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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1763   (1854 / 1508) 48% 96 104 200 14 / -11 / 1.32 -3  (6 / -8) 5  (50% / 39%: 4 / 5 / 4) 10% (4 / 14 / 3)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Veteran 13 248 277 90%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2024-09-08 23:34:31StonyDrewLeadFox1805 (16)1763 (-16)5056- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2024-08-14 05:49:26Savant_Ex_DD**LeadFox1544p (44)1773 (-6)0606- / -106Download (106)Details
2024-07-20 05:28:10kingofwarsLeadFox1896 (10)1779 (-14)2323- / -140Download (140)Details
2024-07-09 16:11:53LeadFox**kkk1111803 (10)1521p (-21)0020- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2024-04-27 19:58:10ForPeaceLeadFox1887 (11)1793 (-11)001014- / --1NoDetails
2024-03-06 23:19:15LeadFoxakirpikov1804 (9)1469p (-19)00190- / 4235Download (235)Details
2022-12-17 21:01:44vvdLeadFox1612 (21)1795 (-16)110129- / -321Download (321)Details
2022-09-24 19:45:52amalonLeadFox1726 (19)1811 (-14)15111512- / 5366Download (366)Details
2022-09-24 05:27:48vvdLeadFox1668 (20)1825 (-15)17111712- / 3343Download (343)Details
2022-09-24 04:00:42LeadFoxvvd1840 (9)1648 (-12)0161117- / 3 W352Download (352)Details
2022-06-03 19:09:52DanieleMurgioniLeadFox2008 (9)1831 (-9)50510- / - W352Download (352)Details
2021-08-02 02:00:36LeadFoxCrypto_Man1840 (7)1482p (-18)170150- / 5-1NoDetails
2021-07-31 21:58:02LeadFoxOpioidFloyd1833 (7)1512p (-19)180170- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2021-07-30 20:46:17LeadFoxSeaRaider1826 (10)1667 (-13)192419241 / --1NoDetails
2021-07-30 18:03:57hingiLeadFox1407 (25)1816 (-19)34173319- / 5461Download (461)Details
2021-07-30 02:53:49LeadFoxhitandrun1835 (13)1865 (-13)0141615- / --1NoDetails
2021-03-30 04:04:35CackfiendLeadFox2370 (3)1822 (-4)232232- / 5 W486Download (486)Details
2021-03-29 20:12:30LeadFoxSkyEnd1826 (15)1997 (-15)361732175 / 5427Download (427)Details
2021-03-22 23:49:37coinflipLeadFox1710p (38)1811 (-4)035036- / -453Download (453)Details
2021-03-20 01:35:34LeadFoxNotGaretJax1815 (13)1823 (-13)0313532- / 5 W427Download (427)Details
2021-02-15 08:36:11DreadnoughLeadFox1947 (10)1802 (-10)20321933- / 4 W427Download (427)Details
2021-02-14 05:51:44LeadFoxhay2071812 (13)1637 (-13)32393141- / 4431Download (431)Details
2021-02-14 04:08:39LeadFoxSand_Arab1799 (10)1488p (-20)3403201 / 1 L-1NoDetails
2021-02-09 20:43:01Megac1LeadFox1632 (20)1789 (-15)38313831- / 5 W396Download (396)Details
2021-02-09 15:28:44LeadFoxhitandrun1804 (17)1821 (-13)02831295 / 5 W411Download (411)Details
2021-01-10 04:14:57vvdLeadFox1721 (18)1787 (-14)30263028- / 4424Download (424)Details
2021-01-10 01:54:56LeadFoxDrakeKing1801 (23)2104 (-12)2882685 / - W449Download (449)Details
2021-01-04 20:45:34Tropt**LeadFox2055 (8)1768 (-10)10271027- / 5-1NoDetails
2021-01-04 20:44:35TroptLeadFox2047 (8)1778 (-10)10271027- / 5-1NoDetails
2021-01-04 19:55:39TroptLeadFox2039 (8)1788 (-11)11251027- / 5 W399Download (399)Details


Different opponents: 97 || Average games/opponent: 2.06 || Total inflation: 1 277 || Games vs overrated: 46% || Games vs underrated: 46%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
SolymosHUN14201352-1184924.5 490210100 2100 00
Magyar12781363852626 260111000 1100 00
food4bots15191537-51-38-38 38110100 00 1100
Hungab12261260342121 210111000 1100 00
GaretJax14641523839-35-17.5 35211000 00 2100
Tropt20641778-627-29-1.7 941231790100 423.5 1376.5
Shelob18771865-124747 470110100 1100 00
Waifu17961811154343 430111000 1100 00
PriestOfRanugen16261679-40-43-14.3 4332067 00 3100
amikrop120791534-334-22-7.3 22320100 00 3100
Gallifax19461548-28-8-8 8110100 00 1100
Thiebaud13231323112311.5 23021500 2100 00
Zarak19932015635125.5 510211000 2100 00
Zinnsoldat14891747569-16-5.3 1632321000 133.3 266.7
Radium_Bullet1472147201414 1401100 1100 00
stealthsilent14471447262713.5 27021500 2100 00
gamerkhang14241474501313 130111000 1100 00
peanut16421474-1681313 130110100 1100 00
noirOrion153916500-5-5 51100 00 1100
Kipples18491638-58-25-12.5 25210100 00 2100
reilion14551474191313 130111000 1100 00
Spelp21071631-6-7-7 7110100 00 1100
Computer_Player17211620163-11-11 11111000 00 1100
dzomba15921616-449416.8 6019633367 583.3 116.7
Crimson_Conure14271450231212 120111000 1100 00
Velux14631474111313 130111000 1100 00
thefish20851646-55-8-8 8110100 00 1100
Olosta13991412131111 110111000 1100 00
Yenzer1476147601212 1201100 1100 00
Caritas219621947120.4 2523538020 120 480
CyBiO17981679624-8-2 2230421000 125 375
MasterBao17741960834-26-3.7 3359741000 228.6 571.4
vvd143217951755-50-7.1 2676741000 228.6 571.4
GAME15721626541515 150111000 1100 00
hay20716691637-95-23-7.7 1336320100 133.3 266.7
KnightKuni152115841202814 280211000 2100 00
Wilson1491149101212 1201100 1100 00
Cackfiend2375182227-8-4 8215050 00 2100
Mbek15461476-701212 120110100 1100 00
Baltese_Windragon20531689-146-12-12 12110100 00 1100
Danniel_BR21692196-10420.5 2523422575 125 375
UpToU1329134040199.5 190211000 2100 00
foreverfighter15461462-841111 110110100 1100 00
Sponge14581412-461010 100110100 1100 00
Mee19631700-59-12-12 12110100 00 1100
EarthCake19341825-1255-53-10.6 1164530100 120 480
Paraquatz14581475171212 120111000 1100 00
Robn1476147601212 1201100 1100 00
Diggy19981766-355279 4114320100 266.7 133.3
ForPeace18941793-5094.5 2011210100 150 150
mysticspiral13311331088 801100 1100 00
Legendary20Miner19311715-168-4-4 4110100 00 1100
bengrf12821287577 70111000 1100 00
kilvan9913671367277348.5 34042750 4100 00
angrynarwhal16401772-876-22-2.8 3557841388 450 450
arnaldo_br155716231522713.5 270211000 2100 00
matto19561835906335.5 5724631000 350 350
Kaiza1480148001010 1001100 1100 00
jorgesumle16291459-17077 70110100 1100 00
enacui22171807-36-6-6 6110100 00 1100
uio1683168301010 1001100 1100 00
bloodybaron13511402109126 120211000 2100 00
Swaggerbob15171517-35147 14021050 2100 00
Zvhxii19951804-534-18-18 18110100 00 1100
Kira122781823-22-10-5 10210100 00 2100
CrossBreed172917941412311.5 230211000 2100 00
poilkj13961397155 50111000 1100 00
neki198418211422-38-4.2 1856951000 111.1 888.9
flappy_bird16951667-281010 100110100 1100 00
Eliten14821482077 701100 1100 00
Wuhao164116521199 90111000 1100 00
Cremember24091828-219-10-5 10210100 00 2100
Krogen22361831-30-6-6 6110100 00 1100
michalusanc1282145116966 60111000 1100 00
lllllllllllllll19811759-63-13-13 13110100 00 1100
Dauntless2283231715740.8 2723531000 120 480
Solymos-HUN1935193502020 2001100 1100 00
Maboul19801786-47-13-13 13110100 00 1100
hitandrun18901865-46182 3022420100 250 250
Fanjo3219511768-28-13-13 13110100 00 1100
amir1304141911588 80111000 1100 00
DrakeKing193621041682323 230111000 1100 00
Megac119851789-353-15-15 15110100 00 1100
Sand_Arab14741488141010 100111000 1100 00
Dreadnough20351802-88-10-10 10110100 00 1100
NotGaretJax169018231331313 130111000 1100 00
coinflip171018110-4-4 41100 00 1100
SkyEnd24571997-4601515 150110100 1100 00
hingi1384181623-19-19 19111000 00 1100
SeaRaider1667166701010 1001100 1100 00
OpioidFloyd144515126777 70111000 1100 00
Crypto_Man15311482-4977 70110100 1100 00
DanieleMurgioni21301831-122-9-9 9110100 00 1100
amalon18941811-168-14-14 14110100 00 1100
akirpikov14691469099 901100 1100 00
kingofwars19031779-7-14-14 14110100 00 1100
StonyDrew16871763118-16-16 16111000 00 1100


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2024-12-01 17:07 UTC | 0.39546sec.