100100 1100 00
isra154515894422 20101000 1100 00
Stenen20952006-8955 50100100 1100 00
GaretJax146418272850305 300611000 6100 00
Castoridae24442218-754-27-4.5 835610100 116.7 583.3
Bast20581804-50363 60200100 2100 00
suiren21672256-216-33-6.6 639502080 120 480
Carmen19161866-5044 40100100 1100 00
Zerwas19061909355 50101000 1100 00
Ikerpeta21042224-321-22-11 22200100 00 2100
qnok2182221024-8-8 8101000 00 1100
ShadowVeil22362226-1400 88200100 150 150
Gautepaute21571989-16866 60100100 1100 00
Solymos-HUN19352208145-27-3.9 1542718614 342.9 457.1
JeandeMetz20642184-37-10-10 10100100 00 1100
flyswatter155616125633 30101000 1100 00
Silencio-Vatican203020073731 1310306733 266.7 133.3
craken18501874749493.8 60111311000 1292.3 17.7
Danniel_BR21692047-10-29-4.1 1645712971 228.6 571.4
Tropt20642183-32400 1010300100 266.7 133.3
UnderTheSea20201997-2366 60100100 1100 00
Wuhao164116511033 30101000 1100 00
MasterBao17742162503-33-11 33301000 00 3100
NanRoig19441944168-3-0.8 202340750 250 250
halder19572110281101.4 3121715743 571.4 228.6
Wuhaonew14911492122 20101000 1100 00
Vilebeggar19211579-34222 20100100 1100 00
abhijit19882138-528-20-6.7 424300100 133.3 266.7
Caritas2196217331-8-8 8101000 00 1100
Estrada22552129-173-9-9 9100100 00 1100
Undertaker2166216671763 60201000 2100 00
Megac119851766-43084 80200100 2100 00
Maboul198019809126 12020500 2100 00
TheLastVegan148715233622 20101000 1100 00
nuclearm1nd15422073-139-22-3.7 1234611783 466.7 233.3
BadHatHarry1640211542-26-13 26201000 00 2100
Dreadnough20352095-167-20-10 20200100 00 2100
KhorneflakesBA17132093-103-2-0.7 1012300100 266.7 133.3
SkyEnd24572041-369-4-0.8 1721500100 120 480
MYFH18592076250-24-12 24201000 00 2100
Podemos13781378033 301000 1100 00
vvd14321645433115.5 110201000 2100 00
Krogen22362245283015 300201000 2100 00
Ben2462619202100-7-14-4.7 620303367 133.3 266.7
Weiming_Liu20212067-88-28-14 28200100 00 2100


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2024-12-01 18:16 UTC | 1.94457sec.