
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1701   (1833 / 1379) 46% 142 170 312 16 / -12 / 0.64 1  (10 / -10) 5  (51% / 48%: 5 / 5 / 5) 0% (1 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Veteran 17 383 410 94%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2022-04-25 15:00:12brasimonKipples1701 (20)1849 (-15)0131713- / 5503Download (503)Details
2017-11-13 17:55:06GAMEbrasimon1670 (17)1681 (-17)36323633- / --1NoDetails
2017-11-13 17:08:55boring_alway_winsbrasimon1727 (16)1698 (-16)32313132- / --1NoDetails
2017-11-09 15:12:21brasimonboring_alway_wins1714 (15)1662 (-15)29322934- / 5 W693Download (693)Details
2017-11-07 19:07:58sivbrasimon1541p (41)1699 (-5)028028- / - W752Download (752)Details
2017-11-06 16:10:08brasimonKipples1704 (18)1765 (-18)29242827- / 5 W617Download (617)Details
2017-11-06 16:08:37Waifubrasimon1539 (20)1686 (-20)39283829- / -645Download (645)Details
2017-11-06 13:45:20Waifubrasimon1496 (22)1706 (-22)40283928- / 5641Download (641)Details
2017-11-04 16:31:59Kipplesbrasimon1801 (15)1728 (-15)21252125- / 5 W614Download (614)Details
2017-11-04 16:23:15Silencio-Vaticanbrasimon2015 (8)1743 (-10)925925- / 5-1NoDetails
2017-11-04 11:25:03brasimonboring_alway_wins1753 (14)1651 (-14)26312531- / - W571Download (571)Details
2017-11-02 09:44:54boring_alway_winsbrasimon1720 (17)1739 (-17)27222624- / 1-1NoDetails
2017-11-02 07:59:19boring_alway_winsbrasimon1703 (18)1756 (-18)2602722- / 2-1NoDetails
2015-11-15 19:21:42Caritasbrasimon1981 (9)1774 (-12)1027928- / 5 W776Download (776)Details
2015-11-14 10:20:57brasimonCaritas1786 (21)1985 (-16)289269- / 5 W749Download (749)Details
2015-11-13 23:03:35Caritasbrasimon1989 (9)1765 (-11)90928- / 5 W653Download (653)Details
2015-07-09 10:08:10Gallifaxbrasimon1843 (11)1776 (-15)19211822- / 5 W804Download (804)Details
2015-07-08 19:31:02Gallifaxbrasimon1832 (12)1791 (-12)20221921- / 5 W766Download (766)Details
2015-07-04 13:13:16Semlerbrasimon2125 (5)1803 (-7)722723- / --1NoDetails
2015-07-04 10:35:58Semlerbrasimon2120 (5)1810 (-7)021722- / --1NoDetails
2015-06-24 12:16:19brasimonMasterBao1817 (11)1726 (-15)0221923- / 5 W765Download (765)Details
2014-12-31 01:13:39KnightKunibrasimon1769 (18)1806 (-13)34283328- / 5 W713Download (713)Details
2014-12-30 19:54:07KnightKunibrasimon1751 (18)1819 (-14)38293629- / 5-1NoDetails
2014-12-30 18:46:34brasimonKnightKuni1833 (11)1733 (-14)29362938- / 4 W663Download (663)Details
2014-12-21 15:48:20SirMullichbrasimon1806p (34)1822 (-3)0300305 / - L824Download (824)Details
2014-12-21 10:09:10brasimonHorus1825 (14)1916 (-14)30233024- / 5 W675Download (675)Details
2014-12-17 15:12:25vandalbrasimon2181 (4)1811 (-6)630630- / 5813Download (813)Details
2014-12-04 20:23:18brasimonGautepaute1817 (16)2018 (-16)31122814- / 5 W688Download (688)Details
2014-11-29 09:36:13brasimonSemler1801 (23)2112 (-12)3393310- / 5 W701Download (701)Details
2014-11-27 22:01:27Mikelangelo_da_Vincibrasimon1663 (19)1778 (-19)46324632- / 5 W783Download (783)Details


Different opponents: 134 || Average games/opponent: 2.33 || Total inflation: -21 552 || Games vs overrated: 38% || Games vs underrated: 60%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Honor20022069675454 540101000 1100 00
skb17181438375217 4625311000 133.3 266.7
Haldiel19121578-71-22-22 22100100 00 1100
nelson2002156429-14-14 14101000 00 1100
Schlamarcel16211529-99-35-35 35100100 00 1100
Colobarus14161490-31-39-39 39100100 00 1100
Winterkrieg1612143219-35-11.7 35316733 00 3100
DrakeKing19361452167-9-9 9101000 00 1100
moloch139715131163535 350101000 1100 00
Bomber_Jack167914630-24-24 241000 00 1100
coori16341657193-38-6.3 1553621000 116.7 583.3
ShadowVeil22361740-97984 1810210100 150 150
Semler19571803102710.2 2322521000 120 480
aramaki179913866-8-8 8101000 00 1100
Visionary14141381-331616 160100100 1100 00
Sakatukitukasa1842139646-6-6 6101000 00 1100
rebellofhell2096149859-9-4.5 9211000 00 2100
irsund14031368-37126 164210100 150 150
irias15981665672222 220101000 1100 00
isril13711362-33015 300215050 2100 00
zenzsei15661464-68-43-14.3 43313367 00 3100
Rigor20291438179-3-3 3101000 00 1100
Vlados16511435-32-3-3 3100100 00 1100
gamelle21141647-303144.7 2612310100 133.3 266.7
Fanjo1979162984-42-8.4 42526040 00 5100
Sedlo1360136001414 1401000 1100 00
Noumenon19061449-3-7-7 7100100 00 1100
widowmaker8021792154-252828 280100100 1100 00
vandal21891811-85-10-5 10210100 00 2100
abhijit19881654-7844-108-4.5 1382462480100 833.3 1666.7
tomtom12401250322412 240211000 2100 00
creepylich17101691-263210.7 4311313367 266.7 133.3
atrop15061346-239205 3919410100 375 125
animesh13851383-21313 130100100 1100 00
wtf_is_this14631700741-3-1 2124311000 133.3 266.7
Janitor20591517204-8-4 8211000 00 2100
khiM1833150950-8-8 8101000 00 1100
2RaggedClaws163116668028011.4 10323728614 571.4 228.6
Zorro189116013-2-0.5 2325415050 125 375
UltimateGod1454150081136.5 174211000 150 150
SexDwarf1389138901414 1401000 1100 00
Spelp21071514-301-14-7 14210100 00 2100
panicmanic17341711-151-27-4.5 3461626733 233.3 466.7
Shagal18761526109-7-7 7101000 00 1100
Deathntaxes15881579-91919 190100100 1100 00
Wonka15831543-531.5 191621050 150 150
Bonobo205521301184010 5313417525 250 250
Kral19401529-97-10-10 10100100 00 1100
Abstract12111283721111 110101000 1100 00
Xplorer158317667284010 5414411000 375 125
Koboldmaki15311445-861414 140100100 1100 00
Castoridae24441732-2019-9-1.5 2837620100 116.7 583.3
Krugers15071427-801212 120100100 1100 00
hay20716691786-811132.2 4734620100 466.7 233.3
MAze16031531-721414 140100100 1100 00
pk06113841376-81111 110100100 1100 00
jurijuice17221611-50-15-15 15100100 00 1100
gracz86998011155 50101000 1100 00
jojo0306118413666103311 330311000 3100 00
Amyrlin16071643-343115.5 310215050 2100 00
Jk_The_Assassino2k2g19821819-978165.3 3620310100 266.7 133.3
NanRoig19441914-1024307.5 4717410100 375 125
suiren21671694-301-18-9 18210100 00 2100
Bast20581624-567-27-13.5 27210100 00 2100
TheButterflyEffect1602162034-4-4 4101000 00 1100
khorne-flakes18261792-90-25-12.5 25210100 00 2100
mae119031569-3341616 160100100 1100 00
Stenen20952060-352424 240100100 1100 00
what-is-this14621477151111 110101000 1100 00
sordan19831935-482222 220100100 1100 00
Noxos13201404841010 100101000 1100 00
Lady_Marian16821693-29-35-17.5 35210100 00 2100
reloc184816860-13-13 131000 00 1100
GaretJax146417131662-17-4.3 1936411000 125 375
Diasporoz17031710-33155 3217310100 266.7 133.3
BloodyBoar15311508-231212 120100100 1100 00
Revuelto17501713-1902914.5 290210100 2100 00
SoulMan139614125142 106211000 150 150
Mrzinzin19361694-170-26-13 26210100 00 2100
Machcik0418071847402020 200101000 1100 00
elpeyote14221478561111 110101000 1100 00
Mada19161717-180-29-14.5 29210100 00 2100
siddh169617168-17-17 17101000 00 1100
Jack_Devils14791506271212 120101000 1100 00
Dunno139714071099 90101000 1100 00
Ikerpeta21041675-1536-24-8 1438310100 133.3 266.7
Oink136014991391212 120101000 1100 00
Mjh1510166737-20-20 20101000 00 1100
tarasbulba13531629116-10-5 1121211000 150 150
Huumy19081640196-7-7 7101000 00 1100
Sogeking13791377-21010 100100100 1100 00
lcsfz201114461411-351212 120100100 1100 00
Gautepaute21572018-2286-30-2.5 54841240100 325 975
Exper17421698-441818 180100100 1100 00
Anil124814031551111 110101000 1100 00
SirMullich18441822-529-15-3.8 15410100 00 4100
Danniel_BR21401633-83-8-8 8100100 00 1100
toon31015591257-863-38-12.7 947310100 133.3 266.7
KnightKuni15211806147930.4 6259831000 450 450
UglyGrunt16421622-201717 170100100 1100 00
Dr_Zoidberg17631591-153-4-4 4100100 00 1100
Jack-son13621407103-7-3.5 1320211000 150 150
krack19351716-49115.5 2312210100 150 150
Tropt20761597-10072914.5 290210100 2100 00
Hungary128012951599 90101000 1100 00
SolymosHUN14201451311212 120101000 1100 00
ikomizo15461604-1783712.3 370313367 3100 00
Daeris15461710-73-30-10 1242313367 133.3 266.7
Ladder15171494-231111 110100100 1100 00
MasterBao17031726-22428.4 5614524060 480 120
OSE14811520391212 120101000 1100 00
ElfoRocco133414931591212 120101000 1100 00
Xmax12211215-666 60100100 1100 00
Krogen22361797-587540.4 85811140100 545.5 654.5
jo118651604-99-26-13 26210100 00 2100
Computer_Player1716182115263 1812211000 150 150
Solymos19601864-338-8-2.7 1826310100 133.3 266.7
iceiceice18391649-49-26-13 26210100 00 2100
Haothehare13461403571212 120101000 1100 00
CyBiO17981831814120.5 410211000 2100 00
Chocolatecake17761705-711717 170100100 1100 00
gjaldon1390139038196.3 19031670 3100 00
Evongelo129413152155 50101000 1100 00
Neuromancer18071807-152412 24021050 2100 00
Mikelangelo_da_Vinci15531778110-19-19 19101000 00 1100
Horus18381916781414 140101000 1100 00
Gallifax19461776-217-27-13.5 27210100 00 2100
Caritas21851774-600-2-0.7 2123310100 133.3 266.7
boring_alway_wins17521698-297-22-4.4 2951520100 240 360
Silencio-Vatican20301743-15-10-10 10100100 00 1100
Kipples18491849-132237.7 381531067 266.7 133.3
Waifu17961686-557-42-21 42210100 00 2100
siv1500169941-5-5 5101000 00 1100
GAME1572168198-17-17 17101000 00 1100


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