
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1729   (1839 / 1463) 49% 90 95 185 15 / -12 / 1.24 -1  (7 / -5) 5  (59% / 70%: 5 / 5 / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Soldier 12 230 247 93%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2024-04-11 18:06:33CaritasCrossBreed2193 (3)1729 (-7)2172175 / 5 L310Download (310)Details
2024-04-10 18:30:27CrossBreedStonyDrew1736 (20)1861 (-15)17121714- / 5 W284Download (284)Details
2024-04-09 20:21:30Megac1CrossBreed2019 (7)1716 (-10)717717- / 5 W273Download (273)Details
2024-04-09 15:07:24SkyEndCrossBreed2418 (2)1726 (-4)101175 / 5 W307Download (307)Details
2021-06-19 21:02:43ArpusCrossBreed1708 (17)1730 (-17)20171918- / 5 W408Download (408)Details
2021-06-19 18:50:39vvdCrossBreed1651 (19)1747 (-19)22162217- / 4431Download (431)Details
2021-06-19 17:12:30XplorerCrossBreed1737 (17)1766 (-17)18161816- / 4594Download (594)Details
2021-06-05 17:10:20CrossBreedChekhovs_Cannon1783 (8)1373 (-8)0371938- / 5 W479Download (479)Details
2021-03-05 18:56:42NotGaretJaxCrossBreed1684 (19)1775 (-19)43374337- / --1NoDetails
2021-02-12 18:28:07unicornCrossBreed1855 (11)1794 (-11)26312631- / 5 W467Download (467)Details
2021-02-07 21:39:17halderCrossBreed1958 (10)1805 (-10)16291629- / 5 W428Download (428)Details
2021-02-07 19:34:08CrossBreedStonyDrew1815 (6)1387 (-7)294929485 / 5 W418Download (418)Details
2021-02-07 16:24:38unicornCrossBreed1844 (12)1809 (-12)27292429- / 5 W427Download (427)Details
2021-01-27 18:51:32EstradaCrossBreed2025 (9)1821 (-9)152614285 / 5 L435Download (435)Details
2021-01-23 10:52:59CrossBreedCaritas1830 (18)2166 (-12)305275- / 5 W433Download (433)Details
2021-01-22 22:01:32CrossBreedluffytaro1812 (13)1629p (-25)00300- / 5 W469Download (469)Details
2020-08-28 11:51:14halderCrossBreed1787p (34)1799 (-3)015015- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2020-08-27 19:44:07halderCrossBreed1753p (36)1802 (-3)015015- / 5 W501Download (501)Details
2020-08-27 12:44:58halderCrossBreed1717p (38)1805 (-4)014015- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2020-08-27 12:24:54halder**CrossBreed1717p (38)1805 (-4)014015- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2020-08-21 21:01:09CrossBreedsercliino1809 (8)1545p (-22)170160- / 5 W490Download (490)Details
2020-08-15 17:21:10XplorerCrossBreed1820 (12)1801 (-12)21202022- / 5 W470Download (470)Details
2020-08-15 10:23:26CrossBreedXplorer1813 (17)1808 (-12)24222021- / 5 W495Download (495)Details
2020-08-08 18:58:43CrossBreedMasterBao1796 (19)1909 (-15)25142415- / 5 W489Download (489)Details
2020-08-06 16:49:27CrossBreedXplorer1777 (18)1827 (-13)24192421- / 5 W534Download (534)Details
2020-08-02 18:47:01CrossBreedScaramush1759 (18)1829 (-14)251924215 / 5 W678Download (678)Details
2020-08-02 15:02:09CrossBreedXplorer1741 (19)1840 (-14)25192520- / 5 W466Download (466)Details
2020-08-02 13:36:27mattoCrossBreed2121 (4)1722 (-8)825825- / 5 W435Download (435)Details
2020-08-02 09:46:33ScaramushCrossBreed1843 (10)1730 (-14)21252025- / 5 W524Download (524)Details
2020-07-30 18:51:53XplorerCrossBreed1854 (11)1744 (-14)19241825- / 4 W426Download (426)Details


Different opponents: 70 || Average games/opponent: 2.64 || Total inflation: -14 693 || Games vs overrated: 40% || Games vs underrated: 57%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Rumpelstilzchen1607147570-25-25 25111000 00 1100
Dreadnough20351515-79-25-12.5 25210100 00 2100
Anarki_german134314352156532.5 650211000 2100 00
jurijuice17221656-663939 390110100 1100 00
Alarantalara1554152214-32-32 32111000 00 1100
KnightKuni1521157039900 4444531000 360 240
jojo030611841228442020 200111000 1100 00
pe_em12291327982424 240111000 1100 00
Solymos1960198555224.4 5129538020 240 360
unicorn18751794-59-32-10.7 32320100 00 3100
Norberg17241522-84-5-1.7 2025320100 133.3 266.7
MasterBao17741909421274.5 6134636733 350 350
khiM18331521-1-10-10 10110100 00 1100
zxa160015739-16-16 16111000 00 1100
IntroVERT15661640741919 190111000 1100 00
ezlife14591471121414 140111000 1100 00
Wan122312512899 90111000 1100 00
ForPeace18941678-1185294.1 6738740100 457.1 342.9
Ben2462619201427-2533122.4 3725530100 360 240
Lets_Go16501582-91-17-17 17110100 00 1100
darkiller108511233877 70111000 1100 00
amikrop120791569-229-22-7.3 22320100 00 3100
ElderofZion21941559-670-20-10 20210100 00 2100
Solymos-HUN19351553116-6-6 6111000 00 1100
Ammazzalepri1864159275147 239211000 150 150
diomed21591564-406-12-12 12110100 00 1100
Wilberforce1487148701515 1501100 1100 00
szdik57018341813-212222 220110100 1100 00
panicmanic17341658-761818 180110100 1100 00
lemgruber13091321121010 100111000 1100 00
matto19601722-2088-106-4.4 11522124131783 625 1875
taraskibitkin14221457351212 120111000 1100 00
Francuz1476147601212 1201100 1100 00
UpToU1329135773189 180211000 2100 00
EarthCake19341759-75791136.6 145321790100 1588.2 211.8
igorbat9920372105682424 240111000 1100 00
Weiming_Liu20211760-18373.5 2013210100 150 150
Solange7715201477-431111 110110100 1100 00
Xplorer163017661387-5-0.6 7176951000 444.4 555.6
Cackfiend2375174333-8-4 8211000 00 2100
Mee19631965-136-20-1.5 78981374654 430.8 969.2
emiashiro1477147701111 1101100 1100 00
ubw18411693-46100 3232420100 250 250
foreverfighter15461715-47-22-22 22110100 00 1100
flappy_bird16951554-2652613 260210100 2100 00
Mbek15461420-2322110.5 210210100 2100 00
CyBiO17981797394357 5722531000 360 240
saeed14561477211212 120111000 1100 00
wingsfalcon12291229077 701100 1100 00
Baltese_Windragon20531818-228115.5 2110210100 150 150
Giova14821482077 701100 1100 00
Zvhxii19951806-895-9-4.5 716210100 150 150
LeadFox17631794161-23-11.5 23211000 00 2100
RSShine1573177459-20-20 20111000 00 1100
enacui22171752-32-7-7 7110100 00 1100
kimwh101114641479151010 100111000 1100 00
Scaramush1808182913571.8 3629421000 250 250
Danniel_BR2169175812-7-7 7111000 00 1100
sercliino15851545-4088 80110100 1100 00
halder19571805-613-20-5 20422575 00 4100
luffytaro15851629441313 130111000 1100 00
Caritas22021729-45115.5 187210100 150 150
Estrada22551821-230-9-9 9110100 00 1100
StonyDrew17391861-2302613 260215050 2100 00
NotGaretJax16901775-6-19-19 19110100 00 1100
Chekhovs_Cannon13681373588 80111000 1100 00
vvd14781747173-19-19 19111000 00 1100
Arpus18491730-141-17-17 17110100 00 1100
SkyEnd24481726-30-4-4 4110100 00 1100
Megac11983171636-10-10 10111000 00 1100


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2025-01-24 03:03 UTC | 0.26361sec.